Chapter 184

The prime minister had originally intended to kill her, and if she was brought back to the prime minister's mansion this time, she might never come out again.

She left without saying a word, no one knew where she would go, even Nangongli didn't know, now it's all good, Huluopingyang will be bullied by dogs.

Xi Luo pursed her lips slightly. She knew that she couldn't run away, let alone whether Xiqing could fight now, it was the man outside, and she was not her opponent at all.

Sigh, if I knew I would meet these people, I shouldn't have left today, Xiao Lili, would you come to save my sister?
With no relatives, at this time, apart from longing for Xiao Lili to rescue her, I really can't think of anyone who can save her.

Since the prime minister has killed her, he doesn't care whose princess she is, what should I do!

I don't want to die!

The carriage rattled along until it reached the Prime Minister's mansion.

Stepping into Xiangfu again, I don't know what it's like.

But today, above the court, there is a different scene.

Nangongli was stopped by the emperor when he was going to court, and he walked with the emperor in the courtyard of the palace, when the emperor asked, "Is Lan Er's health better now?"

"Your Majesty, I am reporting this matter. Concubine Ye has been depressed since she was pregnant with this child. She has been trying to find a way to abort the child several times. Fortunately, the concubine saved it."

"Yesterday, a minister saw that she was much better and asked her to move back. Who would have thought that she would try to get rid of the child again, and she is still paralyzed on the bed, crazy and noisy, which is worrying!"

"I'm going to take a step first, and I have to check on Concubine Ye's condition." Nangongli said calmly.

The emperor was slightly startled, and took a deep breath.

Crazy in bed?

Of course, he has always known that this child cannot be kept. Concubine Ye has been trying to find a way to abort this child, but if he is convinced that Concubine Ye has gone crazy because of losing the child, he will not do it no matter what. Do not believe.

His eyes were slightly cold, was King Haohan warning him?
Since he came, he will be safe, and Xi Luo knew that he could not escape, so he quietly followed into the prime minister's mansion.

The prime minister didn't go down to the court this time, but Mrs. Xi came out. She was slightly surprised when she saw that Xiluo, Ximei, and Xiqing had come together. The man had already rushed over, crying softly in Mrs. Xi's arms.

Seeing her appearance, Mrs. Xi couldn't help asking in doubt: "What's wrong, Ximei?"

"Mom, you have to decide for me."

"It's all this bitch, she actually caused me to be kicked out by the prince, I really don't want to live anymore." Xi Mei used her crying skills, but she was really angry and annoyed, and was seriously injured by Xi Luo But nothing can be done.

Mrs. Xi's eyes turned cold immediately when she heard this, and after taking a cold look at Xi Luo, she comforted Xi Mei in a low voice: "Okay, don't cry, and talk to your mother, what's going on with you now?"

When mentioning this matter, Ximei gritted her teeth and said, "Mother, lock her up first, daughter, and then I will talk to you slowly."

Mrs. Xi saw her daughter's expression of hatred and murderous intent, she nodded slightly and ordered: "Jianfeng, lock her up in the room where she used to live."

"No, lock her up in the woodshed." Ximei ordered immediately.

Fang Feng at the side glanced at Xi Luo after listening to the words, and finally said: "Princess, I've offended you." Then he stretched out his hand to grab her and walked out.

"Let go." Xi Luo shook off his hand that was about to pull her, then looked at Madam Xi and said coldly, "Mrs. Xi, don't forget that I am Princess Haohan. Will his skills not be found here?"

"Feng Feng, kill that coachman in a while." Xi Mei suddenly gave another order to Fang Feng and said: "Don't worry, no one will find out that you are here."

Xi Luo said coldly, Jian Feng had already responded, and then said to Xi Luo expressionlessly: "Princess, please."

Xi Luo glanced at her coldly, she naturally recognized this man, he was the young man who hijacked her to the Prime Minister's mansion and also worked as her driver once.

Without further hesitation, Xi Luo walked away, being controlled by others, and they were not afraid of threats, so they had to think of other ways.

Seeing that Fangfeng was leading Xiluo down, Xiqing immediately turned around and followed after her heart was moved.

There were only mother and daughter in the hall for a while, Ximei said bitterly, "Mother, you must help me avenge my hatred."

"What happened again?" Mrs. Xi also knew that this time it must be difficult. It is inconvenient for her to contact her daughter on weekdays, so she did not arrive in time for the news from the palace.

At this time, Ximei couldn't help but shed tears. Mrs. Xi felt sorry for her daughter, and stretched out her hand to hold her and walked inside.

But any firewood house must be dilapidated.

The door of the firewood room was opened, and Xi Luo walked in step by step. The place was a bit damp, and there was not even a place to sit.

The door was locked by Jian Feng from the outside, and the room looked a little dark.

Xi Qing stood and watched from a distance, and when Fang Feng came, she couldn't help whispering: "Actually, she's not particularly bad."

"When I was young, I used to like to bully her. She never hit back or scolded me. Although she later disabled me, she helped me recover in the end. And I don't blame her for the mistake that time. It was me. She was going to hurt her first. Although father didn't treat her very well, she saw that father was sick and helped him to heal his illness, even though she..."

"Master..." Fang Feng called her softly.

"She also promised me that when King Haohan comes back, she will tell King Haohan to let him accept me as a soldier. She is actually quite good..." Xiqing said self-consciously, wanting to tell herself and others .

"Master, do you regret it?" Fang Feng looked at him and asked.

"She's my own sister, isn't it treasonous for us to treat her like this?" Xi Qing looked at him and asked struggling.

"I'm just obeying orders." Fang Feng replied in a deep voice.

"Yes, yes, I know you are just obeying orders, I just ask you if it is right to do so, you answer me."

(End of this chapter)

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