Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1233 Qiaoyan's Weirdness 2

Chapter 1233 Qiaoyan's Weirdness 2
"Miss?" Feng Yuexin jumped up from the chair like a spring, her face full of surprise.In contrast to Feng Yuexin's excitement, Qiaoyan was very calm, looking at Feng Caitian strangely.

"Yuexin, who is this?" Qiaoyan also walked over and asked in a strange manner.

Feng Caitian looked at Qiaoyan.He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"This is my master." Feng Yuexin introduced to Qiaoyan, while holding Feng Caitian, explained in a low voice, "Miss, Qiaoyan was injured before, and her mind was a little confused, so she no longer knows you, miss. "

Feng Caitian glanced at the guarded Qiaoyan without any trace, and nodded.

Feng Yuexin breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly invited Feng Caitian to sit on the wooden chair under the pear tree, poured a cup of tea for Feng Caitian, and sat down next to Feng Caitian.

"Miss, why did you appear here?" Feng Yuexin asked happily, not even thinking about the strange Lei Hongming beside him.

Presumably, he never dreamed that the person Feng Caitian was looking for would be Feng Yuexin.Moreover, in his impression, Feng Caitian had already left the academy less than five days after her start of school, so how could she know Feng Yuexin from the Academy of Spiritual Practice?

Lei Hongming casually found a chair beside Feng Caitian and sat down, but he didn't take his eyes off Feng Yuexin for half a second.

Sensing that someone was watching, Feng Yuexin turned her eyes away from Feng Caitian, raised her eyes, and found a middle-aged man sitting opposite her.

But she didn't know this person, why did he look at her so directly?
How rude!
Conquering the displeasure in her heart, Feng Yue turned her head to ask Feng Caitian.

"Who is this?"

"Lead me the way." Feng Caitian glanced at Lei Hongming who had withdrawn his curiosity, said something lightly, and then began to get to the point.

"By the way, Yue Xin, why didn't I hear you mention it before, are you very familiar with the young master of Heisha Building?" Feng Caitian looked at Feng Yuexin seriously and asked.

"That...I..." Feng Yuexin froze, she didn't expect Feng Caitian to ask such a direct question when she came.

Seeing Feng Yuexin was embarrassed, Qiaoyan answered for her, "The young master of Heisha Building is Yuexin's half-brother, why do you ask this?"

"Then what were you discussing just now, I don't think it's a good thing." Feng Caitian glanced at Qiaoyan who was showing displeasure to her, and said to Feng Yue with burning eyes.

Lei Hongming secretly rolled his eyes.

It's too arbitrary, isn't it just after hearing two sentences from others, how can you infer that what others said is not a good thing?
Lei Hongming didn't know that Feng Caitian had heard the conversation between Feng Yuexin and Luo Fei'er before, so he naturally didn't understand what Feng Caitian meant by asking this question.

If the young master of Heisha Building is really Feng Yuexin's half-brother, then what happened to her conversation with Luo Fei'er on the eighth stone level?

Is Feng Yuexin going to fuck?
And Qiaoyan, isn't it said that she has been made into a living corpse, why does she still have human emotions?
Feng Yuexin was looked at by Feng Caitian like this, she turned her head slightly to conceal the panic in her heart, and the next second, she said to Feng Caitian with a slightly unnatural expression, "No, we didn't discuss anything, hehe……"

"Really?" Feng Caitian also laughed.

It's just that smile, but it's quite creepy.

Feng Yuexin only felt that her scalp was numb, and there was an invisible tension in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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