Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1218 In the Mood for Love 4

Chapter 1218 In the Mood for Love 4
With their eyes closed, they leaned against the stone wall like zombies.From left to right, everyone's situation is different. The man closest to the left has become skinny and skinny, with shriveled skin wrapped around the bones, as if all the water on his body has been drained, like a mummy .

The closer to the right, the better the condition, and their complexion is a little ruddy. If it weren't for the green light that was faintly revealed on their bodies, Feng Caitian would have thought that the man on the far right was actually a member of the Heisha Building. It was only because I was too tired that I leaned to the side to rest.

But obviously, the reality is not what they imagined.

"Adi, why did you bring so many people down today?" After a few seconds, the person in charge of the laboratory looked up with displeasure.

Feng Caitian looked up at him.

The man who spoke was a middle-aged man in his 40s, but his eyes revealed a sinister look. Seeing the dark crowd, he just wrinkled slightly, and did not notice any abnormalities.

"Take people back, there are not enough people today, just leave ten later." The person in charge snorted and ordered impatiently to the man in black who was called Adi.

However, neither of the two men in black moved, and neither answered.

The middle-aged man suddenly became angry, "Didn't you hear me when I was talking to you?"

Feng Caitian pursed her lips and walked out, "I'm afraid they will never listen to your words."

As she said that, she roared, "What are you still doing, why don't you tie them all up."

"Hehe... so they came to make trouble!" The middle-aged man snorted, and with a wave of his hand, the two men in black who rushed to the front were chopped off in half.

Blood spattered the body that was rushing forward, and their minds became clear immediately.

How could they forget that no matter how many people there are on their side, they can't match the spiritual master's cultivation level!

Everyone froze in place. The next second, the people who were sharpening their knives just now, arrogantly, and ready to take revenge, all screamed as if they had seen a ghost, and rushed out of the secret room without fighting.

The middle-aged man couldn't help snorting when he saw everyone's reaction.

Then, two men in black followed.

"Very good, it's the first time I've seen someone who is willing to stay as an experiment voluntarily in so many years." The middle-aged person in charge looked at Feng Caitian, Xiong Da, and Luo Yuxi and snorted coldly.

"Experiment? I don't think so." A light flashed in Feng Caitian's eyes, and her beautiful lips curved in an arc.

It's nothing more than a Spiritual Venerable, so dare to use her as an experiment, how courageous it is!

Feng Caitian's fingers curled up, and a bright light flashed across the fingertips...

The middle-aged person in charge felt a chill all over, as if he would incur a fatal blow if he moved just once.

Feng Caitian stared at him with a half-smile and said: "Where is the tree hole, I want to go in and have a look."

"In the…"

In fact, the middle-aged person in charge seemed to be completely taken out at that moment, stuttering and unable to speak a word.

The remaining men in black in the laboratory all looked at him strangely. After a long time, the middle-aged person in charge said, "Follow, follow me."

Feng Caitian pursed her lips and was about to follow, but Xiong Da held her back.

"It's okay, let's go together!" Feng Caitian smiled and followed.

Although he knew that such a day would come, Xiong Da still followed.

Isn't it just to extract vitality? He believed that Boss Feng would not let that middle-aged man do this.

(End of this chapter)

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