Chapter 1474

This... really think they are dishes, and they want to go into the pot together?Uh. Fortunately, not in the bowl.Feng Caitian thought to herself, but she was still a little speechless
And Liu Yihan beside him didn't go there any better, just messing around in the wind at the door. Similarly, Tang Xinyuan, who had already walked in with Fang Wen, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth when he saw the situation at the table.

It's fine that Wei Jun is a weirdo, but he didn't expect that Fang Wen, an old man with a Taoist style and bones, would be so weird.Even if it is to deceive people, it is not a good place to set the teleportation array, but it is set on a black firewood, and the mouth of the teleportation array is made into a deeply concave pot shape. This taste... er, It's too bad!
Seeing Wei Jun and Fang Wen, who were easily transformed by Tang Xinyuan, come, the two waiters rushed forward and respectfully said: "My lord, Elder, the teleportation array has been cleaned up, please go to bed."

"En" Fang Wen nodded, then took out a black pill and handed it to Tang Xinyuan: "Master, take it?"

Tang Xinyuan was stunned for a moment, looked at Fang Wen inexplicably, and said to himself, he had never heard of anyone who sat in a teleportation formation and had to take medicine first.

Feng Caitian, Liu Yihan, and Wang Yue behind Tang Xinyuan also had strange expressions on their faces. They all wondered whether Fang Wen would know that the 'Wei Jun' in front of him was Tang Xinyuan pretending to be, so he acted first, and prepared to use medicine to control Tang Xinyuan first. .

Fang Wen explained: "Oh, this is the dizziness medicine. Didn't you say that the teleportation array made you dizzy last time? After taking this, you won't feel dizzy anymore."

"I've already found someone to experiment, and it's very effective." Seeing that Tang Xinyuan was still hesitant, Fang Wen added.

"No need, I'm not that weak." Tang Xinyuan waved his hands in resistance, and walked towards the wooden couch in front of the firewood stove with his long sleeves.

"But..." Fang Wen looked worriedly at Tang Xinyuan who changed into Wei Jun.I still remember the last time he took the teleportation array to the no-man's land, but he vomited heart-piercingly while holding the fence on the edge of the teleportation array. He looked like he had just gotten off a roller coaster, and everyone looked sideways, showing worry .

"Fang Wen, are you going or are you going?" Hearing Fang Wen's hesitation, Tang Xinyuan, who was already standing on the firewood stove, turned his head and looked at him with some displeasure.

Fang Wen put away the pills and hurriedly said, "Here we come."

Tang Xinyuan didn't wait for him, and jumped straight into the pot. Fang Wen's expression changed, and he jumped in faster, while the others naturally followed closely behind.There was a surge of ripples and power, and only the two waiters who were in charge of opening the teleportation array were left in the huge kitchen.


No-man's land, originally Feng Caitian thought that even if it was called no-man's land, it should be a deep mountain and old forest with luxuriant foliage, reborn green plants, and no one infested. However, Feng Caitian never thought that this no-man's land The desolation can be compared with the barren land.

Beyond the gazebo of the teleportation array, there is endless yellow sand where a few weeds occasionally grow.The distant wind blows occasionally, and there are small circles of sand rolling in the yellow sand.If she didn't know that there was a towering mountain outside this no-man's land, Feng Caitian would have thought she was in a desert.

"Old man, is everyone here?" Tang Xinyuan arrived first, and also waited the longest in the gazebo.Originally, he thought that the teleportation array would take them from Mohe Tower to no-man's land in the blink of an eye, but he didn't expect that it would take 5 minutes just to teleport him.After the 7th minute, Fang Wen looked worried and nervous.

Fang Wen wondered why Tang Xinyuan didn't faint from the teleportation formation all at once, but after all, because the previous sentence "old man" confirmed the identity of Tang Xinyuan's easy-to-conceive Wei Jun, so although Fang Wen was puzzled, he didn't say much. ask.Hearing Tang Xinyuan's question at this time, he raised his eyes and glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Feng Caitian and Liu Yihan, two hidden guards.

"Master... one of your hidden guards is missing."

Tang Xinyuan frowned slightly, and glanced at the group of guards in uniform black clothes, and found that Wang Yue, the oily bottle, hadn't come yet, so his brows furrowed even more.But because his own people were holding him back, Tang Xinyuan had no choice but to say, "Then wait a little longer!"

About 10 minutes later, Wang Yue finally appeared in the gazebo of the teleportation array in the no-man's land in a daze.Originally, Fang Wen was surprised and prepared to scold Wang Yue as soon as he appeared, but unexpectedly, 'Wei Jun' stopped fainting from the teleportation array, and the guard 'Wei Jun' unexpectedly became very dizzy. After stepping out of the teleportation array, he ran to the side of the fence floating under his feet, and vomited at the yellow sand outside the fence.

Seeing his body trembling because of the discomfort, and Wang Yue who wanted to vomit his whole stomach out, made Fang Wen feel uncomfortable.

"Drink some water, it's not that uncomfortable." When he was about to vomit, Fang Wen remembered that Wei Jun had vomited so badly before, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathetic, so he walked over and handed him a water bag.

"Thank you." With tears in Wang Yue's eyes, Fang Wen nodded slightly and reached out to take it.However, don't misunderstand that the tears in Wang Yue's eyes are moved, it's just because the stomach is really uncomfortable, and he vomited and earned the tears by the way.

Fang Wen smiled, shook his head slightly, and returned to Tang Xinyuan's side.

Maybe it's because people are born with the weak at the same time, so now it's more uncomfortable to see Wang Yue, but everyone didn't push him any more, even Tang Xinyuan, who was already impatient, became extremely quiet.

After drinking a few sips of water, he rested for a while, seeing that everyone was waiting for him alone, Wang Yue suddenly felt a little embarrassed: "Sorry for keeping everyone waiting for a long time."

As he said that, he looked at Tang Xinyuan with some worry.


"Okay, pay attention to exercise in the future, don't embarrass me again." Tang Xinyuan waved his hand, stood up, and was about to walk out of the gazebo.

Fang Wen hurriedly followed, because he didn't know the way, along the way, Tang Xinyuan kept walking side by side with Fang Wen, and asked about the situation of the experimental subject and Nangonghen.First, it can avoid Fang Wen's doubts about his identity, and second, he can also take the opportunity to get some information from him.

Fang Wen also seemed happy. After all, in the past 20 years, "Wei Jun" hadn't talked to him in such a pleasant manner for a long time. Naturally, when Tang Xinyuan asked something, Fang Wen just answered it openly, and even feared that Tang Xinyuan would not understand clearly. Some issues were also explained specifically.

Feng Caitian listened all the way, and became more and more sure that this Nangonghen was Mr. Hen who disappeared with Zhao Tianhua, the owner of Heisha Building, in Yaotian Continent.

(End of this chapter)

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