Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1264 Big Brother 7

Chapter 1264 Big Brother 7
Once again, Feng Caitian felt that her three views had been refreshed magnificently.

Walking into the basement, she didn't see any of the dark and messy corridors, the rooms where rats were running around, and the musty and smelly air that she expected.

On the contrary, when she was on the scene, she had the illusion of walking into an underground city.

In the wide corridor, there are bowl-sized night pearls hanging on both sides, which look extremely bright, just like daytime.The ground is very clean, just like a street that has just been cleaned by the cleaners in the morning. There is no scrap of paper, and the air is very clear, with the smell of mud and grass after the spring rain, making people feel like they are in the wild.

Is this really an underground prison?
Shu Ya and the others also had the same doubts.

A group of them walked in the wide corridor unhurriedly. From time to time, busy people in black stopped, nodded slightly to them, and then went on with their own affairs.

After walking for a long time, the field of vision gradually widened, and the first thing that came into view was a fountain.

The pure white water splashes from top to bottom, and it is extraordinarily bright under the light of the night pearl. In the center of the fountain, there is a huge pebble, a lifelike mermaid stone carving, enjoying the beauty in a comfortable posture. Frolicking with drops of water.

Feng Yuexin couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

The faint mist in her eyes showed the excitement in her heart.

Who will tell her that this is not the underground prison in Heisha Tower, but an underground city hidden underground.

However, this is not the most surprising.

Even Feng Caitian, who has always been calm, couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips when he got to the back.

Every young man brought back from Mo Ye Wonderland by the man in black was given a room that was as clean as new.

Everything inside is new, a luxury studio package.

Feng Caitian stood in front of the door of a room where no one was temporarily housed, and walked in.

The bright and clean floor immediately reflected Feng Caitian's indifferent face. The exquisitely crafted wooden bed was placed directly opposite the door, and it was covered with brand-new quilts made of silk; On the left hand side, there is a desk.

And when you walk outside the balcony, you can see a full range of toiletries and a washstand, and the iron rail above the washstand is full of flowers and plants. Although ordinary, they are definitely full of vitality, and from the smell, Feng Caitian can also feel that these flowers and plants can soothe people's depressed nerves.

She thought that the people in Heisha Tower planted these flowers and plants specially to prevent the young people who were brought back from not seeing the green plants for a long time and feel uncomfortable and depressed.

However, this is also understandable. After all, they arrested thousands of people this time, but what made her feel strange was that the young people who were imprisoned here were not used for experiments?Then why such good conditions of imprisonment are given, it seems unreasonable!
"Master Feng," a cautious and respectful voice came from outside the door.

Feng Caitian looked over, and Feng Yuexin, Shu Ya, and others who were disguised as followers followed suit.

Standing at the door was a little old man, about the same height as Feng Caitian, who was slightly bent over at this time, wiping the sweat from his forehead with one hand, looking at Feng Caitian nervously and fearfully.

Seeing his fearful, hesitant to speak, the two attendants who were blocking the door immediately moved out of the way. Seeing this, the others also stepped out of the way in the middle to let him pass.

(End of this chapter)

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