Chapter 168

Judging from the literal meaning, it must be that the queen was worried because she had not received any news from Concubine Ye since she left that day, so she sent another message to ask.

Xi Luo smiled lightly, and said, "My sister wrote back and said, it's calm."

"Okay." Fifth Madam agreed.

In order to cope with this day, Xi Luo had already prepared for this day, and asked the fifth lady to imitate the handwriting of Concubine Ye every day, just to send a letter to the queen. The side concubine imitated Xi Luo's handwriting to change her dressing, and the fifth lady also wanted to avenge this revenge in her heart.

This side concubine Ye has been uneasy and kind since she appeared, and it is also a serious worry for the prince. Naturally, the fifth lady will not be sloppy in dealing with this matter.

Two days later, Xiqing, who hadn't seen her for a long time in the morning, suddenly visited alone.

When Xi Qing came, he brought some followers with him, but they all stayed outside the palace.

Xiqing's visit was not to see Ximei, but to ask Xiluo directly, and Xiluo promised him to come in.

When I saw Xiqing again, he was obviously much more cheerful than before, with a bright smile on his face, not like in the past, a little overlord, a gloomy little old man.

Xi Qing knelt down and bowed to her according to the etiquette. Xi Luo looked at him with a smile and said, "Brother Qing'er, you don't need to be polite. Get up and sit with sister."

Qing'er looked at her with flickering eyes, but when he stood up, his face seemed a bit shy. Every time he saw him, he was changing, making people feel that his eyes brightened.

The young Qing'er became more and more beautiful, Xi Luo asked him with a soft smile: "How is father's body?"

"Sister Wangfei, my father is in good health, and my father said that it is all thanks to my sister Wangfei."

"Does your father know that you are here?" Xi Luo asked again.

Qing'er lowered her eyes slightly, Xi Luo asked with a smile, "Did you sneak here?"

Qing'er said somewhat restrainedly: "Father said that the palace cannot be entered and exited casually, so..." Qing'er bit her lips slightly, and Xi Luo understood what he meant even if he didn't say the following words, he sneaked in.

Qing'er suddenly said happily again: "Now I can archery and ride a horse."

"Oh..." Xi Luo showed some interest.

Qing'er was well prepared when he came, he patted the arrow behind him and said, "May I practice it for you?"

"Okay." Xi Luo promised with a smile, but in fact, she was muttering in her heart, is it necessary for Qing'er to make out with her?
You must know that he hated her since he was a child, so it is impossible to change so quickly. However, since Qing'er behaved more friendly, she naturally wouldn't keep her face cold on purpose.

And no matter what tricks he played, she was just a child, but she really didn't take him seriously.

Xi Luo asked someone to prepare a rake in the yard for Qing'er to try, and the servants were all watching from the sidelines.

Qing'er puffed up, took out the bow and arrow from his back and pulled it away, with a whoosh sound, it actually hit the heart of Pao.

Once hit, Qing'er also looked at Xi Luo happily, as if wanting to get her affirmation.

"Qing'er is really amazing. When she grows up, Qing'er will definitely become a great person." Xi Luo said softly with a smile.

Qing'er bit her lips slightly and said: "Qing'er only hopes to become a figure like King Haohan."

Mentioning the vast king Xiluo's smile faded away. He has been away for almost five months. When he left, he said that he would go for a long time and asked him to wait for him to return. Time passed unconsciously like this. He didn't The slightest bit of news came back.

"Sister Wangfei." Qing'er called her softly from the side, looking at her with a worried look.

Xi Luo came back to his senses and looked at him with a smile, and looked up at the sky. It is the June day of the vast dynasty. The weather has already cleared and warmed up. There is no longer the cold in winter. A warm ocean.

The water and soil of the vast dynasty are nourishing, the men and women of the vast dynasty are almost all very handsome, and the skin is relatively fair. Look at Xiqing, although he is a man, he is also a boy and a woman, and his skin is so good that it can be broken.

A little devil in the world, who doesn't know what he will become when he grows up.

However, these have nothing to do with me, and I don't care, let alone care.

The Vast King should be back soon. When he comes back, I think I should have a good talk with him.

It's time, it's time to leave.

It's better to use my hands to practice medicine, but it's better than fighting with his woman here, until one day he gets tired of looking at it.

Maybe, after leaving here, somewhere there will really be a man waiting for me who is willing to be with me only for the rest of his life.

Laughing silently, it turns out that I really long for a man who truly loves me by my side to be with me for the rest of my life.

In my previous and present lives, I have been through a lot of turmoil, but I still can't escape the vulgarity. I just want a man who loves me to accompany me.

But, in this ancient feudal dynasty, will there be a man who belongs to me to spend the rest of my life hand in hand with me?

Xi Luo was stunned for another moment, and Xi Qing raised her eyes and looked at her without blinking.

Since returning home that time, I feel that she has become very different, so dazzling, so exciting.

At a young age, I couldn't help but think about her several times in my heart before I could be sure that she was still my sister.

She once broke my legs, ruined my reputation, and made me a laughingstock for others. I hated her, I really hated her, but now, looking at her confused eyes, I suddenly felt that she was actually , It's so pitiful, it's hard.

She has no mother, her father does not love her, she is alone.

"Qing'er." Ximei's soft cry came suddenly, Qing'er saw her coming and immediately rushed over happily.

"Second Sister, I miss you so much." Xi Qing rushed towards her like a child, and threw herself into her arms.

Ximei hugged him with a smile, and said coquettishly, "You still look like a child."

Qing'er was still coquettish and said: "I was just a child."

(End of this chapter)

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