Chapter 163

Concubine Ye's face changed slightly when she heard the words, she only hated her for being lucky, but she really had to ask her for something, she gritted her teeth and said, "Do a few things for me, and you can go."

"Sister, tell me." Ximei replied sincerely.

"Think of a way to sneak out of the palace and get some medicine for this princess." She doesn't need to explain what the medicine is, this woman is not an idiot, it is impossible for her not to understand.

Sure enough, Ximei didn't ask her what kind of medicine it was, but just smiled and said: "Sister is really good at joking, so many servants around you just send one out and buy it back. I'm a woman, so I don't have the permission of the princess. How can I go out casually?" .” This woman clearly wanted to drag her down with her, to get her some abortion medicine, and let her be discovered by Xi Luo, so that she could be killed?

Ximei is indeed a bit tricky and scheming, of course she is not willing to do such a thankless job for her.

Concubine Ye said in a gloomy way: "Sister should know that this palace is new, and it's inconvenient to do anything."

"In this palace, I can only trust you. If something goes wrong with me, I'm afraid your life will not be easy, sister."

The threat came up again, even if Ximei disagreed, she didn't dare to go against her will.

If something unexpected happens to her, she will definitely drag her into the water without hesitation.

Slightly pondering, Ximei nodded first and said, "This matter cannot be rushed."

"Wait for a few more days, wait for me to find a chance to talk to the princess."

"Okay, I am waiting for your letter." Concubine Ye agreed, let the child stay in the womb for a few more days, the eldest lady will be tied to the same boat with her for the rest of her life, and she can't run away, as long as this The child is gone, everything is easy to solve, she is still the queen's person after all, even if the prince knows the truth of the matter, he would never dare to kill her, in such a predicament, she can only take one step at a time, and is ignored by the prince , that was out of her consideration.

Xi Mei left, and Concubine Ye sat quietly for a while again. When such a big thing happened, she had to find a way to let the queen know. Only the queen knew that she could make decisions for her, so that she would not be in danger in the future .

"Go and get the pigeons from the palace." Ye Choufei called out at this moment.

Hongxin quickly responded, and after a while came in with a cage containing a pigeon.

Concubine Ye took it over and held it in her hand, after a while she thought about it and finally walked in.

This is a carrier pigeon, a pigeon that can communicate with the queen. After entering the palace, she relies on this carrier pigeon to deliver news to the palace.

She is neglected by the prince in this palace, and no one will come to her on weekdays. There is really not much difference between this place and the cold palace, so no one will think that the pigeons she raises are actually pigeons that can be passed on to the outside world. Information pigeon.

The queen in the palace really came in a hurry the next day after receiving Concubine Ye's letter, this time the queen went directly to Xiyuan, without Princess Xuan to greet her.

At this time, the concubine was sitting on her beauty couch. The second wife, the third wife and the fourth wife did not go to see Concubine Ye after hearing that Concubine Ye was two months pregnant, but came directly to the concubine. Naturally, five The lady is also refreshed today, and she came early to say hello.

The women all knew well that now, which one of them is not rushing Concubine Ye to be kicked out by the prince, but because she is the person next to the queen after all, if the princess doesn't get angry, she can only wait for the prince to come back.

Mingyue girl hurried in at this time, walked to Xi Luo's side and said softly: "Princess, this servant just saw the Empress Empress coming."

"I went directly to Concubine Ye."

The wives were startled when they heard the words, Xi Luo smiled and said: "It seems that the queen has also received the news that Concubine Ye is pregnant."

"Let's go, follow my princess to meet Fengjia, and congratulate Concubine Ye side casually."

A group of Ming women, surrounded by slaves, went to Xiyuan together. The scenery along the way was very beautiful.

The reason why the queen didn't startle them was because she didn't want to see them, but she didn't expect that these women would rush over when she just arrived, so she didn't know what to do.

At that time, the queen had just stepped in, and before her buttocks were warmed up, she heard Hongxin come to report in a hurry: "The princess and several ladies came together."

Concubine Ye's face changed slightly when she heard the words. The princess was afraid that she wanted to guard her so that she could not take any action, but could she guard her?

"I don't know that the empress is here to visit you. I have lost my way in welcoming you. Please forgive me." When Xi Luo came in, he had already blessed the empress.

The queen came here today because she had something to do, so naturally she didn't want to make things too difficult for her. She just wanted to send her away quickly, so she simply waved her hand and said indifferently: "I heard that Lan'er is happy, so I came here to see Take a look."

It was just a matter of yesterday, but today the queen got the news, the news of the queen is really well-informed!

Xi Luo lowered his eyebrows slightly, and said: "Don't worry, my lord, although the prince is not at the mansion, the concubine will definitely take good care of Concubine Ye's body and give her good nourishment." Alas, these people are really shameless, knowing that they are pregnant It's a bastard who actually dared to fall on the prince.

The second lady at the side raised her eyebrows slightly, and suddenly said with a smile: "Concubine Ye, congratulations, you will be able to give birth to the eldest son for the prince in eight months, and the prince will be very happy when he comes back."

At this time, the third and fourth wives also rushed forward to congratulate her without losing the opportunity, wishing her an early birth to the eldest son.

Concubine Ye suppressed the expression on her face that was about to change color. She didn't know that these women did it on purpose, but now she was the one who was riding a tiger, so what could she do?

The queen on the side looked at the women's words, although she was unhappy but couldn't say anything clearly, she just winked at Concubine Ye, Concubine Ye understood, pretended to be uncomfortable, and stroked her forehead Feeling dizzy, the red heart beside her is also a clever girl, so she hurriedly stepped forward to help her and said: "The empress, the princess, the side concubine is not feeling well, and the maidservant first helped the side concubine to go in and rest."

Hearing this, Xi Luo said: "Pregnant women are like this, come on, let my concubine take care of you again." After saying this, there is no chance for her to refuse, Xi Luo has already stood up and grabbed Concubine Ye's wrist Take her pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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