Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1481 Fang Wen's Worries

Chapter 1481 Fang Wen's Worries

So, how does this mean that the four brothers don't hate them?
Because of this, hearing Tang Xinyuan's yelling tone, Nuo Yifa didn't agree with a smile, but his face was full of frost.Just as he was about to refuse, Fang Wen took his words straight away and agreed.

"Of course there is no problem. It is not only an honor for me as a personal bodyguard to meet with Lord Leng's enthusiasm, but also for my Mohe Palace." Fang Wen blushed, turned his head and told Nuo Yi: "Nuo Yi, this time You four brothers will go with King Wei. This elder has something to come out, this time, you will take good care of King Wei for me on the way, do you hear me?"

As he spoke, Fang Wen straightened his face, and his tone was severe and harsh, as if there was a big one, if Wei Wang lost half of his vellus hair on the way, Fang Wen would ask them to settle the final score.

Nuo Yi remained silent with a sullen face, for Fang Wen, Nuo Yi actually hated Fang Wen to the extreme!At this time, the conflict with Fang Wen's arrangement was even more so that it was about to explode.

"Be obedient, if you went this time and successfully escorted King Wei back, I will reduce the tenure of your four brothers by one year."

The secret sound came into my ears, and Nuo Yi, who was still stubborn and resistant just now, suddenly relaxed.

"Elder, don't worry, Nuo Yi will definitely fulfill his mission." Nuo Yi nodded slightly, and replied indifferently.

Bai Er and the others couldn't help being a little surprised, and they all looked at Nuo Yi, the doubt in their eyes was self-evident.

Nuoyi gave the three of them a "trust me" look, and then looked straight ahead again.Although Bai Er and the others were still puzzled, Nuo had always been their backbone, since he said there was no problem, then there was no problem.Anyway, the Mohe Palace, where they stayed for nearly three years, had already made them feel tired. This time in Purgatory, it was a good time to change the environment and relax.

The eyes of the four of them changed, and Nangong Hen, who was sitting opposite Fang Wen, looked at him, but his lips were involuntarily raised while he was drinking tea with his head down, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

It seems that the four brothers Nuo Yi also have stories, but they don't know what Fang Wen said in the secret voice just now.

Tang Xinyuan also hooked his lips into a smile. Although he couldn't hear the secret voice just now, he could hear the words "tenure minus one year" very clearly.Could it be that the Nuo Yi four brothers were not Fang Wen's confidantes, but were invited or coerced by him from outside?

The three of them had their own bad intentions and exchanged warm greetings for a while. After making an appointment to set off tomorrow morning, they each found an excuse to leave.

After returning to Wei Jun's residence, Tang Xinyuan explained a series of things to Wang Yue.Then, after Wang Yue was sent away, Tang Xinyuan was about to find Jun Qingling outside the Mohe Palace, but Fang Wen came to him worriedly.

Tang Xinyuan had no choice but to sit down again, and Fang Wen asked casually, "Old man, what else do you need?"

"It's nothing, just a little worried about you." The First Elder stepped in, looked at Tang Xinyuan with the eyes of a young man in my family, and said quietly.

The reluctance and worry in his eyes were evident at a glance.

Tang Xinyuan turned his face away, picked up the teapot on the table and poured water for Fang Wen, and said with a nonchalant smile: "Why don't you worry about it? It's not the first time I've traveled far."

It is estimated that this is a common problem of parents watching their children going away.

With Nuoyi and Baier four brothers following Jun'er, it stands to reason that he should have nothing to worry about, but after returning from Huiwang Palace, Fang Wen felt that his eyelids kept twitching.No, he was a little worried, so he touched it while it was still dark.

After receiving the tea, Fang Wen pecked lightly at the corner of his mouth, put down the teacup and asked, "Going to Purgatory this time, Wang, do you want to bring more people?"

"No need," Tang Xinyuan waved his hand, "This king knows what Nangonghen is up to, but he really thinks that I, Wei Jun, are easy to bully, and that if he controls me and Nuo Yi, the hypnotist, everything will be fine. ?”

Tang Xinyuan sneered, "Go ahead and dream!"

"I have already informed Wang Yue that if I don't come back within three days, let him control those gods and attack him immediately in Purgatory God Realm."

"But..." Hearing Tang Xinyuan's words were full of confidence, and seemed to be fully prepared, Fang Wen still couldn't help but said, "Will this be too risky? What if he uses the king, you, to blackmail us?"

"Then let's see." Tang Xinyuan said confidently, and added in his heart that by that time, you would have already gone to Hades to reunite with the real Wei Jun, so there's no need for you, an old man, to worry about it.

Moreover, if he doesn't take Nuo Yi and these masters away, it will be very difficult for Wang Yue to clear the no-man's land when the time comes, and Fang Wen, how can he be alone and helpless by then.

Tang Xinyuan didn't care about it, but Fang Wen's face darkened.

He looked at Tang Xinyuan very solemnly and said, "My lord, this is a matter of life and death. How can you be so sloppy? I see, I will pick more than 100 experts from Mohe Palace tonight and let them escort you to purgatory." .”

"No need!" Tang Xinyuan refused impatiently: "This time I went to purgatory, just to visit other people's laboratories. You asked me to bring so many people there. I don't know. You thought we were looking for trouble. When the time comes, I'm afraid Leng Yansen didn't mean that, so he did. Moreover, no matter how many people there are, what effect will those true gods cultivate as guards be of any use in Purgatory? Why not just take Nuo Yi and them."

Although Tang Xinyuan's words were reasonable, Fang Wen, who was eager to love his son, still felt that only the Nuo Yi four brothers escorted him, and his manpower was a little thin.Therefore, Fang Wen pondered for a while, and insisted: "That's fine, but you can take the three hidden guards beside you."

Fang Wen's face was serious, and his expression was irrefutable.Tang Xinyuan had no choice but to nod in agreement.

Fang Wen immediately beamed with joy, and before Tang Xinyuan could say who he would bring, Fang Wen praised himself, "That's right. One more person, one more care."

"By the way, why did you only see Wang Yue today, and where are your other two secret guards?" Fang Wenwu said to himself, then raised his eyes and looked around the room for a while, which made Tang Xinyuan feel annoyed for a while.

Damn old man, he still manages so much!
Tang Xinyuan glanced at Fang Wen in secret displeasure, but explained with a lazy smile on his face, "Hehe...You mean Xiao Hanzi and the others? The king sent them out to do something!"


Tang Xinyuan really didn't want to listen to Fang Wen's long-winded words. Before Fang Wen could utter a second word, Tang Xinyuan said quietly: "I have other plans for this matter. Since Wang Yue and Nuo Yi are both hypnotists, and Leng Yansen I also asked Nuoyi to go by name, so I definitely can't take Wang Yue with me, otherwise, wouldn't this king's move just fall into Nangonghen's arms?"

(End of this chapter)

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