Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1239 The Garden of Eden 1

Chapter 1239 The Garden of Eden 1
The Garden of Eden is the most mysterious place in Heisha Tower. Walking on the road, several people were almost dazzled by the exact same scenery in front of them.

Even, except for Lei Hongming who had been here, everyone thought they were in an illusion and encountered a ghost hitting the wall.

However, from the momentum of Lei Hongming's never-to-be-returned identification, everyone felt that they must have insufficient intelligence to identify themselves, so they were confused by the exact same environment.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Lei Hongming finally stopped at a remote wall covered with moss.Right in front of the wall, there happened to be a large dense forest, which just covered the figures of several people.

"This is it!" Lei Hongming led everyone into the deepest part of the wall, while speaking, he squatted down and took out the map he had prepared.

"Are you sure you're here?" Qiaoyan looked around and squatted down.It's just the suspicion in his eyes.

There are many mosquitoes here, it is still very humid, and the ground is full of dead leaves and rotting branches, and the stone wall behind it is covered with moss, no matter how you look at it, this is the outer wall of someone's courtyard, and she didn't see this. What fruit trees are nearby.

While Qiaoyan was suspicious, Feng Caitian and Feng Yuexin squatted down around the map that Lei Hongming had opened.

"This is the layout around the Garden of Eden. There are special members of the Heisha Building guarding the 24 disappearances around, and there are spirit beasts with super-sensitivity in captivity. As long as there are any strange breaths approaching, they will warn the guards. So I don't agree with you breaking in."

Lei Hongming used his pen to outline the locations of those secret sentries on the map, while thinking about how they could take the fruit away without alarming them.

"Aren't you talking nonsense, if she can force her way in, then why are we still hiding here, just go out and kill him without leaving him behind." Qiaoyan rolled her eyes secretly.

The red dots marked on the map are densely packed, as dense as chess pieces on a chessboard. Even if Feng Yuexin's master has three heads and six arms, it is absolutely impossible to sneak under the noses of this group of people and successfully steal the fruit.

Lei Hongming glared at her, "I'm discussing with you, otherwise why would I take out the map and play house with you?"

"Cut," Qiaoyan snorted contemptuously, "I thought you guys had some good method, but I didn't expect that there was nothing. Looking at the location of the dark whistle, don't say that you want to pick up the Mood for Love silently. Fruit, even sneaking into the Garden of Eden is difficult."

"Look here..." Qiaoyan quickly pointed to several places, "these are all hidden bells, this kind of bell is not an ordinary bell, it is a spiritual weapon, which can sense the temperature of people. As long as your hand is close, an alarm will be triggered immediately."

"How is it possible?" Lei Hongming frowned as he looked at the pear-sized bell pointed out by Qiaoyan on the map.

Qiaoyan looked at him with disdainful eyes, and asked, "You don't know, there is a special way of picking fruit from the Mood for Love tree, right?"

"I know... I know!" Lei Hongming twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a little guilty.

"Do you have the tools to pick the fruit?" Feng Caitian suddenly raised her head and looked at her,

In fact, judging from the map, it is not difficult for her to sneak into the Garden of Eden. Even if she is guarded by spirit beasts with strong perception, she still has the Shadow Moon Bracelet that can hide her breath.

However, if Xiang Qiaoyan said that as soon as someone approaches, the bell will sound an alarm, then no matter how shrewd she is and how she can hide her breath, it is absolutely impossible for her to hide her body temperature as well.

Moreover, the bell is not very big, and it is hidden in the dense branches and leaves, it is really hard to guard against.

(End of this chapter)

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