1288 Chapter 11
"Okay, miss, be careful, I will take good care of Yuexin." Shu Ya nodded.She has eternal respect for Feng Caitian, whether it is resourcefulness or courage, she is deeply impressed.Therefore, even though Feng Caitian made her swear to follow Feng Yuexin, she didn't respectfully call her Miss.

Feng Caitian nodded, agreeing, and disappeared into the darkness after a few dodges.

Shu Ya watched for a while, and when she looked sideways at Feng Yuexin, she found that she was still in a fugue state, and she couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"Don't think too much, don't forget what the lady told us."

Feng Yue regained her senses, she didn't answer, but just nodded slightly.

Feeling helpless for a while, Shu Ya walked forward, and Feng Yuexin also followed.


Xingyue Courtyard.

The courtyard, where the lights should have been turned off long ago, was now brightly lit, hesitant to wake up the demon in the dark night.

Feng Caitian stood on the branch, looked down at the red-clothed young man under the pear tree, with a smile of 'guess it right'.

With a tap of her toes, she appeared in front of the boy.

"You're back?" As soon as Feng Caitian landed, the boy in red stood up excitedly.In the next second, the corners of his Gao Yang's mouth disappeared, and his whole body froze.

"Why is it you, Lord Feng?" The young man in red gave him a disinterested glance, then sat back on the spot, making it clear that he didn't want to see Feng Caitian, who was dressed in colorful makeup.

"Why, you don't welcome me?" Feng Caitian rubbed her nose, glanced at Zhao Wenxing who was indifferent to her, then pulled a chair from the table under the pear tree, and sat down opposite him .

"Do you have something to say to me?" Zhao Wenxing leaned against the pear tree, and continued to look down at things and think about people. He thought that Feng Caitian would sit down in front of him, which made him frown.

"Hey, you kid, I just gave you the fruit of Mood for Love today, why are you turning your face and denying anyone now?" Feng Caitian glared at him like a wolf with white eyes, and then, He looked around pretending to be curious.

"Where is the person you love the most, why haven't I met? Anyway, I can be regarded as half of her benefactor, why didn't you come out to greet me when I came?" After speaking the last two sentences, Feng Caitian increased the volume.

Zhao Wenxing raised his sad charming eyes and stared at her.

"I said, Mr. Feng, have you been bored recently?"

"No, my balls are fine and don't hurt." Feng Caitian pretended not to move, and replied honestly.

If it was normal, Zhao Wenxing might still be able to say a few words to Feng Moliang, but now Zhao Wenxing is hurting because of Feng Yuexin's refusal to tell, and immediately waved his hand a little impatiently, "If it doesn't hurt, go away, if it doesn't hurt Seeing that my young master is worrying."

"What's bothering you, isn't it just a woman? If she disappears, she disappears. Why make it as if she was abandoned by the whole world." Feng Caitian said casually, but she was a little curious about why Feng Yuexin disappeared, and she didn't know why. It didn't have any big impact on Zhao Wenxing.

You know, in Huaxia, after 24 hours of disappearance, you can report the crime, but look at Zhao Wenxing, he is not in a hurry, not in a hurry or annoyed, and there is only sadness on his face. It is not like he was at the second checkpoint. Acting so loving and determined to get into Eden.

"You're not Feng Moliang." Zhao Wenxing stood up suddenly, half-closed his eyes, and looked at Feng Caitian vigilantly.

(End of this chapter)

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