Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1247 The Garden of Eden 9

Chapter 1247 The Garden of Eden 9
"What are you doing?" Qiaoyan stopped and stared at the dumb guard with displeasure.

However, the wooden guard didn't have any expression on his face, he just looked at the resentful people in a wooden way, and said in an extremely clear and emotionless manner.

"Idlers and others are not allowed to enter."

One of Feng Moliang's three remaining attendants felt that this would be a good opportunity to perform, so he rushed forward without even thinking about it.

"Why are you not allowed to enter? Didn't we all follow in before?" He twisted the guard's collar and asked ferociously.

The guard glanced at the servant's hand indifferently, then looked up at him, and said expressionlessly, "The new regulations issued by the landlord last night, unless Mr. Feng has the master's order, otherwise, except for Mr. Feng himself, all Idle entourage and guards are not allowed to enter."

Feng Caitian frowned, but Feng Yuexin's face was filled with joy, "Is there a master token from the landlord not far away, and we can all go in?"

Namu Na's guard was a little surprised, but nodded truthfully.

"Then do you think it is this?" After speaking, Feng Yuexin had an extra black token in his hand.

The guard glanced at it, and immediately stood aside, leaving the middle of the road.

Feng Caitian stood inside the checkpoint, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, wondering if all the profound sects like to use tokens that are so simple that there are no patterns to represent the supremacy of their status?
That's right, the token in Feng Yuexin's hand is very similar to the token she gave to Zhao Jiahui before. It has no pattern on the surface, except for the wink, it is almost exactly the same. I don't know how they determined it. This is the master order on behalf of the landlord.

However, this is not the focus of their attention.

After passing the first checkpoint, not far away, several people saw the spirit beast standing beside the guard guarding the second checkpoint.

Feng Caitian's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was an unusual sharpness in the fundus of the eyes.

If a guard who is familiar with Feng Moliang sees this abnormality in her, he will be extremely surprised. How could this Master Feng, who usually has a poker face and his eyes are so out of focus that he is almost blind, suddenly have such a sharp and sharp look? gaze.

This look doesn't look like Feng Moliang's at all, it's more like the cunning look of an old, cunning and unscrupulous girl.

"Yuexin, do you think those spirit beasts will notice our anomalies?" Before the second checkpoint, Qiaoyan, whose palms were sweating, deliberately slowed down, and hooked Feng Yuexin's finger with her little finger.

"No, Miss is here." Feng Yuexin reassured the nervous Qiaoyan.

In her eyes, Feng Caitian is her backbone.As long as the young lady is there, she has confidence even if she is in the sky, and it is said that Xie is not the gatekeeper of the young lady's opponent at all.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a strange yet familiar aura approaching her.

"Master Feng!" An evil and charming young man, with a smile on his lips, suddenly walked out from the gatehouse and stood opposite Feng Caitian.

Feng Yuexin and Qiaoyan lowered their heads slightly at the same time, and lowered their breath.

Zhao Wenxing!
How could it be Zhao Wenxing?
Didn't he follow those people in the building to Mo Ye Wonderland to pick up people this morning? How could he appear here by such a coincidence?
Moreover, judging by his appearance, it seemed that he was here, waiting for them specially.

(End of this chapter)

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