Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1462 Killing and rising to fame 2

Chapter 1462 Killing and rising to fame 2
However, how could Tang Xinyuan fulfill their wish?This is a game.

Since they are unfortunate enough to be animals in this massacre game, they naturally have the consciousness to kill animals.Therefore, the expert team of hundreds of people did not give everyone a chance to escape, and rushed forward, waving all kinds of weapons in their hands, like harvesting straw, and ruthlessly discussed in secret in the city lord's mansion how to fight in Feng Caitian. After entering the city under your own jurisdiction, take her down.

"Master, the three of 120 have all been strangled."

"Yeah" Tang Xinyuan hummed lightly, looking at the sun that was setting in the west, he couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional.What kind of enmity is this? It actually makes people spread such devastating rumors.

In just half a day, the number of people killed by him and his subordinates had exceeded [-].Moreover, these people are not low in strength.Although it is not ruled out that there are some mobs who follow the booing and want to pick up the leaks behind the strong, most of them are actually the lowest level of the god king.

However, he can still understand this. After all, although there is only one step away from God King and God Venerable, there is a difference of one level, but if you want to become a billionaire from a multi-millionaire, if you don't have any savvy or chance, even if you fight Old life, it is impossible to get it easily.

Naturally, when these people heard this rumor that they could reach the sky in one step, even if it was false, they had to move forward bravely like maggots.However, what made him puzzled was, when did people with a godly cultivation level in Fengtian Continent also encounter disasters?

But in half a day, they actually strangled no less than a hundred masters who had been cultivated as gods. This number is not included in the guard of honor of hundreds of people he recruited by means of extraordinary means.

Involuntarily, Tang Xinyuan had the idea to use the crystal ball again to make an exception to figure out the true identity of the person behind the rumor.However, before he could make up his mind, a middle-aged man in his 40s suddenly asked him respectfully, "My lord, are we going to the next location now?"

Tang Xinyuan, whose thoughts were interrupted, couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.He raised his head, and what he saw was indeed the uneasy face of the middle-aged man.

This person's name is Wang Yue, and he is the leader of the hundred-member guard of honor that Tang Xinyuan has incorporated.Originally, he only had the seventh-level cultivation base of the God Venerable, but after entering Tang Xinyuan's rank, Tang Xinyuan disliked his low strength, so without saying a word, he directly waved his hand, and his cultivation base was abruptly raised to the peak of the God Venerable .

In Wang Yue's heart, the shock was not small.Originally, he thought that Tang Xinyuan was going to cast a spell or something to restrain him after he pretended to obey, but he didn't expect that when he hung upside down in the air, Tang Xinyuan's raised hand suddenly burst out with a majestic force , approaching Tianling Gai.

At that time, he thought to himself, this time he was really doomed, and he was going to be made into a puppet.Unexpectedly, after entering the Tianling Gai, the majestic power with coldness was directly shunted and infused into the meridians of the whole body, and after removing the residue accumulated in the meridians with lightning speed, it went straight to the dantian .

Immediately afterwards, without knowing why, he broke through.And from then on, when Wang Yue's heart was turbulent, he began to do everything he could to Tang Xinyuan, a strange but dignified and charming man, and he only had to show his heart.

However, from the bottom of my heart, Tang Xinyuan never told them his surname, and the hundred-member guard of honor didn't mind, and just followed his wishes, calling him Hades.And Wang Yue, in order to get closer to him, called him 'king' directly and intimately.

Tang Xinyuan didn't care, he called him whatever he wanted.However, Tang Xinyuan's character and temper were far away, but Wang Yue was not accurate.Therefore, although he was bold enough to ask, his heart was trembling all the time.

He knew that everything he got was thanks to him, and if he could cultivate himself, he could naturally destroy himself.

Fortunately, Tang Xinyuan had other things on his mind now, although he frowned displeasedly, he didn't intend to argue with Wang Yue.

He asked in a deep voice, "Have you found out the next location?"

Wang Yue hurriedly nodded respectfully and replied: "Inquire clearly, the next stop is Qiang Wucheng, which is the border gate of Xieya God Realm."

"The border gate of Xieya God's Domain?" Tang Xinyuan pondered for a while, and then asked, "How many people are hiding there?"

"About 1000 people."

Tang Xinyuan frowned, and Wang Yue quickly explained: "Because of the border between Xieya City of Qiangwu City and Luoya City of My Cocoon God Realm, although the control is relatively strict on weekdays, but because the northwest of the border of the two regions There is a no-man's land on the edge. Because of the poor mountains and bad waters, it has become a hiding place for those fleeing from the two regions. Therefore, there will be more people at the next stop."


Tang Xinyuan hummed lightly, not knowing whether it was worry or fearlessness.After being silent for a while, seeing that he was silent, Wang Yue couldn't help but bite the bullet and asked tentatively: "Wang, are we..."

"How are those people's cultivation?" Interrupting Wang Yue's words, Tang Xinyuan suddenly raised his eyes to stare at him and asked.

When Wang Yue was stared at by him, he immediately felt creepy.

He lowered his head involuntarily, thought for a while, and then said respectfully: "According to the information retrieved by the spies, there are not many masters in no man's land. There are about 50 people above the king of the gods, and [-] people above the gods. On the left and right, there are Qiang Wucheng and Luoya City..."

Speaking of these two cities, Wang Yue's voice was not only hesitant, but also worried.And Tang Xinyuan couldn't help feeling a little displeased seeing him speak so hesitantly.

He said sharply, "Just tell me what's going on."

Wang Yue was yelled at by him, his body trembled suddenly, and he said hastily: "According to the latest news from the spies, all the masters in this city have conspired together, and there are no less than 200 people in the gods alone." Twice the number of people, and this is not counting some of them who have been trained as god kings.

"200 people?" Tang Xinyuan didn't take it seriously, "Is this the number of people you'll beat to the ground?"

Tang Xinyuan's gaze became somewhat contemptuous.

A team of 200 gods may seem like an insurmountable mountain to others, but to him, it's just a matter of moving his fingers, so why should he show such a embarrassed look?
Wang Yue couldn't help being a little embarrassed, wiped the sweat from his forehead secretly, and said very cautiously: "Wang, I'm not saying that 200 gods are so powerful that there is no limit, the key is the terrain of these three legs..."

Wang Yue murmured silently, but Tang Xinyuan frowned slightly and asked, "How?"

(End of this chapter)

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