Chapter 170

Hearing this, Xi Luo took her pulse again. The pulse was not as chaotic yesterday, but now it suddenly becomes so chaotic. It seems that the effect of the medicine is taking effect quickly.

"The fetus has been unstable for a while, let me check your body first." Xi Luo's voice was still soft, and it sounded like a hypnotic ditty at first glance.

Concubine Ye was also allowed to check by her. Xi Luo took off her clothes layer by layer, revealing her lower abdomen, which has not yet been shown. There is a little life inside, which is slowly losing, but she is indifferent. Even her own mother was bent on getting rid of her as soon as possible, so of course she would not abuse her sympathy.

When taking off Concubine Ye's clothes, Xi Luo naturally noticed that the peace charm that Concubine Ye had deliberately placed on her inner shirt still had a faint fragrance on it, and Xi Luo was familiar with this kind of fragrance. She has also studied this aspect, and naturally understands that the fragrance contained in it is the domineering abortion pill. It may not be obvious at first, but let this fragrance stick to her body every day, and it will definitely take a few days. It will harm the fetus, which is also an important reason why she has been unstable during this period of time.

Xi Luo touched her fetal position calmly, it was really unstable, but with her medicine taken every day, it wouldn't make her have a slipped fetus for a while, but the prince didn't know When will she be able to come back, and she dare not take the risk of letting the peace talisman stay on her body, if the prince has not come back, the fetus will fall with her, and Concubine Ye will bite back and say that she caused it Maybe.

After thinking about it again and again, she still stretched out her hand and tore off the safety amulet from her body.

The fetus is three months old, if it can be secured now, it will not slip off easily.

Xi Luo picked up the peace amulet, put it on his nose and sniffed it lightly, and said lightly: "Concubine Ye, you put abortion medicine in it." This question is an affirmative sentence, without any doubt.

Concubine Ye was still suffering from a stomachache, but when she heard her question, she immediately looked at her in surprise and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Concubine Ye, you really underestimate my concubine. This concubine is a doctor, how can she not even notice such a small thing?"

"Just now when my concubine undressed you, I smelled the fragrance in this peace talisman. It doesn't matter if this fragrance is on your body for a day or two, but after six or seven days, the pulse will gradually become unstable. lead to miscarriage.”

Xi Luo's words made the wives present feel a little bit embarrassed. Concubine Ye stared at her, thinking that everything was safe, but she just discovered it. If she knew this, she should have put away the safety talisman before she came. All right.

Of course, Concubine Ye would never admit that she wanted to get rid of the fetus no matter what, she said a bit annoyed: "I don't understand what you are talking about."

Xi Luo ignored her annoyance, and said in a low voice to himself: "My concubine has remembered, this peace talisman should be given to you by Da Furen."

When Da Furen was mentioned suddenly, Xi Mei's eyes widened in shock, and she immediately knelt down in fright and said, "Sister, I have absolutely no intention of harming Concubine Ye."

"Bring the scissors." Xi Luo ignored the kneeling Ximei and ordered.

The servant girl quickly found the scissors, and Xi Luo directly used the scissors to cut the peace talisman layer by layer, only to find that there was something like vanilla wrapped in it, and the fragrance came from it.

"You still refuse to admit that you did something wrong. You gave this peace talisman to Concubine Ye. Do you still want to argue that you don't know why there is vanilla that slips tires in it? Or do you want to say Did Concubine Ye put this herb in by herself?"

Concubine Ye also took a deep breath at this time, she suddenly understood that Xi Luo had already decided to do something, and she would not spare Ximei today.

Concubine Ye knew better that she could never admit that she put the vanilla in it by herself. Since Xi Luo wanted to dispose of Xi Mei, it was the best thing. As long as Xi Mei died, no one would dare to do her things. To reveal, as for the two girls beside her, she has plenty of ways to make them shut up.

Concubine Ye soon had a wishful thinking in her heart, and the people became angry at the moment, looked at Xi Mei in disbelief and said: "Madam, you are so cruel!"

"You gave me a peace talisman that day, saying that your mother went to the monastery to ask for it for you. Wearing it on your body can keep your mother and child safe. I believed it was true. I kept wearing it on my body and dared not take it off. Killing my mother and son."

Concubine Ye dragged Ximei out in an instant, Ximei was not willing to suffer this humiliation, she bit her lips slightly with a livid face and said, "Concubine Ye, don't you want to spit blood on people."

"I have good intentions, but you actually hurt me so much."

Xi Luo looked at her coldly. She had really thought about it. As long as Ximei kept her own place and stopped fighting her, she would not make things difficult for her after they got even. She is a doctor and has always used her hands Save people, but never kill people.

It doesn't matter if she tries to use despicable means to drive people to a dead end, but if she really takes a life on her hands, she will hesitate.

Slightly pondering, Xi Luo said lightly: "Xi Mei, you still have to quibble even now. Concubine Ye has been giving birth here, saying that she wants to harm her own son. Do you think anyone will believe your words?"

Concubine Ye sneered, now she fully understands that Xi Luo will definitely not withdraw from her position, her goal is only Ximei, so she looks at the two sisters with peace of mind.

Ximei's face was ashen. If this matter was confirmed today, she would become a poisonous woman who murdered her eldest son. Ximei would never let herself fall into this kind of thing anyway, so she said coldly Looking closely at Concubine Ye's face as if watching a show, she said, "Concubine Ye, what good will it do you if you hurt me like this?"

Concubine Ye's heart was shocked when she heard the words, yes!She was so proud that she almost forgot that she was on the same boat as Ximei, how could she abandon her, abandoning Ximei was equivalent to abandoning herself, but this matter has been exposed, how can she keep it safe? West America!
Concubine Ye's heart turned a thousand times for a moment, and said embarrassingly: "Princess, maybe the eldest lady is unintentional."

(End of this chapter)

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