Chapter 1458
"What are you doing? Who told you to kneel?" Liu Wentian, who was ready to die, watched his clansmen kneel down to Elder Wu, his sworn enemy. Jump left and right on the side.

However, in the contest between life and death, how many people can be calm and let nature take its course?

As the saying goes, it's better to die than to live. Although the Liu family is always superior in the eyes of everyone, but in front of the god of death, all status becomes so insignificant.All people, here, have the equality of all beings in the true sense.

No matter who it is, there is only one life in a lifetime, and only one death is possible.

Therefore, seeing the Supreme Elder Liu Qing ignoring them, all those who wanted to survive knelt down. They had the obligation to protect the Liu family. However, when it came to life and death, they also believed that they did not have the responsibility to defend the Liu family absolutely to the death.Therefore, they prayed very earnestly and pitifully:
"Elder Dong, please tell me the whereabouts of the teaching seal. I know that you are loyal, upright and kind, but now that the young master is not here, the patriarch is seriously injured, and even the fifth elder died tragically on the spot. Could it be that you Do you really want to see our Liu family completely subverted by this person?"

To be blunt, of course it is impossible to say it directly to Liu Qing, but these words of persuasion that seem to sound like "leave the green hills without worrying about no firewood" fall on Liu Qing's ears, but they are extremely heartache and irony.

Could it be that this is the so-called flying separately in the face of adversity?
"Don't even think about it!" Liu Qing stared at those members of the Liu family who earnestly hoped that he could tell the seal of coaching, and reprimanded: "I; the Liu family has been established in my cocoon for tens of thousands of years. You haven't bowed your head and succumbed. What are you doing now, do you know what it means after the handing over of the coaching seal?"

"Of course we know. But isn't the rule of this world that the weak prey on the strong?" Someone in the crowd was angry.

Liu Wentian, who was standing at the front of the crowd, heard the words, and when he heard the words of such a loser, he immediately turned his head with wide eyes, and his vulture-like eyes scanned the crowd like a scanner.

"who is it?"

"Who said that just now, stand up and tell me again if you have the ability." Liu Wentian scolded angrily, and wherever his eyes went, the Liu family members all shook their heads.

But soon, there was another murmur of dissatisfaction from the crowd.

"Why should the Great Elder deceive himself and others? Facts are facts, and the Liu family has been at the end of their strength all these years."

Hearing the disdainful words, Liu Wentian quickly withdrew his gaze to those crowds, but when he looked again, all the people who had been scanned all lowered their heads and remained silent.

"Hmph... You really are a coward, dare to do it but not to be it." Liu Wentianmi focused his eyes, and the contempt and disdain in his eyes were vividly displayed.

"Although I don't dare to do it!" The person hidden in the crowd seemed to be stimulated by Liu Wentian's words and attitude, he stood up abruptly, his eyes piercing with anger.

"Tong Shi..." Liu Wentian and Liu Qing spoke out at the same time, apparently not expecting that the person in this crowd who opposed him and incited the Liu family to join him was actually the only elder with a foreign surname who worked hard for the Liu family and considered everything for the Liu family ——Second Elder.

"That's right, it's me!" Maybe he tore his face.Tong Shi's face no longer had the kindness and kindness of the past, but only ferocious hatred and dissatisfaction.

Then, he looked directly at Liu Qing, and complained loudly: "Elder Dong, you only want to keep the coaching seal, but have you ever thought about whether you can keep it in the face of absolute strength? Or, you will Everyone's life is not as important as a stone?"

"That's right, Elder Dong. As long as the Liu family is still there, we will still be in charge of my cocoon, but without us, what's the use of holding a rock that you may not be able to hold?"

Tong Shi's last words almost spoke to everyone's heart.At this time, they had long since lost their previous common hatred. Some of them were just thinking about how to save their own lives so as not to become the souls of the man in black.

Liu Qing and Liu Wentian don't know, but...

Liu Qing looked away with a pale face; Liu Wentian in the distance was a little shaken.Elder Wu noticed this, and immediately promised: "Liu Wentian, why don't we make a deal, as long as you tell me the whereabouts of the coaching seal, I will release them all, how about it?"

Under the black veil, Elder Wu said with a smile, but in his heart he hoped that they would not agree at all, so that he could kill himself to his heart's content.However, their purpose was not to kill all the members of the Liu family, so, feeling Jun Wuya's increasingly cold aura, Elder Wu didn't dare to let his temper mess around.

In fact, he was still a little scared. These people were stubborn to the end, so that he could not get any news in the end.However, it's better now, with this Tong Shi leading Liu Qing and other tribesmen to help him persecute him, he believes that Liu Qing will not be able to hold on soon.

Liu Wentian looked suspiciously and disbelievingly, but the man in black who couldn't see anything had a suspicious and tangled expression.In fact, it is really cost-effective to exchange the lives of everyone with a piece of news.But, with such a bloodthirsty man, can this deal really come true?
Liu Qing was silent for a while, and Elder Wu gave him enough time to think.

After a long time, Liu Qing finally compromised under the pressure of everyone's heart-wrenching and pitiful earnest prayers.

"You really let them go after you got the news?" Liu Qing suddenly raised her head, stared at the guy who was holding her neck tightly and dared not see anyone, and confirmed coldly.

Elder Wu felt a little guilty, but he still stopped his left chest and said seriously: "Of course!"

Liu Qing stared at him carefully for several seconds, then asked, "Why should I trust you?"

Elder Wu laughed loudly, and said contemptuously: "Do you think you are still qualified to bargain with me now?"

Liu Qing pursed her lips and smiled bitterly: "Of course not, but I am the only one who knows about the coaching seal. If you want to get its whereabouts, you should at least show some sincerity first."

Elder Wu was taken aback for a moment, squinting his eyes to consider the truth of his words, and suddenly he laughed again, "Liu Qing, I never thought you would play tricks on me at this juncture, don't forget, then Liu Yunfan in the ruins of the White Dragon King Chair in Bian'er is not dead yet, so don't be shameless."

Liu Qing's complexion changed, but she was extremely calm, and said in an indifferent tone: "Then you can ask him directly, anyway, I am not afraid of death, and I don't care about their death."

(End of this chapter)

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