Chapter 198

But the second lady obviously doesn't think much of her, she's just a singing girl, even if she's favored a little, so what!
"Fifth Madam, don't you want to spout blood. When did I smash your bird's nest? You clearly smashed it on the ground on purpose. Now you have to rely on me. It's unreasonable."

The quarrel between the two immediately attracted the fourth lady who was about to leave, and the third lady stood aside to watch the show.

The fire in the second lady's heart may have been backlogged for several months, and she has never dared to flare up. Now that the princess is in trouble, she is the first one who wants to trample on the princess to death. The fifth lady was going to give the bird's nest to Wang Hao for surgery, after all, she still didn't dare to hit Wang Hao directly.

But the concubine has never been a bully, she is also good at martial arts, the second lady obviously forgot about this, and only remembers that she is a singing girl.

At this time, the second lady was in charge of the first army and the fifth lady was even more angry, she immediately said: "Second lady, you dare to do it or not, I will call Wangfei to comment on this reason."

"Your name." The second lady had a look of indifference, as if she was someone else.

"What's the matter?" As soon as the second lady's voice fell, she saw the Xiluo people standing not far away watching, with a faint tired look on her face, as if she hadn't slept well.

Seeing Xiluo appearing at first, the fifth lady immediately walked over and told the story, the second lady sneered and said, "You bitch, you actually spitting blood."

"Even if I accidentally broke it, so what, the worst is to pay you a bowl. Do you need such a vicious dog to sue?"

The fifth lady was described as a vicious dog, her small face was full of anger, but Xi Luo said calmly at this time: "Sister, why are you so angry, if a dog bites you, I can bite her back?"

The second lady's face darkened immediately when she heard Xi Luo's counterattack, and said coldly, "You are just a daughter of a traitor, if you have any face, you should automatically go down as a slave." As a servant, instead of being so domineering like now, don't make it difficult for the master to be a man for you."

The fifth lady on the side slightly lowered her eyebrows and bit her lips slightly, as if she had suffered a lot of humiliation.

Xi Luo still looked calm and relaxed, and said lightly: "The second lady is very right. When the prince comes back, I will ask the prince to divorce me, and I will automatically go down as a slave."

"I also don't want to make it difficult for him to be a man." At the end of the sentence, the fifth lady looked at her with some concern, while the other wives looked at her with some disbelief.

The second lady said directly in disbelief, "Are you willing to give up the position of princess?"

"This has nothing to do with you, Second Madam. Now you have finished humiliating what you should humiliate. When the prince comes back, I will explain to him. Why are you being so aggressive now? You can't even wait for this moment." Even if she voluntarily stepped down And how can it be said that she is a concubine who is a princess and has never given birth to a son and a half daughter, who does she think she is!
Xi Luo snorted coldly in his heart, damn stupid woman, it is really uneducated to want her to go to court so impatiently.

"Okay, this is what you said. You'd better explain it to the prince quickly, so as not to implicate the prince and the whole palace because of you." The second lady did not forget to hit her hard.

"Shut up." A cold voice came over, and I saw King Haohan had returned at some point, and he was standing not far away, probably he had listened to a lot of their conversation.

Xi Luo lowered his eyes slightly, humiliation and grievance suddenly appeared on his face.

The fifth lady lowered her eyebrows and glanced at her, then at the King Hao Han who was already striding forward. The ladies obviously didn't expect King Hao Han to come back suddenly, and after hearing their conversation, they were all taken aback.

The second lady was obviously a little confused. Not only did she not feel the slightest panic when she saw King Haohan come back, but she went up to her and said, "My lord, she is already the daughter of a traitor. It is really inappropriate to stay in the palace like this. After a long time, others will not care." You know how to arrange for the prince." If you also arrange for the prince to cooperate with the enemy and betray the country, it is not a joke.

There was a hint of impatience in King Haohan's eyes, he gave her a cold look and said: "All of them will be left to this king."

The fourth lady and the third lady were quite acquainted, so they hurriedly made a blessing and left. Although the second lady was still unwilling, the prince had passed her and walked directly towards Xiluo.

Seeing that he came back alone, Xi Luo knew that Xi Qing might not have been rescued.

Feeling melancholy in her heart, she made a blessing and said softly: "The prince calm down, what the second lady said is also reasonable."

"Now that I am the daughter of a traitor, it is not appropriate to stay in the palace. For the sake of the reputation of the palace, please ask the prince to give me a divorce letter and let me go out of the palace."

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"The vast dynasty has always implemented benevolent government. The emperor has ordered that only the prime minister be beheaded, and the servants and slaves of the Xi family will be servants. You are the king's beloved concubine and will not be implicated in it. Don't say such stupid things, you She will be the king's concubine for the rest of her life."

That speech was affectionate and powerful, and it was also a promise to her.

How sad and desolate it would be to hear such words in the ears of others. At this moment, there was no one else in his eyes except her.

Holding her belt, she walked towards the house, and Xi Luo hurriedly asked, "Where's Qing'er?"

"I just came back exhausted. I've arranged for him to take a bath. After the bath, Ling Feng will send him over." Nangongli explained while looking at her. She obviously didn't sleep well last night, and her face was still tired.

Xi Luo was relieved when he heard the words, and he said: "However, Qing'er's identity can only be a servant in the palace, this is already the biggest concession of the emperor."

Xi Luo nodded and said: "I understand, just let Qing'er stay by my side, so I can take care of him." Let him suffer. Such a boy has a bad mentality. If she doesn't keep him by his side and train him well, I'm afraid this life will really be ruined.

"Okay, it's all up to you." Nangongli was so affectionate that he wanted to pamper and love a woman from the bottom of his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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