Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1495 What are you thinking?

Chapter 1495 What are you thinking about?
At that time, his reaction was the same as that of this group of people, thinking that it was impossible at all, and he even felt that this little girl deliberately set a trap for himself in order to ridicule him.

Thinking of the scene when he scolded her at that time, Liu Qing's face felt a little hot.

To know.The dantian of spiritual practitioners is just like the life of a person. They can extend the length of their life and the toughness of their dantian through cultivating mental techniques and martial arts. However, once this thing is gone, it’s okay to die Otherwise, there is no such thing as regeneration.

However, the facts have proved that it is not that there are things against the sky in this world, but there are too few people who are capable of doing such things, and it is too difficult to meet them, so that, gradually, everyone thinks it is impossible.

And he happened to be lucky enough to meet such a person.

That's right, with Feng Caitian's help, his dantian was indeed reborn.Although, he didn't know how that little girl Feng Caitian did it, but not only his dantian was reborn, but his cultivation was even more saturated.

He had a hunch that as long as the opportunity was right, he would be able to break through the barrier of the God Lord!

"Okay, everyone don't ask here. My dantian has indeed been restored with the help of the future young master's wife. I still have something to do, so everyone should leave." Liu Qing said with a smile, regarding the rebirth of dantian It's not that he doesn't want to talk about it, it's just that he really doesn't know the process.

"Elder Dong, what... what did you say?" The most excited young man who was nearby, obviously felt that his ears were not working well when he heard Liu Qing's words.He paused for two seconds, then repeated in disbelief: "You mean, your dantian was repaired by Feng Caitian?"

Hearing the boy's surprised voice, everyone present fell silent, but they looked at Liu Qing in a strange way.

Originally, they hadn't recalled it yet.Who is the "future young master's wife" in Liu Qing's mouth? Hearing this young man's words at this time, he was immediately enlightened.

So, did Elder Dong sleep with young...Feng Caitian?Otherwise, how could his dantian be reorganized?Everyone looked at Liu Qing ambiguously and smiled.

The more Liu Qing looked at it, the more she felt something was wrong.

A boy with a bright face suddenly approached Liu Qing, looked at him obscenely and said, "Elder Dong, you and Feng Caitian... um... hehe..."

Liu Qing was slightly taken aback, looking at him with such an ambiguous and dirty appearance, what else does he not understand?

Feeling anxious, Liu Qing raised her hand and slapped him on the back of the head.

"What are you thinking! Miss Feng is our young master's woman, what about Feng Caitian, is Miss Feng's full name also named after you? And..."

Liu Qing paused, glanced sharply at everyone, and warned with a cold face: "Don't blame me for not reminding you, just listen to the rumors in the rivers and lakes, if this elder knows that you dare to hit the young lady's attention , hum..."

With a smile on her face, Liu Qing swept away the people around her one by one, then, without saying anything, she walked towards the gate of the council hall.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that it was just a joke, did Elder Dong have to be so serious?
Just as Liu Yunxi was about to speak and explain a few words for Liu Qing, the young man who had shown a timid face stretched out his hand and said to her mouth. "Hey. Miss Yunxi, you don't need to say it, we all understand."If there is nothing wrong, we will go to practice. "

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Liu Yunxi to nod, the boy turned and left.

As for the other people, seeing that he was gone, they naturally didn't want to stay and listen to the witch Liu Yunxi's speech. Therefore, in just a short time, only Liu Yunxi was left alone in the originally crowded hall.

Liu Yunxi stood in the same place in a daze, with a look of injury in her eyes.

In fact, she also really wanted to communicate with them and get along with them. Why is it so difficult to be friends with everyone?

Liu Yunxi bit her lip and looked out of the door in despair. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in her mind, and her moist eyes suddenly shone like stars.

By the way, isn't Miss Feng good at medicine?

Since she can reorganize her dantian and do things you can do against the sky, wouldn't it be easy to change her voice a little bit?
Thinking of this, Liu Yunxi swept away the previous haze in his eyes, and Liu Yunxi became lighter and ran out quickly.

It's just that when Liu Yunxi managed to make gestures to make people understand that Feng Caitian's residence she was looking for was in Ruohanyuan, Feng Caitian was gone as early as she felt it.

This made Liu Yunxi very angry. After searching for a long time, she finally found it, but she didn't know where she went.

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?" After Liu Yihan and Feng Caitian came back from the medicine garden, what they saw in Ruohan Garden was Liu Yunxi sitting on the sill at the door, wiping tears.Seeing this, Liu Yihan hurriedly let go of Feng Caitian's hand, and stepped forward to inquire.

Don't look at his aunt who will be more than 2 years old, but in her bones, she is still an immature little girl.Coupled with her voice, it is inevitable that she will be excluded by her own family in the Liu family.

"Did someone bully you?" Liu Yihan frowned and asked angrily. However, the moment Liu Yunxi saw Feng Caitian, she burst into tears of joy and jumped up.

Liu Yihan froze in front of him, the hand that bent slightly and stretched out to comfort Liu Yunxi also froze in mid-air.And the weeping man who was sitting on the ground and crying had already flown to Feng Caitian's side, his eyes were eager, as if wishing to melt Feng Caitian.

Liu Yihan couldn't help laughing angrily.

"Auntie, you can't wait for the sky, so you are crying here, right?" Liu Yihan's eyes flashed a hint of teasing.

Liu Yunxi glared at him angrily, but her pretty face blushed involuntarily.

Today's Liu Yunxi is wearing a light pink plain dress, the long skirt drags the floor, without a single pattern, only a few half-bloomed magnolia flowers embroidered with magenta silk thread on the cuffs, and a milky white silk sash around the waist, It looks refreshing and pleasant.Coupled with the refreshing and simple bun, and the unintentionally scattered hair on the forehead, it added a bit of tenderness and ethereal meaning between her bright eyebrows!
Feng Caitian couldn't help but marvel in her heart, this woman, whom everyone avoids, can actually live a positive imagination in her own silent world, which is indeed rare in the world.

"Auntie, you are looking for me because of your voice, right?" Feng Caitian put away her scrutinizing gaze, and went straight to the topic of Liu Yunxi's intention.

Not even a single word of greeting.

Liu Yunxi was taken aback for a moment, obviously it was Feng Caitian who was so direct, but immediately, she nodded to Feng Caitian with a smile on her face.

That elated look almost didn't say 'you are my bosom friend' written on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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