Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1433 The Mind of a Teenager

Chapter 1433 The Mind of a Teenager

The faint sunlight slanted down from the sky, Feng Caitian faced the light, and walked away on the wind, with white clothes fluttering, like a fallen dust fairy walking away on the clouds, Jun Zhenghui stared blankly at her back and couldn't recover for a long time.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, and after a long time, he murmured softly:
"Thank you, Lord!"

……………………. .

When Xiong Jiu, the two captains of the Presbyterian Court and the Judicial Court, came to see Jun Youliang's residence, he found him playing chess with his son in his gazebo.

Surrounded by green water, the tea is fragrant. I don't know if Jun Youliang is sure that Feng Caitian will settle accounts after autumn, but he has already taken it lightly. Seeing the two captains coming, Jun Youliang was facing the two teams. , only said lightly;
"Stare at me after playing this game of chess, and I will go with you."

Jun Youliang is clinging to the white chess in his hands, and what he plays is calm and breezy.However, seeing that his father was about to be taken away, as Jun Youliang's son, how could Jun Moxin be so familiar that he didn't care about it?

Jun Moxin glared at the visitor, his beautiful eyebrows twisted together, but this did not affect his picturesque beauty, on the contrary, it added a bit of a feeling of being exiled.

The two captains led the people, and after listening to Jun Youliang's words, their already tense expressions became a bit hazy. After hesitating for a while, they raised their hands to signal everyone to stop outside the gazebo.The executive court and elders' house were also extremely well-trained. Although they felt that it was inappropriate, they still obediently dispersed left and right, standing in two rows like a guard of honor.

From a distance, people who don't know think that Jun Youliang is big enough to play chess at home with so many bodyguards, but when you look carefully at the badges of those people, you find that everything is not the same. So what your eyes see.

"Father!" Looking at these knowledgeable people, Jun Moxin still couldn't help being annoyed.

The person who was to be taken away was his father!

Jun Youliang glanced at him, sighed softly, and suddenly said earnestly: "Impatience is a taboo in chess." Jun Youliang paused for a moment, and said again: "If you want to strategize, you must be steady and steady. There is thunder in the heart and the face is as flat as a lake, this will not give the opponent an opportunity to take advantage of it. Mo Xin, do you understand?"

Jun Moxin avoided answering, but frowned tightly.

After a few rounds, Jun Moxin's beautiful eyebrows suddenly stretched out when Bai Zi, who was faintly about to lose, suddenly rose up and surpassed the chance of victory.

He said excitedly: "Father, the child understands!"

Jun Youliang nodded with a smile, but immediately stroked the wrinkled robe, and stood up: "It's getting late, let's play this chess game when Dad comes back!"

Jun Moxin also stood up, not only a bit of worry pouring out of his moist and illusory eyes.

At this time, Jun Youliang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder lightly, his appearance was still calm and breezy, with a loving smile on his face, as if, after this farewell, he was not going on any dangerous journey, but It was him who suddenly got up and wanted to drop by.

"Okay, let your mother come back and tell her that I'm going away." After finishing speaking, Jun Youliang turned around and said to a group of people from the Elder's House and Law Enforcement Hall who had been waiting for a long time: "Let's go." , don't keep the lord waiting."

==You also know not to keep the lord waiting?
The two captains scolded Jun Youliang in their hearts, but there was no expression on their faces. They were still respectful as usual, nodded, turned around, and took two steps back slightly to make way for Jun Youliang.

Jun Youliang walked out of the gazebo, and then the two roads separated from the left and right converged into a row by themselves, and followed behind Jun Youliang. The battle was like an emperor on a tour, and his aura was so domineering. However, Jun Mo standing at the entrance of the gazebo Heart, but staring straight at the front, the tall and straight figure like a pine, with a deep expression on his face.

The breeze picked up, the lake water rippled, the green leaves rose with the wind, and suddenly a smeared figure landed beside Jun Moxin.That man, with fair skin and a pair of dazzling black eyes that seemed to be able to see past and present lives, was cold and fierce, like cold stars.

"Are you back?" Hearing the sound, Jun Moxin looked back at the person coming.

The name of this cold and stern man is Jun Moyi, and he is the child that Jun Youliang brought back from outside.Although he has had the Jun family's surname since he was a child, but in terms of blood, he has no half-money relationship with the Jun family. What he has is just the kindness of the Jun family's upbringing.And Jun Moyi seemed to understand this when he was very young.

When he was seven years old, he set fire to his house. Standing in front of the fire, he looked like a Shura crawling out of hell. The monstrous flames reflected on his resolute and cold face. The old fox who had lived for tens of thousands of years couldn't help being shocked.

Since then, there is no such person as Jun Moyi in the Jun family, only his shadow of Jun Moxin——Yi!

"En..." Yi nodded slightly, and his deep voice was like mountains pressing down on his heart and lungs. After listening to it, even his mood became silent.

He turned around, looked at Jun Moxin who was sitting still, and continued: "After Jun Qianchou left Jun's house, she went to Heyi City."

Jun Moxin sneered, "He will pick a place."

Heyi City can be said to be the most remote and impoverished city in Xieya. Although it is surrounded by mountains and has endless mineral resources, the location is too steep and bandits are rampant. Countless businessmen who want to develop have to take a detour.Due to the need for livelihood, although the self-sufficient economic model will not starve the residents of Heyi City to death, people go to high places and water flows to low places. Many people have to leave their homes for prosperity and wealth.

Since then, although Heyi City is sparsely populated, there are at least a small number of spiritual practitioners left there because of the rich ore. Among them, there are also some powerful people who have just entered the ranks of gods and live in seclusion here.

Yi listened silently, neither agreeing nor denying, just listening silently, and then continued: "Jun Moxin has ordered the city lord of Heyi City to release news, saying that Feng Caitian himself is a top-level refining furnace, who can get it?" In short, whoever can be the supreme ruler of the mainland can obtain the cultivation level of a divine master."

"It's really ruthless." Not only did Jun Moxin laugh, his eyes were shining brightly, leaning slightly on the railing, the breeze brushed through his long ink-like hair, and strands of hair flew up, floating like a fairy. Can't help but look a little dumbfounded.

The heart that was already beating a little fast seemed to be about to jump out of his chest, expressing his love to the young man who was exiled from the fairy but turned into a fox.

However, Jun Moxin didn't notice anything, he stroked his chin that was smooth and slipped into Agarose, suddenly raised his head, and said with a smile: "Just right, isn't Liu Yihan going to invite Feng Caitian to my cocoon as a guest, why don't you stay here?" How about giving them a break along the way?"

(End of this chapter)

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