Chapter 1428
Besides, isn't that person's lessons learned just now not obvious enough?

"Old man" Feng Caitian spoke suddenly, and the coercion released by Jun Wuya was like a fishing net, and he immediately retracted it.

"Why?" Jun Wuya looked at her dissatisfied.

"You scared everyone!" Feng Caitian, who had already sat back at some point, rested her chin on one hand, looking at Jun Wuya intently.

Jun Wuya snorted, "Is there?"

"Hmm, of course." Feng Caitian quickly closed her eyes and nodded.She knew that Jun Wuya was helping herself, but this kind of forced suppression was not what she wanted.

What she wants is to be sincerely convinced.

Haoge has no conscience, Jun Wuya was so angry that she glared at her, and Brick shouted at the people below who were a little confused about the situation, but they had obviously become better: "You guys are very timid?"

How to answer this?

Everyone looked at each other, but Jun Wuya snorted, twisted his buttocks, and sat back in his seat.But he kept muttering to Feng Caitian: "Call me Wuya, or, brother, old man, old man, call me old."

Feng Caitian couldn't help feeling a little headache.

People who have lived for tens of thousands of years, who have already seen through the world of mortals and life and death, why are they so obsessed with a name?From yesterday to today alone, he has recited it fifty times.

But obviously, the person involved in Sui Sui Nian didn't pay attention to how crazy Feng Caitian was driven by this incident. all over.

Feng Caitian couldn't help rubbing between her brows.

"Can you shut up for me?"

Jun Wuya was slightly taken aback, and raised his eyes to look at the impatient Feng Caitian. Everyone thought that he would torture him just like he did to the one just now. Like a child who has eaten candy, he looked at her with aggrieved eyes, almost rolling his eyes in their sockets.

Is this still the arrogant and indifferent expert from before?

Everyone couldn't help being surprised, and Feng Caitian gave Jun Wuya a warning look, then straightened his body, smiled and said: "Everyone is standing, you are not Hongdou curious, why am I sitting here? Is it on the Nine Dragon Throne? Let’s all sit down and talk about it.”

Everyone is not polite, after the scene just now, everyone has learned to be humble, to endure, and not to push themselves forward.So, with Feng Caitian's greeting, everyone turned around cooperatively and sat down in their previous positions.

They were all waiting for someone to ask first, but after waiting for a few seconds, the hall was completely silent. If they didn't pay attention, they might not even be able to hear the deep breathing.

And Li Jingcai, the lord of Luoshui City who has always been close to Jun Qianchou, saw that everyone was silent, and was eager to know Jun Qianchou's whereabouts, so he stood up again, and asked bravely: "Dare to ask the girl's name? Take office with us." What is the relationship with Lord Jun Qianchou, and why did he hand over the leadership of this evil cliff to you?"

This was exactly the topic they were concerned about. For a while, everyone sat up straight and pricked up their ears, fearing that they would miss a word.

Feng Caitian glanced at everyone's reactions, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I, Feng Caitian, have nothing to do with your former lord. If there is, it is also the relationship between the doctor and the patient. As for why he handed over Xieya to me, well, after reading this, you will naturally understand .”

Feng Caitian didn't intend to play tricks at all, she still had a lot of work to do, and to subdue this group of former city lords was only about quick decisions.So, as soon as Feng Caitian's words fell, her little hand slightly pointed forward, and immediately after that, the coaching seal, which was like a seal, appeared in the palm of her hand.

The bustling lines were meticulously entwined and hovered on the small seal. At first, everyone didn't understand what it meant for Feng Caitian to show them a seal that was a little better than the ordinary seal used by calligraphy masters.However, suddenly, feeling the vigorous and awe-inspiring aura emanating from the seal, everyone couldn't help but stagnate.

"Teacher's seal!" Some old antiques who are knowledgeable and have lived a long time suddenly exclaimed after their pupils dilated suddenly.

And some other people who didn't understand what this little seal was, after hearing these three big characters, some people still had doubts on their faces, while others who knew it all stared wide-eyed.

It can be said that apart from disbelief, they were also terrified.

You know, Xie Ya's teaching seal has disappeared for tens of thousands of years.But in their generation, even if they are the city lords, they seldom learn about the coaching seal from word of mouth from their parents.

However, the disappearance of the teaching sealer's stuff doesn't mean it doesn't exist.Especially those older generations with older aptitudes who are close to the [-]-year-old limit.At the end of each year's summary and commendation conference, they can always get a little bit of legend about the coaching seal from their mouths.

I just didn't expect that the legendary thing appeared today.Moreover, not only did it appear, but it was also refined by a fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl without any divine power.

What a horror!Or, don't let anyone tell him that he is dreaming now, and everything he sees now does not exist.

"That's right! This is indeed the coaching seal." Feng Caitian looked at everyone's reaction with a smile on his lips.Originally, she thought that this group of ancients didn't know the existence of the teaching seal for a long time, and she needed to give them some extra knowledge, but these people are still very caring, and they already understood what it is without them saying it.

And some people who don't know the reason are still a little confused.One of the young men in green shirts hurriedly pulled the old man with a complicated expression on one side secretly, and said in a low voice: "City Master Huang, this coaching seal is a magic thing after all, why do you all become so different? Are you so scared?"

The old man called City Lord Huang glanced at the young man with question marks on his face, raised his eyes, and set his eyes on the slowly rotating seal in Feng Caitian's palm, and sighed:
"Hey, I'm old and I have to submit to my old age. Let's put it this way, as long as anyone is able to obtain this teaching seal and refine it, then you will be the master of the God Realm governed by this teaching seal. Sigh..."

He sighed again, his eyes fell on Feng Caitian in a complicated way, and he said in a distant voice: "I don't know if Feng Caitian is the blessing of the evil cliff, or the disaster of the evil cliff..."

"What do you mean?" The young man couldn't help frowning when he heard that he was confused.

City Lord Huang glanced back, then stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Young man, I'm afraid, if we don't recognize Lord Feng, we have to."

(End of this chapter)

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