Chapter 177

I felt suffocated in my heart, when did it start, they were so affectionate.

These were not what she should have thought about, and the fifth lady was beside Xi Luo, and Xi Luo smiled and gave her some snacks for her to eat.

Originally, she and Xi Luo got along relatively well during this period of time, but now suddenly because of this man sitting here, Mrs. Wu felt a little uncomfortable. Xi Luo greeted her and gave her something to eat. He didn't seem to think there was anything wrong, this was her place, as long as she liked it, he never liked to meddle in other people's business.

Because she didn't eat anything in the morning, and she didn't eat anything yesterday, the fifth lady reluctantly ate.

As for King Haohan, I don’t know if it’s because the food is really delicious or because he’s really hungry. He didn’t stop eating until all the snacks on the table were gone. Naturally, Xi Luo also ate a lot of it. It is more harmonious, at least the King of the Vast and Xi Luo are not at all uncomfortable.

Xi Luo likes this kind of harmonious atmosphere, there is no need to salute or be polite, but how long can this kind of harmony last?How much patience does the Vast King have to tolerate her being equal again and again.

Seeing that the food on the table was almost eaten, Xi Luo couldn't help but smiled and asked, "Xiao Lili, would you like some more?" It's really a pig, who can eat all the dim sum she ordered, but although this pig eats a lot But it didn't affect his beauty in the slightest, he was still calm and elegant.

"no need."

"Go and see Concubine Ye." Nangong Li stood up after finishing his last bite.

Fifth Madam watched calmly, her heart tightened, Xiao Lili...

Her name is Xiao Lili, he is still so happy, he doesn't seem to mind at all, you know that a woman can only call her husband a lord when she is married, how can she call her by her first name, let alone call her so nasty, but so nasty Xi Luo seemed to be yelling the words more smoothly, and he didn't think there was anything wrong at all.

Xi Luo then stood up and said: "Let's go, go and see Concubine Ye." She then led the way.

Seeing the two of them going together, the fifth lady's expression was dim, and she hurriedly followed behind, and the servants beside her hurriedly followed up.

Arriving at Concubine Ye's room, she was sitting on the bed lazily. These days she was locked here, isolated from the outside world, God knows how anxious she was.

Suddenly seeing Xi Luo walking in, Concubine Ye looked at it coldly, and suddenly saw King Hao Han following behind, and she couldn't help but froze there.

"Concubine Ye, someone came to see you, are you happy?" Xi Luo asked with a smile.

Concubine Ye didn't know what to say for a while, she opened her mouth but couldn't utter a word. Seeing King Haohan's cold expression, she knew that she was really finished. That day may be doomed to her today's ending.

Her legs gave way, and she knelt silently on the ground.

Xi Luo was still teasing and said: "Master, why don't you talk?" Originally, he wanted to call him Xiao Lili, but he felt that his aura would be broken in front of others, so he changed his address again as soon as his mouth softened.well!

"Send her back to your own garden first, rest well, and give birth to the eldest son." King Hao Han spoke without a single word of criticism, Concubine Ye looked at him suddenly, not knowing what he meant.

Xi Luo nodded and said, "Master, I still have something to say."

Nangongli looked at her, and she looked at Concubine Ye and said: "Concubine Ye has been emotionally unstable since she became pregnant, and sometimes she would abuse herself. You can send someone to follow closely, or she will hurt herself. It’s not good for the eldest son.”

Nangongli pursed her lips slightly, and said, "Send Concubine Ye back."

Not a word of tenderness, not a word of harshness.

Concubine Ye was sent back, but when she was sent back, King Hao Han also gave her something.

"Drink." King Hao Han stood in front of her, looking down at her coldly.

Concubine Ye looked at the bowl of medicine, she knew it must be medicine, she couldn't tell if it was fear or what, she didn't drink it immediately, but asked softly: "Do you want me to die?"

"No, you won't die, you will stay in the palace until a hundred years." His voice is always so cold, without emotion but it sounds like light flowing water, making people intoxicated without knowing it.

If this is a love talk, it must be the best love talk in the world, and it is also what he said to her the most.

"Then, what is this?" She still struggled to ask, feeling faintly that he would not be so easy to talk to.

"Abortion pills." He told her word by word, his voice was still as cold as before, four months pregnant, and only started miscarriage at this time, there must be danger.

He was so calm, Concubine Ye suddenly threw herself at his feet, the depression that had been accumulated for a long time finally broke out, tears flowed unconsciously, and said: "My lord, it is the fifth lady and the princess who are harming me, they are the ones working together. ruined me."

"They did it, you have to believe me, they made me like this."

To be honest, King Haohan didn't know about it. Xi Luo had told him about it, and the fifth lady would definitely not tell him foolishly.

King Haohan always thought that she was cheating and couldn't bear the loneliness, so he didn't bother to ask her anything.

He just wanted her to abort this fetus and put her under house arrest in the palace. Of course, she might not be able to get up again in the future, and would spend her whole life paralyzed on the bed to be served by others. There is no way to move, and there is no fault in the palace. She originally wanted to abort the child, and the queen sent medicine over, so even if she had doubts, so what.

Now when she suddenly heard her mentioning Fifth Madam and Xi Luo, King Haohan frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Now that things are going on, do you still want to provoke right and wrong?"

Knowing that he didn't believe her, Concubine Ye shook her head and cried: "My lord, I didn't provoke, what I said is true."

"That day I went to pray for blessings with the eldest lady..." Now that the matter is up to now, Concubine Ye can no longer care about it, so she simply tells the story of that day, anyway, she will die anyway, and in this case, the two women can't pretend to be innocent .

(End of this chapter)

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