Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1272 Preparations Before Destruction 5

Chapter 1272 Preparations Before Destruction 5
For a moment, the room that was still full of heat suddenly turned into a cold winter, and everyone racked their brains, trying to come up with a plan to wipe out the Heisha building in one fell swoop.

But in fact, no matter what they thought, they couldn't think of how to use explosives to blow up the entire Heisha Tower, which was like a huge mountain.

For a while, everyone fell into a dead end.

"Why not, we're all back to normal anyway." Feng Yue took the lead to give up with a sad face.

For some reason, when she heard the young lady say that she would blow up the entire Heisha building to nothing, she suddenly couldn't bear it.

"How can that be done?" Lei Hongming, as one of the members who suffered from it, was the first to disagree.

He pursed his lips, "According to the distribution of Heishalou's strength and its strong strength, even if we can escape once, we may not be able to escape the second time. Besides, we all have relatives, we can't just sit back and watch." Woe to them!"

Lei Hongming clapped his hands together, and what he said was reasonable, which made Xiong Da, who was a little shaken at first, also start to fall silent.

He is used to floating in the rivers and lakes. Although there is no blood relative alive, there are still a few good buddies who can go through life and death. Moreover, their talents are all higher than his own. A strong master, wouldn't his brothers be like him?

No, absolutely not!
Xiong Da repeatedly denied it in his heart, but looking at the blueprint laid out on the table, he started to have a headache again.

How can the entire Heisha Building be destroyed?

Feng Haolin and Feng Caitian clenched their hands at the same time.

Relatives—the softest concern in their hearts, no matter who they are, they are absolutely not allowed to hurt them!

A dark light flashed across the eyes of the two of them, Feng Caitian walked over and stood beside Feng Haolin, checking the map every inch, fearing that he might have missed something.

Suddenly, a gleam of light flashed across Feng Caitian's dark eyes.

At the same time, Feng Haolin also raised his head, showing the same clear expression as Feng Caitian.

"You thought of it too?" Feng Caitian frowned, smiling sweetly.

"I think this would be a good idea." Feng Haolin's mouth curved into a smirk.

If they blow up the base, they can still build a Heisha Tower; however, if they blow up the tree that has played an indispensable role in the experiment from beginning to end...

The corner of Feng Caitian's mouth also curled into a smirk, making the originally beautiful face even more bewitching, like a female monster who bewitches humanity.

Seeing this, Lei Hongming couldn't help shivering all over his body.

"I said, what are you two brothers and sisters laughing at there? It looks scary." When Lei Hongming said the second half of the sentence, he began to mutter in a low voice.

Others also looked over, that gloomy expression...

The picture is too cold to look directly at!
"We came up with a brilliant idea." Feng Caitian looked at the reactions of the crowd, and wondered what kind of expressions these people had, were they not excited at all?
Everyone rolled their eyes, thinking that you have any idea, just say it, what's the point, haven't you seen that they are all frightened by you?

"Ahem..." Feng Caitian cleared her throat, pointed to the huge tree crown on the top floor of the map, "As long as this place is blown up, everything in the Heisha Building will be self-defeating. We don't need to deploy explosives in large quantities. The whole complex on this hill was blown up."

(End of this chapter)

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