Chapter 186

"Yes, the concubine will go back and wait for the master first." Fifth Madam responded and retreated.

King Haohan's eyes were slightly cold, and he clapped his hands twice.

Ling Feng quickly responded: "The subordinate is here."

"Send more people, first go to the gate of the city and ask if the princess is out of the city."

"Send some people to the prime minister's mansion to investigate secretly." At the end, he added: "No matter what method is used, I must give her to the king and get her back quickly."

"Yes." Ling Feng responded, and the figure ran out of the palace.

King Haohan pursed his trembling lips slightly, his face was a little angry.

This woman, does she really want to leave me?

No matter who you are, I will not let you go.

King Haohan suppressed the anger that was about to erupt, turned around and walked into the palace coldly.

King Haohan came directly to the Fifth Madam, and the Fifth Madam did prepare some good dishes, all of which were according to his taste. However, how could he have the heart to eat now.

Seeing that his complexion was not very good, the fifth lady smiled and asked, "Master, are you worried about the princess?"

Hearing this, King Haohan raised his eyes to look at her, and sighed almost inaudibly: "It's so dangerous to run out alone." Thinking about the last time she was not in the house, two groups of people assassinated her, this time she took the risk alone. Then go out, in case there is any mistake...

Her chest was suffocated, and she trembled slightly while holding the chopsticks in her hands. If she was a weak woman and she really met those people with ulterior motives, how could she survive.

"Master, eat more first, the concubine might be back in a while." The fifth lady hurriedly urged him to eat first when she saw his complexion.

However, King Haohan felt a little breathless as if a big rock had been crushed in his heart. He stood up suddenly and said, "My king, come over to eat at night." When he came back, he couldn't rest assured no matter what.

For a whole day, the Vast King did not find Xi Luo's whereabouts, but the only thing that was certain was that Xi Luo did not leave the city.

At the gate of the city, King Hao Han made a portrait of Xi Luolin before he left the mansion and interrogated him, but no one saw Xi Luo leaving the city.

Did not go out of the city, and did not return to Haohan Wangfu.

Hao Han Wang Jing sat in her mansion, her heart was already in a mess, and she always felt that something big was going to happen.

Ling Feng finally came back at night, and said to him: "My lord, my subordinates have checked everywhere, and no one has seen the palace."

Of course Ling Feng couldn't find out, the Xiangfu had already sealed it up, who would dare to oppose the prime minister, and Ling Feng would naturally come back without asking, so why would he think deeply about it.

"Has Ximei returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion?" King Haohan asked.

"My subordinates have asked, Miss Xier has already returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion."

"Continue to investigate and send someone to guard the city gate."

"Yes." Ling Feng responded and retreated.

The Vast King sighed softly, he seemed tired and powerless as he couldn't find anyone.

"My lord, the fifth lady is asking to see you outside." Dongyue walked in at this moment and said.

"Let her come in." King Haohan replied calmly.

Fifth Madam walked in quickly, seeing that he looked a little tired, she hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master, hasn't the concubine come back yet?"

Hao Han Wang hummed lightly, and the fifth lady hurriedly said: "Didn't the Lord send someone to look for it? Is there any news?"

King Haohan shook his head lightly and said nothing, he didn't know where he was going.

The fifth lady stepped forward and said with concern: "Master, I'm afraid you haven't eaten anything this day."

"The concubine made what I love to eat, so I should eat something first, otherwise I will be exhausted before I find it."

King Haohan stood up after thinking about it, and ate a tasteless meal with Mrs. Fifth.

Seeing the absent-minded look on his face, Mrs. Wu felt a little indifferent, and couldn't help asking him: "Why did the princess leave the palace?" She didn't say hello when she left. When we met in the morning, I wanted to talk to her, but she refused. , but did not expect to want to leave the palace.

It's okay if you don't ask this question, if you don't ask Haohan Wang, he is worried about whether she will have an accident. Now Mrs. Jingwu suddenly remembered the reason why she was leaving after asking this question. She wanted to hide from him. His eyebrows were twisted all of a sudden, his face was not to mention how ugly, he gritted his teeth and thought: Xi Luo, you have really ignored my words, you better not let me find out, otherwise...

"Bring the wine." King Haohan suddenly ordered in a slightly unfriendly tone, not because he wanted to lose his temper with the fifth lady, but because he was very bitter.

How could there be such a woman in the world who knows good and bad, he put down his body to please him deliberately, but she left without even saying hello, not only did she not take him seriously, she clearly did not have him in her eyes.

The fifth lady saw King Haohan's sombre face at first glance, she was taken aback, and hurriedly ordered: "Hurry up and bring the wine."

Zi Xiao, who was waiting on the side, rushed to get a jug of wine. Before she could open the jug, the waiter Hao Han Wang had already picked up the wine, opened it by himself, poured it into a bowl, and took a big gulp.

Although King Haohan drank fast and anxiously, it didn't affect his demeanor at all, but made him look very emotional at this time, adding a trace of sadness on his cold face that he didn't even notice.

Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Fifth Madam would not deliberately try to persuade him to drink. It is common for men to drink, let alone a man like him who does not drink when he is out fighting.

Fifth Madam sat silently at the side, signaling the servants to retreat.

King Haohan himself was sulking, he was not a talkative person at all, he would be in a bad mood and he was unwilling to talk, so he could only drink to relieve his arrogance, thinking that if he found that woman, he would definitely fix it severely She, he will never abide by any equality thing again, he must take her hard first, let him have a bunch of little children for himself, tie her to him for the rest of his life, see if she can go on Where to run.

King Haohan thought coldly, but the feeling of suffocation in his heart never stopped.

He also understood that if Xi Luo really wanted to hide from her, he might not be able to find her in a while.

(End of this chapter)

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