Chapter 1453
Sweat gathered on his forehead. Facing Jun Qingling and Nian Bing's "enthusiastic" care, Jun Youliang thought it was impossible to shrink his head. He was silent for two seconds, but he still raised his head and smiled: "How could I Asthma? I just feel suddenly hot, maybe it has something to do with the hummingbird meat."

Jun Youliang tried his best to pull out a very bleak smile, and tried his best to avoid looking at Tang Xinyuan.

Jun Qingling spoke quickly: "You are not poisoned, are you?"

"Probably not." Nian Bing moved his butt again, a little defensive, but looked at the uncomfortable Jun Youliang in disbelief.

You know, although this hummingbird was raised with poison since childhood, you have never heard of it. You can't eat the rubbing of a poisonous snake, right?Moreover, this 'Little Jun' is Feng Caitian's follower, and the person next to him is a very good friend with Feng Caitian, so what reason does he have to harm him?
However, it is imperative to be on guard against others. If he is really poisoned, and the poison happens to be contagious, wouldn't he suffer?Thinking of this, Nian Bing moved two points to the side.

This made Jun Qingling, who could feel his breath by turning his head without deliberately approaching him, very upset.

"Who was poisoned?" Before Jun Qingling's pungent words came out, Feng Caitian got out of the tent at some point, watching the crowd around the fire roasting meat, the melancholy of being raided last night, suddenly Much better.

"No one. Hehe...Miss, are you awake?" Looking at Feng Caitian who suddenly appeared, Jun Youliang swore that this was the first time in his life that he was so excited when he saw a girl.

However, this has nothing to do with love, just for relief.

Feng Caitian was taken aback for a moment, she never expected that Jun Youliang would be the first to stand up and greet her, and his expression was so weird, as if he was very happy and excited about her appearance.

This has never happened.

"Could it be that you were poisoned?" Feng Caitian was taken aback for a moment, but then asked with a smile.Because she really couldn't figure out why Jun Youliang would be as excited as a poor man seeing gold dropped on the road when he saw her.

Jun Youliang blushed.Uh…

Can he say that he really can't stand Tang Xinyuan's seemingly intentional but also unintentional understanding eyes?

Seeing Jun Youliang's distraction and the suspicious redness of his cheeks, a strong sour smell of the old altar immediately pervaded.

Looks like someone is going to be unlucky again.Tang Xinyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his head and continued to roast the meat.Even though Jun Qingling and Nian Bing were a little slow to react, they didn't understand why the temperature around them suddenly dropped by several degrees. However, seeing Tang Xinyuan's silence, Jun Qingling and Nian Bing were also very well-behaved. Sensibly not talking.

Behind him, there were no more scrutinizing and guarding eyes, and Jun Youliang not only heaved a sigh of relief, but also said that his decision to id was really the right one.No matter how awesome Tang Xinyuan is, no matter how unpredictable his strength is, isn't he afraid of Feng Caitian, a woman?
Jun Youliang hummed in his heart, seeing the two approaching, Jun Youliang picked up the two skewers of chicken wings that had been baked beside Nian Bing, and hurriedly greeted them.

"Miss, are you awake? Come and have a taste, the chicken wings have just been baked."

Feng Caitian looked at him with a smile on his face in doubt, and then glanced at the two strings of shiny chicken wings in front of her, and she couldn't understand it for a while, what did Jun Youliang want? What kind of trouble?

Could it be that he was conquered by his domineering last night?
Feng Caitian thought to herself, but felt a little impossible in her heart.Last night, when the heroes surrounded the building, Jun Youliang was tapped by Tang Xinyuan, how could he see it.Could it be that he's schizophrenic again?

Feng Caitian had several question marks on his forehead, and he couldn't help but think of Jun Youliang's cold and bloodthirsty appearance in the woods of Qiongshan Mountain last night.

"Aren't you poisoned?" Seeing Feng Caitian staring at Jun Youliang, neither rejecting nor accepting the grilled chicken wings he handed over, Liu Yihan, who was already full of jealousy, couldn't help but secretly gouged out more Jun Youliang took a few glances.

With the natural aura of a king, coupled with the fierce eyes, Jun Youliang suddenly felt like crying again.Is this the same as the legendary "just out of the tiger's mouth, and then into the wolf's den"?

He just wanted to get rid of Tang Xinyuan's mental torture, why did he get into such a jealous jar now?
"Are you poisoned?" Liu Yihan's cold voice brought Feng Caitian back to his senses, but what caught his eyes was Jun Youliang's pale little face dripping with sweat.However, there were no signs of poisoning by visual inspection, just excessive fright.So after looking around for a while, Feng Caitian withdrew her gaze, but her eyes fell on Tang Xinyuan with some doubts.

Xin said, could it be that this guy's family did it early in the morning, right?
"Tsk tsk... Xiao Tiantian, what do you think I am doing? Did you see the piece of meat in my hand?" Tang Xinyuan grinned, and then raised his eyebrows at Liu Yihan provocatively.

"You're such a piece of meat, my Tian'er will like it?" Before Feng Caitian could speak, Liu Yihan took it with a cold snort, then glared at him, then turned his head, using a tone that could soften the deadly voice, to Feng Caitian Caitian said: "Tian'er, what do you want to eat, I can accept the precept, but I have a lot of delicacies from Baoquanlou."

Feng Caitian: "..."

"Is there any porridge?" Holding back the goosebumps all over her body, Feng Caitian passed Jun Youliang, and sat down on the soft stool that Jun Qingling had already prepared.

"Of course!" Liu Yihan followed, and when he passed Jun Youliang, he still did not forget to give him a hard look.The meaning is probably: Put away your little thoughts, or you will look good!

Jun Youliang only felt extremely embarrassed, but after all, he is an old monster who has lived for more than 1 years, so, just blushing a little uncomfortable, Jun Youliang recovered.Moreover, he found a place far away from Feng Caitian and Tang Xinyuan and sat down silently, quietly eating the roasted wings that were extremely disgusted by others.

But, this time, Nian Bing on the side is not happy.

The grilled wings, but he specially found the chicken wings sealed in the ring in the ice box for Miss Linger.This is something he specially prepared to satisfy Miss Linger's greed, so why should he take advantage of it?
With eyes like needles in felt, Jun Youliang took two bites, then raised his head suspiciously.But when he raised his eyes to meet Nian Bing's angry eyes, Jun Youliang was taken aback for a moment, and then followed Nian Bing's gaze to glance at the chicken wings in his hand, and understood what was going on.

But what if you understand?Can the little shrimp still compete with the big shark for food?Jun Youliang snorted coldly in his heart, then glanced at him lightly, then lowered his head and continued to gnaw his chicken wings.

I have to say, the grilled chicken wings are really good!

(End of this chapter)

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