Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1451 Hummingbird Barbecue

Chapter 1451 Hummingbird Barbecue
In the early morning of the next day, Jun Youliang, who was sleeping soundly, was suddenly awakened by the strong aroma of barbecue.

Leisurely, Jun Youliang opened his eyes, but his goal was not yesterday's white bed.A piece of blue is impressively greeted through the gaps in the leaves, and a few small white clouds are playing around a few large leaves.

Jun Youliang was taken aback for a moment, then startled, and quickly sat up.

Taking a closer look, under this body, where is the soft bed and thin pillow that he slept on before, the brown soil, and the weeds here and there, and Jun Youliang's forehead was instantly covered with cold sweat.

My heart said, could it be that I was dreaming?

On the other side, Tang Xinyuan, who was leaning on the wild game, saw that Jun Youliang was awake and sat up, and couldn't help smiling, "Are you awake? Come here, this is the fresh game I caught this morning. Absolutely."

Hearing someone talking, Jun Youliang turned his head dully, and happened to see Tang Xinyuan, Nian Bing, and Jun Qingling surrounded by the fire, each roasting something that looked similar to a pheasant.At this time, Tang Xinyuan was smiling at himself.

Jun Youliang shivered, but his expression was still cute and he asked, "Where is this? Aren't we in the inn?"

"Outskirts." Tang Xinyuan flipped through the barbecue in his hand, and continued to explain: "I left in a hurry this morning, and you are still asleep. We saw that you put in so much effort last night, and I couldn't bear to wake you up, so brought you right out."

For such an explanation, Jun Youliang suddenly felt powerless.

I'm afraid, this Tang Xin was far from being considerate of his hard work in Qiongshan last night, but because he thought it was troublesome, or something happened later, so he directly touched his unconscious point and forced himself out.

"Why are there only three of you, the lord and Young Master Liu?" Jun Youliang stood up neatly, came to the fire, touched his moist coat, and roasted it back and forth by the firelight.

"Over there." Jun Qingling raised her chin, motioning him to look behind.

Sure enough, when Jun Youliang turned his head, he saw a tent set up on the flat ground not far away.The mouth of the tent was tightly closed, obviously, the people inside were still fast asleep.

Jun Youliang frowned, his eyes fell on the other three tents not far from that tent, he turned his head, and couldn't help asking in doubt: "What happened last night, why did you all run out in the middle of the night? "

"How do you know it's midnight?" Jun Qingling looked at him in surprise.Didn't it mean that he was in such a deep sleep that he couldn't wake up no matter how much he called?

Jun Qingling looked at Tang Xinyuan suspiciously, but Tang Xinyuan smiled at him, and explained to Jun Youliang, who was a bit guilty: "You slept too deeply last night, I'm afraid you don't know, the restaurant we live in was blocked by people on the third floor and the third floor outside. Are you surrounded?"

"Is there such a thing?" Jun Youliang was surprised at first, but then he didn't quite believe it.You know, he finished writing the letter last night but didn't go to bed until almost four o'clock in the morning.How could someone surround the restaurant with three floors inside and outside, but he didn't know it?
Seeing that she didn't believe it, Jun Qingling clicked her tongue, "Don't really believe it. When I was woken up by the young master and saw the dense crowd outside the restaurant, even the roof was full of people, I thought I was in Dreaming. However, all of this is real. I don’t know where they found out about our whereabouts, and they all came to trouble us.”

Saying that, Jun Qingling paused for a moment, and smiled mockingly: "I don't even look at who I am, even if the lord is really a top-quality cauldron as the rumors say, sleeping with her for one night can You have obtained the strength of a divine master, but your strength is not good enough, so you can't use it if you are red-eyed."

"You don't know how crazy those people are. As soon as we saw our lord appearing, that brother was like a demon. I felt disgusted when I saw that naked gaze. However, the most disgusting thing is this Just a rotten bird..."

"Stinky bird?" Jun Youliang's heart hung inexplicably.

Hearing his nervousness, Jun Qingling glanced at him in confusion, then lowered her head and continued roasting the game in her hand, saying: "That's right, it's the one in the young master's hand."

"Its grandma is a bear. If you say it shits, it just poops well, but it flew to the top of my head and pulled it on my head. I am really impatient to live."

"Hehe... I am impatient to live again." Jun Youliang laughed dryly, turned his eyes, and happened to meet Tang Xinyuan's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.Jun Youliang's heart skipped a beat, and he was about to say something to cover up his guilty conscience, but Tang Xinyuan suddenly handed over the roasted game in his hand.

Tang Xinyuan said: "You kid is really lucky. This is a hummingbird raised in captivity and specially used to deliver letters. Although it is a first-level monster, the taste is definitely much better than the hummingbird you hunt outside."

Jun Youliang turned pale, "A hummingbird delivering a letter?"

"That's right," Tang Xinyuan pretended not to know, and sent the delicious food baked in his hand to Jun Youliang.

Jun Youliang had no choice but to take it.However, smelling the delicious smell of meat, Jun Youliang's heart sank bit by bit.It seemed that the messenger bird he released last night was a hummingbird.

Although this kind of bird is only a first-order monster, its flying speed in the air is not much worse than that of a dragon.Therefore, in Fengtian Continent, many wealthy families kept this bird in captivity to deliver letters.However, the food that the captive hummingbirds are fed...

Looking at Tang Xinyuan's enthusiastic and expectant eyes, Jun Youliang kept thinking, if he bites down, will this kind of hummingbird meat, which has always been fed on poisonous fruits, poisonous insects and poisonous weeds, poison himself half to death? .

"Why don't you eat it? Are you disliking me for not roasting it well?" Tang Xinyuan saw him staring at the barbecue in his hand in a daze, so he straightened his face and looked at him with half-closed eyes.You know, he is the majestic king of the underworld, and even ordinary gods have not had the chance to taste the barbecue he grilled with his own hands. He is a mortal, why are he still hesitating?

"No," Jun Youliang smiled wryly in his heart, but looked at Tang Xinyuan with a compliment and waved his hands again and again, "Pluto, where are you thinking, I just smelled too fragrant, and I was a little intoxicated for a while." After finishing speaking , Jun Youliang closed his eyes, lowered his head and took a hard bite of the fragrant barbecue.

Mouth full of fragrance, lean but chewy.If it was changed to other meat, maybe Jun Youliang would not be able to help admiring the deliciousness of the meat, but now...

Knowing that what he was chewing in his mouth was hummingbird meat that had always been poisonous, even though this meat was the best tasting meat he had ever tasted in the world, he still thought it was, like chewing wax.

What's more, what's more painful is that even though his heart is about to bleed and tears, he still has to pretend to be intoxicated.Jun Youliang swears that he has never suffered such a painful experience.

(End of this chapter)

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