Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1415 Temporary Entrustment

Chapter 1415 Temporary Entrustment
Tang Xin was leaning against the window of the house, looking at the backs of the two walking hand in hand through the gauze, her evil eyes suddenly showed a hint of silence.

Time can really change many things, just like the people and things in front of you.With a sigh, Tang Xinyuan waved his wide cloud sleeves outward, and an invisible barrier rose into the air, like beautiful soap bubbles, which looked colorful under the faint sunlight.

Feng Caitian, who had already walked out of the Yanyu Pavilion, seemed to sense something, looked back, and left hand in hand with Liu Yihan in peace.

In the distance, a person dressed in black stood in the yard, looking at the Yanyu Pavilion as if covered in the world of communication, with an apologetic wry smile on his lips.

"Ling'er, please protect yourself, my brother will definitely come back to find you!" Jun Qianchou stood in the courtyard of the Shoujun Pavilion, staring at the direction of the Yanyu Pavilion for 5 minutes.After a long time, he came back to his senses, and said to Nian Bing who was kneeling silently:

"Take good care of my sister!"

When Nian Bing heard the parting words, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Jun Qianchou with a puzzled look.

Today, he knelt for four full hours outside the courtyard of the Court of Chosians. He thought that when he saw Jun Qianchou again, he would face a punishment that he would never forget in his life. Lifelong punishment, but since Jun Qianchou stepped into this courtyard, she just gave him a complicated look, then stood in front of him, silent.

Hearing his farewell words at this moment, Nian Bing couldn't help but tremble, and looked at Jun Qianchou in astonishment.He felt that Jun Qianchou's words didn't seem like she was going to marry the young lady to him, but more like a feeling of going away and leaving her alone temporarily.

Jun Qianchou seemed to see Nian Bing's doubts, and raised her finger to the dreamlike enchantment behind him.Obviously it looks like a bubble that can burst with a poke, but it gives people a sense of the distance between the Milky Way and the earth.It's clearly within reach, but it's like a phantom illusion, and it's caught in the air.

Nian Bing knelt and turned around, following the direction Jun Qianchou pointed, his puzzled pupils suddenly approached, and exclaimed in an unbelievable voice: "How can there be a barrier?"

After a short exclamation, Nian Bing suddenly fell into an unbelievable sense of fear.Like other main houses of God's Domain, the defensive enchantment possessed by Jun's main house is derived from the teaching seal carved by the heavenly meteorite transformed from the fall of the main god in the ancient century.And later, because the human race became more and more powerful, the ancestors of the major gods each found the most powerful formation masters at that time to transform them.

It stands to reason that unless the Jun family's coaching seal is broken and the defense array of the main house is automatically broken and disappears, it is impossible for anyone to independently set up such a powerful barrier in the main house.The power of ancient times, with the vicissitudes of time, just from the breath, it is not difficult for Nian Bing to find that the enchantment that is so beautiful in the sun does not need the defensive array of their masters.

Jun Qianchou gave him a sideways look, and a wry smile curled up at the corner of her mouth.He suddenly felt that even if he abandoned his sister and left with the Assassination Pavilion, which was the only one that could support his power, in the end, it was just a dying struggle. As long as that master got angry, even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he would eventually fall to him on hand.

"I'm leaving." Jun Qianchou looked away, but her voice was weak.

Nian Bingxin missed a few beats immediately, and hadn't woken up from the shock of the strange appearance of the enchantment. Now that she heard the news that Jun Qianchou was leaving, she suddenly felt a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and her mind was buzzing.

He looked at Jun Qianchou in astonishment, and after a while, he asked in disbelief, "Master, are you going to..."

Jun Qianchou looked at Nian Bing's astonished expression and nodded slightly.Then he took a few deep breaths and sighed, "If I don't leave, I will have nothing in the end."

"That miss..." Nian Bing looked at Jun Qianchou nervously and eagerly, as if he had already guessed something.

Jun Qianchou pursed her lips and looked at Nian Bing with pain in her heart.

If possible, he would really like to take Jun Qingling away, but...

His gaze once again fell on the Misty Rain Pavilion in the distance, which seemed to be a world away, Jun Qianchou's gaze became constantly struggling, becoming deep and far-reaching.

"Nian Bing, I know you like Ling', help me take care of her!" Jun Qianchou turned around, the faint sunlight cast a shadow on him, boundless sadness and powerlessness, even Nian Bing looked at her. As he spoke, his eyes began to swell, slightly reddened, but he suppressed them with all his efforts.

He knew that if it was not a last resort, the master would never abandon the young lady.However, he is also very clear about what the master means to the young lady.

If Miss knew that she was left alone by her dearest and most respected brother, then she... .

Nian Bing really didn't dare to think about it.

"Ling'er is in Yanyu Pavilion, get up and go find her." Jun Qianchou didn't want to explain too much, but as soon as she finished speaking, Jun Qianchou entered the room without looking back, and closed the door.

The sound of the door closing with a "bang" was like a muffled thunder knocking hard on Nian Bing's heart.He raised his eyes and looked straight at the door that was completely still, as quiet as if it would never open again, and his heart ached to the extreme.

He just wanted to say, master, I hope you really don't regret it!
Nian Bing wiped away her tears and stood up.Kneeling for a long time, his legs had already lost feeling.Now that he was unstable, Nian Bing fell heavily to the ground.But he felt nothing.With tears streaming down his face, Nian Bing looked coldly and resolutely at the inner room where there was no movement at all.

After struggling many times, Nian Bing stood up.It's just that at this moment, his plain white clothes are covered with mud, and he no longer has the capable and energetic spirit of the past, but only grief and heartbreak.

Feng Caitian and Liu Yihan in the distance watched indifferently, and couldn't help but click their tongues.

"I didn't expect Nian Bing to have a strong willpower. After falling so many times, he didn't even let him give up. Let's rest for a while before leaving."

Liu Yihan listened to Feng Caitian's praise, looked at the limping Nian Bing, and said sourly: "Is this strong willpower? I think he has thick skin and thick flesh, and can withstand falling."

Feng Caitian chuckled when she heard this.

"Then you go and try it too, I'll see if you can stand the fall."

"Of course I'm fine," Liu Yihan approached suddenly, and said in a low and ambiguous voice, "We were..."

Suddenly recalling the crazy scene last night, Feng Caitian's face turned red again and again.Raising his hand to push away Liu Yihan, who was spraying hot air in his ear, he coughed lightly twice: "Let's go, it's almost time, I haven't had breakfast yet."

(End of this chapter)

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