Chapter 1411

The sudden kick made Jun Qianchou a little unsteady, and she was about to crush Liu Yihan, but Feng Caitian had quick eyesight and quick hands, and slapped her little hand on the spot, making Liu Yihan fall back one meter with her whole body, and happened to avoid Jun Qianchou's Mount Tai .

However, Jun Qianchou, who was in close contact with the ground, was not so lucky. Not only did he eat a mouthful of mud, but even his hands were leaning forward too hard, and a few deep bloodstains were wiped on the ground.And the elixir that Tang Xinyuan gave him, which he nestled in the palm of his hand, rolled forward several times and stopped at Liu Yihan's feet.

Tang Xinyuan couldn't help cursing inwardly, "Waste is waste, even doing such a small thing can't be done well!"

He cast a contemptuous glance at Jun Qianchou, who hadn't turned back for a while, and quickly walked to Liu Yihan's feet, picking up the pill that rolled on the ground.

"This should be the antidote to his paralysis, right?" Tang Xinyuan asked Jun Qianchou.

"En..." Jun Qianchou looked at Tang Xinyuan's slightly blinking starry eyes, and nodded dejectedly.A gray breath suddenly permeated his whole body. Under the shadow of the tree, his whole body seemed a little depressed, as if lamenting the tragedy that his whole life was full of.

Feng Caitian frowned as she looked at the elixir that Tang Xinyuan brought over as if offering a treasure.

She turned her head, stared straight at Jun Qianchou, who was in a daze, and asked suspiciously: "Your Jun's acupuncture points still need pills to cure them?" This was completely different from the meaning of acupuncture points she knew.

Generally speaking, acupoints are Chinese acupuncture and acupoint therapy, which originated from Chinese medicine.Although it is exaggerated in modern legendary literature and film and television materials, and it is covered with a veil of mystery, but no matter how it changes, it is always the same. He has never heard of it. The method of acupoints is actually solved with medicine.

Facing Feng Caitian's disbelief, Tang Xinyuan felt ashamed.

Of course he knew that there was no need to rely on drugs to tap the acupoints, but Liu Yihan's blocked acupoints were all blocked by him with the method of the underworld. Of course, Jun Qianchou, a rookie, would not be able to solve them.Therefore, he compressed his secret technique and oblivion technique in the form of gas, in order to make Liu Yihan forget what happened just now while releasing the power of sealing the acupoints on Liu Yihan's body.

It's just that he didn't expect that Feng Caitian would want to get these in such a situation where his care is chaotic.

Tang Xinyuan looked at Jun Qianchou nervously, afraid that he would betray herself if he was not careful.But obviously, his worries were unnecessary, Jun Qianchou, who was very good at judging the situation, made an excuse for herself with a frown.

He raised his brows, with an expression of 'my family's secret art is like this', and said angrily: "It's so strange, the same rice can support all kinds of people, our Jun family's acupoints are naturally extraordinary, otherwise, Jun Why does the family rule the Xieya God Realm?"

Feng Caitian was a little uncertain when listening to his swear words.

"It's best that you didn't lie to me, otherwise, if something happens to him, I will definitely bury you and Jun Qingling with him!" Feng Caitian was extremely cold, and fed Liu Yihan the black elixir in his hand.

Jun Qianchou really wanted to speak harsh words back to Feng Caitian, but under the threat of Tang Xinyuan's slightly frowning brows, she could only dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

Soon, Liu Yihan's stiff body was able to move, but when he raised his eyes to look at Feng Caitian and the surroundings, he was a little dazed.

"Tian'er, aren't we in the room, why are we in the yard?"

Feng Caitian and Jun Qianchou were taken aback at the same time.

Especially Jun Qianchou, the way she looked at Liu Yihan was like seeing a ghost.Just now, he was ready, ready to be sued by Liu Yihan, but Liu Yihan actually said such a sentence.Is this guy pretending, or is he playing other tricks?

Jun Qianchou looked at Liu Yihan, and Feng Caitian also looked at him worriedly and asked, "Han, are you okay?"

Liu Yihan couldn't help being more confused, looked at Feng Caitian in bewilderment and asked, "Did something happen? I don't seem to remember." Liu Yihan tried hard to recall, but after thinking for a long time, the most recent memory seemed to only stay in Jun The scene where Qianchou came to the door, how he walked out of the room, and what happened after that, he didn't even remember at all.

Looking at him like this, Feng Caitian thought that the Jun family's acupressure technique had some powerful sequelae, and looked at Jun Qianchou involuntarily with rage.

"Jun Qianchou!"

"I... I don't know what's going on!" Jun Qianchou felt a grievance in her heart.He didn't even touch a single hair of Liu Yihan, so the sudden amnesia shouldn't be blamed on him.

Jun Qianchou cried and looked at Tang Xinyuan begging for help.How much I hope in my heart that Tang Xinyuan can bravely stand up at this time and explain all these things clearly.But…

Tang Xinyuan turned his gaze to the sky, completely ignoring his plea for help.Feeling Feng Caitian's almost lingering gaze, Jun Qianchou finally understood why Tang Xinyuan handed him the torch.

Feelings, this evil man planned early on to take the blame for himself.

"What did he do to me?" Liu Yihan who was on the side had a headache thinking about it, and couldn't help rubbing his temples lightly with his hands, asking in discomfort.

Feng Caitian tried her best to suppress her anger, glanced at him, then at the still burning fire, hesitated for a while, and then finished the story of what she saw after she came out of the house. Liu Yihan.

Liu Yihan listened quietly, the more he listened, the darker his face became.

He gritted his teeth and sneered at Jun Qianchou: "Unexpectedly, Brother Jun has already started playing with fire to keep warm before winter arrives. If that's the case, then as a brother, I have to help you no matter what, right? "

Liu Yihan couldn't figure out why he was hanging upside down on the fire when he was clearly more cultivated than Jun Qianchou.But when he thought that he almost became bald, the evil little factor in Liu Yihan's heart roared.Before Jun Qianchou could make a move, Liu Yihan waved his cloud sleeve, and Jun Qianchou flew up like the fallen autumn leaves.

Then, Jun Qianchou was hung upside down on the fire by a purple ribbon that ran out from nowhere.

Soon, a smell of burnt hair came out.Jun Qianchou let out a wail, her ink-like long hair was completely set on fire, and the warm golden flames were blazing, and it looked extraordinarily beautiful under the yellowish leaves.

Jun Qianchou's complexion became stinky to the extreme in an instant, but after a short period of panic, Jun Qianchou flapped his sleeve robe, and a beam of light flashed by, and all the burning firewood piles were blown away, and The burning long hair was cut off by the wind blade.

(End of this chapter)

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