Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1404 The Funeral

Chapter 1404 The Funeral
Liu Yihan laughed, "What you did to my Tian'er, then I will do to your sister."

"I'll kill you!" The veins and blood vessels on Jun Qianchou's forehead protruded violently, and the loose skirts of his clothes creaked without any wind.

"If you have the time, why don't you go and see your sister first, otherwise, I can assure you, you will definitely regret what you did today!" Liu Yihan looked calm, as if he didn't take Jun Qianchou's threats seriously at all. .His eyes were icy, and his tone was as cold as a knife, which made people feel flustered.

Jun Qianchou didn't dare to delay, she gave Liu Yihan a hostile look, and then stretched out her figure and disappeared into the room like a gust of wind.

Liu Yihan breathed a sigh of relief.He is already at the end of his strength, if Jun Qianchou comes hard, he will definitely not be able to please him.


The person on the bed woke up slowly, with a pair of blurred eyes, and the crimson face became more and more charming.

She got up halfway, and pulled Liu Yihan's clothes, her misty eyes looked at him pitifully: "Han...I'm hot..."


Liu Yihan frowned, but he couldn't help but caressed her delicate chin with his hand.With a touch like silk, the love potion that was forcibly suppressed in the body will be lifted instantly.His hand shrank slightly like an electric shock.However, Feng Caitian stretched out her hand to hold down his retreating hand, her whole body was like a boneless swimming snake, and it instantly slid onto Liu Yihan's body.

"It's so cool..." Feng Caitian buried her small head in his neck, rubbing and rubbing, all of Liu Yihan's efforts collapsed in an instant.

As soon as he grasped her restless hand, he forcibly pulled Feng Caitian away from him, his deep eyes were like the bottom of the sea without sunlight, they were all black, only the beautiful shadow reflected by Feng Caitian remained.

"Tian'er, if... would you hate me?" Liu Yihan's face was full of bitterness and pain.

On weekdays, although Feng Caitian is not disgusted with the closeness of the two of them, sometimes she is very enthusiastic, but when she really reaches a certain step, Feng Caitian will have inexplicable resistance for some reason.Perhaps, she felt that she herself had not grown up and was not ready to transform from a girl to a woman.

However, in today's situation, I'm afraid...

Liu Yihan was very entangled, and before he was ready, Feng Caitian had completely lost his mind and removed all the clothes on his body.The well-proportioned figure makes the delicate body like a work of art even more alluring.

Liu Yihan swallowed his saliva, put his heart on hold, and hugged her...

In the early morning, before dawn, the sound of crackling firecrackers and the sound of gongs and drums exploded into the sky before the birds came out of their nests.

The moment the trumpets sounded, the Jun family's children put on white cloths one by one, and hurriedly wandered around in the compound.They are going to prepare paper money and joss sticks for the funeral.And Jun Bile was woken up early in the morning by his family members carrying him out of Yanyu Pavilion.

At this moment, he was holding the spirit tablet in front of the brothers and sisters with a pig's face, expressionless.The yellowish candlelight shone on his face, making him even more ferocious.

Although Jun Biqiang and the others were surprised, they did not dare to ask more questions.He just stood in his position cautiously and solemnly, waiting for an order from the Taoist priest.

And those city lords and some core disciples of Jun's family got up early when they heard the sound of firecrackers, dressed everything, came to the mourning hall, held the wreaths and some sacrificial items they had given them in their palms, and stood up team.

After an unknown amount of time, eight burly and sturdy men walked into the mourning hall.Their strength is not high, they are all the strength of the peak of true gods, but it is more than enough to use them to carry the sarcophagus made of profound stones.

The man in the yellow Taoist uniform babbled for a while in front of the mourning hall, and then he gave some instructions to the eight big men.Everyone saw that several people divided into two teams, each went to the corner, and picked up the pitch-black wooden stick that stood against the wall.

Seeing this, everyone knew that the funeral ceremony was about to begin.

Everyone lined up one after another, and the gongs and drums beat hard again. It seemed that the louder they knocked, the more they could pass through the netherworld and wake up the emissary who guarded the gate of the nether world.

However, half an hour had passed, and the drummers who were beating the gongs and drums had lost all their strength, but neither Jun Qianchou nor Jun Youliang, who were the master of the Jun family, appeared.

This made Mr. Taoist very anxious.

"What's going on with this family? Didn't they agree to have a funeral at five o'clock? It's already six o'clock and no one has come. Could it be that they want to keep the deceased at home and not send them out of the mountain?"

Since Mr. Taoist came out of the mountain, he has presided over how many funerals of the deceased.Isn't the master of that family eager to send the dead out to rest early?This is really the first time for him to meet such an anxious master.

"Don't worry about them, let's go by ourselves!" Jun Bile was standing behind Mr. Taoist, even though the gongs and drums were blaring, he could still clearly hear what he said just now.

However, today, he is not very angry.For one thing, the deceased at the funeral was also his father.Feng Shui directly affects the next generation, that is, their fortune, so at this time, even if Mr. Taoist punishes him, Jun Bile will not fight back.Secondly, he was the one who poisoned Jun Hailin to death, and he already had ghosts in his heart, so he wanted to send Jun Hailin out earlier than anyone else, so that he could rest in peace.

Mr. Taoist Brick looked at him, and asked hesitantly, "Is it true that you don't have to wait for them?" In fact, it doesn't matter if Jun Youliang comes or not, but if Jun Qianchou, the lord, doesn't come, then...

Jun Bile frowned, "Don't wait, let's go quickly, don't delay the time."

"Then..." Mr. Taoist paused, looked in the direction of the main courtyard where there was still no shadow, and then said to Jun Bile: "Okay then. But let's talk about the ugly first. According to the rules of our God's Domain, Jun's parents If the deceased dies, the seal of the tomb must be blessed by the blood of the lord. Now that your lord is not coming, you are urging me to leave. After that, if this matter affects the fortune of your lineage, don’t count it On my head."

Jun Bile didn't believe this at all in his heart, and at this moment, he was a little impatient when he heard him talking so much.

"Okay, let's go, I don't blame you."

"Then... where are your brothers?" Mr. Taoist looked at Jun Hailin's children behind Jun Bile with concern.

It's hard to say something like luck.Although there are surnames, but if you don't believe it, you don't.But as a Taoist priest in charge, he still hopes that this matter can be explained clearly to all Jun Hailin's children, so that they can all pay attention to it. .

(End of this chapter)

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