Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1209 The Secret of Heisha Tower 15

Chapter 1209 The Secret of Heisha Tower 15
The man surnamed Xiao followed his eyes and immediately understood what he meant.

"Oh, hehe... Don't worry, don't worry, we are brothers, and we can lose you, but I don't have much left in my hand, so I'll give you an extra one this time, do you think so?"

"Success!" Yang Hao showed joy, and the other two men in black rushed over when they saw this.

"Brother, what about us?... us?" The two pointed to themselves, with anticipation and excitement on their faces.

The man surnamed Xiao glanced at them, "Who is your brother? Did you call him brother? It's cool there, so stay there, get out of here, and don't block my light."

Putting away his smile, the man surnamed Xiao pushed away one of the approaching black heads with one hand, and then registered in a businesslike manner.

The two curled their lips, although they were dissatisfied, but there was nothing they could do.

The formalities were completed quickly, and the man surnamed Xiao took a few signs with numbers on them, and led Yang Hao and others into the darkness.

Because it was off-duty time, many members of the experimental hall had already left, and those who hadn't left were also packing up their tools and preparing to call it a day and leave.

In the dark passage, there is some humidity, and the air smells fishy.

Soon, Feng Caitian and the others came to a room surrounded by many iron cages.

There are many people locked in each iron cage, ranging from seven or eight to a few. Their spirits do not seem to be very good, and some people even showed hideous expressions when they saw them coming.But she didn't know why, none of these people pronounced it.

"It's here, let's go in!"

The rustling of the iron chains seemed very quiet in this quiet room, without struggling, Feng Caitian, Luo Yuxi and others were locked into two iron cages respectively.But the situation is not too bad, at least their iron cages are very close, only two meters away.

The man surnamed Xiao locked the door, and soon left with Yang Hao and the other two men in black.

As soon as they left, all those locked in the cage made wild beast-like rage sounds, and the loud decibels were definitely louder than the DJ music in the bar.

There is simply no way to communicate well!

It's no wonder that when it's time to get off work, the people in the experimental hall packed their bags and prepared to go home without any delay, as if their butts were on fire.

Feng Caitian stood in the iron cage, looking at Luo Yuxi.

His condition has improved a lot, but obviously he is not used to the noise here, he frowned slightly.Xuanyuan Wanzhen stood aside, looking at Luo Yuxi, while the other person who came with them found a corner and leaned against the iron railing quietly, as if the noisy environment hadn't aroused his slightest concern. reaction.

Feng Caitian took a special look, then looked away, unlocked the iron chain and walked out.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet!
The roaring and restless people all looked at Feng Caitian in horror, a little at a loss.

Luo Yuxi was also shocked.


"How did you become like this?" Feng Caitian interrupted him and asked.

Luo Yuxi lowered her head, pursed her lips tightly, and did not speak.

Feng Caitian glanced at him and sighed, "Is it because of that tree?"

Luo Yuxi looked up at her in astonishment.

Judging from her appearance, her vitality hasn't been depleted in any way, she should have just been arrested and taken into the Heisha Building, but how did she know about that tree?

Horror was written in Luo Yuxi's eyes, Feng Caitian took a look and knew that she had guessed right.

(End of this chapter)

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