Chapter 193

Xi Luo also patiently explained to the queen what anovulation means, which is a common endocrine disease. In addition to infertility, it often manifests as sunflower water imbalance, sunflower water overwatering or amenorrhea, etc.

Naturally, Xi Luo gave her some prescriptions to let her recuperate slowly, and she was not in a hurry to cure her.

She still has no way to see King Haohan, so naturally she cannot cure her illness.

However, it is really not easy to meet King Haohan. During the day, there are people following everywhere. Basically, everything except eating and drinking is at the queen's place. The clothes she wore belonged to a court lady, and no nobleman would pay attention to a court lady.

The door was locked when she was sleeping at night, so she couldn't go out at all, and how could she see King Haohan.

Look, I spent another night in this palace, this is the third night, and she couldn't get any news from the Xi family, she didn't care about the people of the Xi family, but Xi Qing, thinking of that boy, felt I really miss him a bit.

Maybe it was because the boy gave her warmth at the last moment, which made her suddenly unable to let him go.

What can I do to let go, she can't protect herself now.

Sitting alone on the bed, looking at the cold and quiet room, the windows around are nailed with wooden boards, in order to prevent her from escaping through the windows. Look, how strict these people are against her, let her spread her wings It is also difficult to fly.

At night, it is basically difficult for her to fall asleep. In fact, it is difficult for anyone in such a situation to fall asleep. Although she has the gold medal for avoiding death in her hand, she does not trust the emperor's behavior. If the emperor cheats If you don't admit it, this free gold medal is just a piece of waste.

That's why she deliberately delayed the queen's illness. If she delays a little longer, she will naturally have more time to prepare.

One night, spent in the turbulent dark tide.

When the sky was getting brighter, there was a sound of slapping on the door of Xi Luo's room, and the two maids who guarded her had already woken up early, and when they heard the sound, they immediately opened the lock and came in.

When the two maids ran in, they saw Xi Luo throwing herself on the ground in pain.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" The two maids hurriedly knelt down and asked, she was the Queen's life-saving straw, even though she was just a servant, no one dared to do anything to her, at least, nothing happened to her before the Queen was pregnant.

"My stomach hurts so much, I'm going to the latrine." Xi Luo said with a painful face while clutching his stomach.

The two maids couldn't help but glanced at each other when they heard the words, one of them hurriedly said: "Isn't the chamber pot in your room?"

"It stinks, I don't want to go to this." Xi Luo struggled to get up from the ground while talking, and stumbled out.

Seeing this, the two maids had no choice but to give up, and followed her all the way to the hut.

However, Xi Luo's footsteps were so fast that it was impossible for two ordinary maids to catch up with her, and she disappeared after a quick turn around.

In fact, Xi Luo decided to use this trick after careful consideration.

Today she has to meet King Haohan, she can wait for the opportunity, but Xiqing can't wait, the emperor may kill them somewhere, it doesn't matter if the other people die, Xiqing can't, she suddenly can't bear to let him die up.

This time should also be the time to go to the morning court. King Haohan should go to court, and he has been to this palace once before, and this time he came in again. She still has a little impression, and she went to go to court based on memory. The venue for the second palace banquet.

At this time, the sky was gray and bright, and it was usually the time when King Hao Han went to court.

Xi Luo ran all the way, and met some guards on the way, but they didn't take her to heart when they saw her dressed as a court lady.

No one cared about her, Xi Luo successfully lurked under the stone steps outside the main hall, this is the place every official must pass through, looking at the people who have come and gone in twos and threes, Xi Luo can only be patient I have been waiting, I only hope that King Haohan can come over soon.

It's a pity that the weather is not good, and it started to rain while she was waiting.

It was also fortunate that this season was summer, otherwise she would have been frozen to death.

The rain all over her body soon made her extremely embarrassed, and she even wondered if he would not recognize her at once when she saw King Vast, and then walked away.

Everything was as Xi Luo expected, she really saw the sedan chair of the King of the Vast coming, and he walked down under the stone steps, and the people around him held up an umbrella for him, covering the falling and falling It was drizzling.

I finally saw her. It has been three days since I was trapped here. As soon as I saw her, Xi Luo felt that I saw a dawn, which made her whole heart excited.

Xi Luo hurriedly climbed out from under the stone steps, regardless of how embarrassed she was, she called out as she ran up: "My lord..." She was afraid that he would not be able to hear her voice, or that her voice would be drowned out by the sound of rain again, She didn't want to repeat what happened on the street that time.

Suddenly a person appeared out of the rain. The person was really startled, and looked at him carefully. Just as the guards around him wanted to stop him, he stretched out his hand to stop him.

"My lord..." Xi Luo had already run down the stone steps. She ran too fast and too fast, and the stone steps were too slippery. When she staggered, she jumped into the air and jumped down from above.

No one picked her up, and she rolled down in a whirl, her whole body was filled with unconcealable pain, and a broken sound came from between her lips and teeth.

"Luoer..." He rushed over after a moment of hesitation, stretched out his hand and hugged the person who had rolled down.

It hurts, the damn steps.

Looking at Xi Luo's twisted faces, he also knew that she must have fallen hard.

When he saw her running just now, he really didn't react. Even if he had a hundred brains, he would never think that she would be in the palace. He always thought that she had escaped, so he watched her fall. At that time, he didn't care about it, only this face similar to Luo'er was shaking in front of his eyes, which made him doubt, surprised, puzzled, etc. at that moment...

(End of this chapter)

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