1439 Disguise 2
Between the lies, he only remembered that there seemed to be something on his face suddenly, and after something like a white wave spread on his face, his old face that he had seen for more than 2 years appeared in the mirror again.All of this is as magical as a magic trick.

The second elder couldn't help laughing: "Great, great. Finally changed back."

The second elder smiled alone, and couldn't help but touch his face, inch by inch, from cheek to chin, his kind eyes were like looking at an old lover whom he hadn't seen for many years, let alone how happy he was.

But at this time, Feng Caitian suddenly approached Jun Youliang and said, "How about it, is the lord's illusion technique good? Then it's your turn now." As he said, Feng Caitian raised his right hand, and put his thumb and middle finger together At the same time, it seemed that they were about to snap their fingers, and Jun Youliang suddenly shouted anxiously: "Wait a minute!"

"Huh? What's the matter?" Feng Caitian stopped in place and looked at him with some doubts.

Jun Youliang looked at the two thumbs of her right hand with some fear, and finally took a deep breath, closing his eyes like a strong man preparing to die heroically, and responded with a tragic pleading voice: "Lord, look For the sake of not lowering my appearance for you, please make me a little more handsome, otherwise, I will be made ugly and cry by myself!"

As he said that, Jun Youliang really sobbed.

In fact, this is also understandable.It is acceptable for a person to change from an ugly duckling to a white swan, but if a person suddenly changes from a dignified appearance to a common anger between gods and gods, affecting the appearance of the city, it can be said that no one can accept it.

Although Jun Youliang didn't mind his appearance, but if he were to become like the second elder just now, he thought, he'd better die.

Feng Caitian chuckled, "I can't imagine that a big man like you cares so much about appearance."

Jun Youliang held his breath, but the Second Elder, who had deep understanding, closed his eyes. On the other hand, the First Elder on the other side was still so calm. Occasionally, he could see a few touches from his radiant eyes. A fleeting moment of anticipation.

Everything was quiet, seeing everyone so nervous, Feng Caitian curled her lips into a smile.

The crisp sound of snapping fingers was like the bells in an ancient temple deep in the mountains. Although it couldn't reach the soul directly, it made people's hearts tremble, especially for the two men who closed their eyes, Jun Youliang and Jun Zhengyang.

For a long time, Jun Youliang was still praying repeatedly in his heart, but he didn't dare to open his eyes; but Jun Zhengyang, after waiting for a long time, didn't see the slightest reaction from Jun Youliang and his eldest brother Jun Zhenghui, and couldn't help trembling Flicking his eyelashes a few times, he looked at Jun Youliang through his slightly opened eyelids.

However, seeing this almost made him spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"It's not fair, it's so unfair!" The second elder yelled, wondering why the lord turned so ugly when he used the illusion technique on him, but he became so handsome when he told him Jun Youliang.

"What's the matter? What has become of me?" Hearing the howling of the second elder, Jun Youliang couldn't hold back anymore and opened his eyes.Immediately, he stretched out his hand and nervously touched his lips, and then, he held his face in his hands and touched it randomly.

At first he was relieved, but when he saw the second elder surrounded Feng Caitian screaming 'not fair' all the time, Jun Youliang's heart couldn't help but hang up again.

Could it be that he has become more feminine?

Jun Youliang quickly took out the mirror and took a picture, his eyes brightened.

What a youthful boy!
In the incandescent light, a young man is reflected in the mirror.

He is about seventeen or eighteen years old, his skin is delicate and handsome, and his facial features are extremely distinct, and he is not at all inferior to his youthful appearance.Especially those lips, although they are the same as the seductive lips that the second elder transformed before, they are full of temptation, but although his appearance is beautiful, there is absolutely no trace of femininity.

Instead, it gives people a gentle and elegant, fresh and contented temperament.It's no wonder that the Second Elder will yell 'unfair' relentlessly.

"Then how about I make another one for you?" Feng Caitian couldn't help but feel a little headache for the Second Elder's nonsense.Just now, he just wanted to shock the hearts of the other two with 'ugliness', but the second elder actually took it seriously.

Come on, that's not it, what's so unfair about your real appearance?
"Uh... let's forget it then!"

The Second Elder was initially dissatisfied with Feng Caitian's different treatment, and complained loudly just to make her make Jun Youliang look ugly, but upon hearing this, Jun Zhengyang immediately stood aside politely.But that gaze was definitely not friendly to Jun Youliang.

The second elder is good at everything, but loves beauty.Even if you were unhappy that day and contradicted him very bluntly, he would definitely not take it to heart.However, if you mess up his hair and wrinkle his clothes, then you—wait for bad luck!
Jun Youliang complained repeatedly in his heart, but he gave the second elder the most sincere smile on his face, and then changed the subject very cleverly.

"Ahem, lord, you turned me into this now, are you planning to leave today?"

Hearing this, Jun Zhenghui and Jun Zhengyang immediately became serious.Today, Liu Yihan and the Lord Pluto who came out of nowhere are not in the mansion, that's because Feng Caitian ordered them to take Jun Qingling to the street to buy things.

Originally, the two of them should not have done this kind of thing, but Feng Caitian didn't know if she had planned to ask Xie Feng about it a long time ago, so she deliberately sent the two killing gods away.

Looking at the confusion of the three people, Feng Caitian shook her head, "Tomorrow. Tomorrow, Great Elder, you will follow me to the library, and I will leave after lunch."

"So fast?" Jun Zhenghui was a little surprised, "Didn't you say that you have to stay for another two days before leaving?".

Feng Caitian smiled helplessly, "I can't help it, there are a lot of things, I have to deal with them quickly." She looked at Jun Zhengyang's eyes full of reluctance, and couldn't help jokingly said: "Second Elder, do you want to deal with it quickly?" No, you're with me too? I can help you become as young as Jun Youliang?"

"Uh... no, no need!" Jun Zhengyang turned his head hastily.As the saying goes, thousands of things are good, how can I have my own face.He didn't want to go to the underworld after 3 years of death, and he wouldn't even recognize his ancestors.

Feng Caitian laughed loudly, "Don't worry, at your age, I can't change even if I want to."

The second elder puffed up his face, turned his head and pretended to stare at her angrily, then turned his head away again, pursed his lips, and lost his anger.

Feng Caitian couldn't help being a little funny, among all the elders in the elders' house, only this World War II elder was the funniest, he looked like an old child, if it wasn't for going to My Cocoon God Realm this time, she really wanted to take her with her. him together.

(End of this chapter)

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