Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1471 1 Pot End 3

Chapter 1471 One Pot 3
Soon, the lifelike portraits jumped onto the rice paper.

The ink is flowing and the lines are round. Wang Yue, who was grinding the ink in front of the desk, accidentally raised his eyes and took a look, but was stunned on the spot.

Like, it's so similar!
Except that the rice paper couldn't show the plump and rosy skin, the picture was so lifelike that Wang Yue almost thought it wasn't a painting at all, but that Tang Xinyuan directly cut off Wei Jun's face with a knife and pasted it on it.

Seeing Wang Yue's shocked expression, Tang Xinyuan smiled triumphantly. "How about it, are you worshiping the king more and more?"

As he said that, Tang Xinyuan tapped lightly between the eyes of the painting, and the person in the painting seemed to come alive, as if he was about to walk out of the painting.

Wang Yue was taken aback, and was about to speak, but Tang Xinyuan dropped the brush casually, pinched the top and both sides of the scroll with both hands, and walked straight towards the two people who were sitting and drinking tea leisurely in the distance.

"Okay?" Liu Yihan raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect Tang Xinyuan's movements to be so fast, and he finished the painting in less than 5 minutes.Eyelids lowered, he looked at him curiously, but the place he witnessed was blank.

"Of course. Is there anything I can't do if I have this king on board?" Seeing Liu Yihan's gaze was blank, Tang Xinyuan raised his chin even more blissfully, looked at Liu Yihan contemptuously, and suddenly offered a treasure to Feng Caitian and said softly: "Xiao Xiao Tiantian, look, how well this king draws."

As he said that, Tang Xinyuan turned the rice paper in his hand to the other side, his dark eyes sparkled a little, like a primary school student who had just scored [-] points in an exam and was proudly waiting for his parents to give him a good compliment after reviewing it.

Liu Yihan secretly rolled his eyes.Isn't it just that he can draw, and he can too.However, Liu Yihan was no stranger to Tang Xinyuan's expression. On the other hand, Wang Yue's eyes widened, his distorted expression was like being struck by thunder, and he was so shocked that he almost fell down.

Feng Caitian cast a glance, and praised generously: "It's not bad. In the future, when you are down and out, just relying on your skills, you will definitely not starve to death."

"Really?" Tang Xinyuan's eyes lit up, and he completely took Feng Caitian's ridicule in the second half of his sentence as a compliment.

He suggested enthusiastically, "How about I draw you a picture for free?"

"No need." Liu Yihan answered Feng Caitian directly.Tian'er is his treasure, even the portrait is definitely a treasure, and he will never let it be shared.

"I didn't ask you!" Tang Xinyuan stared at Liu Yihan, and was about to turn his head to negotiate with Feng Caitian, but Liu Yihan said very calmly, "My answer is her answer. If she wants, I will naturally paint for her. "

"Just you?" Tang Xinyuan snorted contemptuously.

"That's right, it's me!" Looking at each other, Liu Yihan nodded slightly, with an expression that I won't let you draw such a picture, Tang Xinyuan was so angry that his teeth itch.

Feng Caitian felt a little headache when he saw sparks flying everywhere where the eyes of the two met.

"Do you still want to go to no-man's land?" Although Feng Caitian frowned at Liu Yihan's domineering He Zhuanzhi, she didn't refute it.It's not that he doesn't understand Tang Xinyuan's intentions, but Liu Yihan has already lived in her heart, so he naturally wants to, and he doesn't want to give Tang Xinyuan the illusion that he still has a chance.Therefore, Feng Caitian was afraid that the two would quarrel here again, so she directly changed the topic.

"Of course." The two said in unison. Although they didn't like each other, they had a surprisingly tacit understanding in the face of those people who were as handsome as Xiao Xiangxiang.

Feng Caitian was stunned, and the two also looked at each other in surprise, stunned for a second, and then looked away in disapproval of each other.


Feng Caitian glanced at the two of them helplessly, took the portrait in Tang Xinyuan's hand casually, and went straight to the desk with a light gait, Wang Yue, who was a little scared and nervous, came slowly.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt, and it will be over soon." Seeing Wang Yue's nervous and frightened expression, Feng Caitian suddenly felt a little bit like a little gangster bullying the little girl, and couldn't help but comfort her.

It's just that she didn't make a sound, but when she made a sound, the feeling of fear and uneasiness that might become the next Wei Jun intensified, and when Feng Caitian was about to approach, she even hid in the After the case.

Seeing Tang Xinyuan, she felt extremely ashamed.

"Wang Yue, are you still a man? Why hide, let me come out and sit down, otherwise I will change the plan today, and I will definitely make your life worse than death."

Wang Yue's heart trembled, thinking of a companion who disobeyed discipline before, and was tortured by a group of cockroach-like insects to remove half of his body, Wang Yue's back could not help but break out in cold sweat.

Bite his head, he picked up the big purple wood chair beside him, and pretended to be calm to argue: "King, you misunderstood me. I didn't come to this desk because I was afraid, but because I was afraid that this young lady would raise her head like this. Changing faces is hard work, so I wanted to bring a bench over and let her do it while sitting."

Everyone was speechless.

Tang Xinyuan coughed dryly twice: "Cough...cough...Well, since this is the case, you should bring out the chair and do it right away. It's getting late, so don't delay the business."

"Hey!" Wang Yue responded happily, brought out the big purple wood chair with one hand, put it down in front of Feng Caitian, and then sat down properly, with a happy and excited face, It was like being the bridegroom's official for the first time, full of excitement and anticipation.

Immediately, Feng Caitian looked like Tang Xinyuan with black lines all over his head, and Liu Yihan who was beside Tang Xinyuan also looked at Tang Xinyuan in disbelief.

Where did he find this strange thing, just now he was terrified, he would rather die than surrender, why does he seem to be a different person now, becoming positive and abnormal?

Tang Xinyuan smiled mischievously, turned his face away with a vacant expression, not looking at Liu Yihan or Feng Caitian.

Feng Caitian shook her head secretly, took a closer look at Wei Jun's portrait again, raised her plain hand slightly, and brushed towards Wang Yue's face.The smile on Wang Yue's face froze suddenly, and the forced smile was replaced by worry and nervousness.

However, if he tried to run away now, he would be courting death, so after tightening his hands slightly on both sides of his thighs, Wang Yue took a deep breath and simply closed his eyes.

The divine power is flowing, and the warm breath is like the gentlest touch of a mother, and like the comfort of a fish swimming in the sea, through the skin on the face, it is transmitted bit by bit to the most sensitive nerve endings in the body, Wang Yue's tense body Involuntarily relax.

Just as he was completely relaxed and ready to enjoy it, an ethereal voice sounded in the air.

"All right!"

"Is this all right?" Wang Yue opened his eyes in surprise, and there was still a desire to stop in his eyes that had not completely dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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