Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1274: The Bottom Line 2

Chapter 1274: The Bottom Line 2
"What are you looking at, come here soon!" Feng Caitian was speechless. Fortunately, this group of people followed him, and there were no experts in ambush nearby. Otherwise, with their slow motion, I don't know how many people would have died. time!

However, Feng Caitian didn't think about it himself. As a person who stayed in a strange courtyard for only one night, it was really hard for a person like Feng Caitian who knew all the organs and darkrooms of other people's houses clearly. It's terrible.

Can you still be a good guest?
Everyone was wailing in their hearts, but Feng Caitian was already waiting impatiently, dragging her elder brother to jump into the pit.

Feng Haolin was taken aback by her actions.

The hole was so deep that he couldn't detect the bottom with his spiritual sense.They just jumped down like this, just looking for the rhythm of death.

Seeing the disappearance of the figure, Lei Hongming and the others, who were already full of horror at Feng Caitian, felt their hearts rise to their throats again.

"Why did they go down like this?" Lei Hongming pointed at the crack in the boulder and tremblingly asked.

Luo Yuxi took a look, "Let's go down too, there should be no danger."

"Oh, I hope so." Lei Hongming said in his heart, it's no wonder there is no danger.They didn't know what was in the crack, so they jumped down recklessly like this, and they probably won't die or be disabled.

However, seeing Xuanyuan Wanzhen, Feng Yuexin, Shu Ya, and Xiong Da all jump down one after another, Lei Hongming's heart thumped, he gritted his teeth, and jumped down with his eyes closed.

The whistling cold wind was blowing hard in his ears, and Lei Hongming felt it very clearly with his eyes closed. He hugged his arms tightly and let his hair slap on his cheeks, but he didn't have the courage to open his eyes to see what was going on around him. What is the environment.

About 5 minutes later, the wind stopped suddenly. Lei Hongming Gang opened his eyes, but just opened his closed eyelids a crack, and he felt an unforgettable pain in his buttocks. Immediately afterwards, he felt like he was sitting on a slide Same, slide down.

This is going to kill me!
The pain from landing on his buttocks hadn't passed yet, and he had to accept the flying friction. Lei Hongming felt like dying, tears streaming down his face.

As for Luo Yuxi, Xuanyuan Wanzhen and others who jumped down first, because they heard Feng Caitian's warning when they picked them up, they used their spiritual power to slow down the moment they were about to land, so their buttocks also It doesn't hurt much.

However, this slide, which was so fast that it almost stopped the heartbeat, made the three little girls scream again and again.

The sharp voice was excited in this narrow space, Lei Hongming intuitively felt that his soul was already confused, and he couldn't find the north at all.

I don't know how long it took, but they finally reached the bottom of the slide and stopped.However, their condition is like going to an amusement park to ride a roller coaster, with numb hands and feet and dizzy eyes.

And Lei Hongming was even more exaggerated, he vomited while holding the rock beside him.

The corners of Feng Haolin's mouth twitched slightly.

I really don't understand why these people are in such a mess. My little sister has already reminded them to use spiritual power to slow down when they fall, so how could they all be so exaggerated, as if they have been ransacked.

"Are you all right?" Feng Caitian looked at the people in different situations with a little sympathy, walked over, then took out a persuasion, and handed it to Lei Hong, who was vomiting all the bile Ming.


(End of this chapter)

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