Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 1499 I Didn't Actually Do Anything

Chapter 1499 I Didn't Actually Do Anything
Did she underestimate her own ability, or did she overestimate Liu Yunxi's endurance?
"Understood," Feng Caitian leaned against the head of the bed with innocent eyes and said, "But I didn't actually do anything." Feng Caitian was puzzled.

Chunyang glanced at her in disbelief, and snorted, "If you didn't do anything, how did her voice recover?"

"Recovered?" Feng Caitian froze on the spot.When did this happen, why didn't she know?
Bai Yu rolled his eyes, "You didn't hear it just now. The voice that asked Uncle Qin to check for you just now was actually a woman's voice, right?"

"She's not the only woman in this yard." Feng Caitian immediately rolled his eyes at him, and retorted: "Besides, I haven't heard her voice before, how would I know that it was her who spoke just now."

"Sophistry!" Bai Yu snorted and looked aside with contempt.

"I don't have one!" Feng Caitian argued vigorously.

"But Ms. Liu's voice has indeed returned to normal." Chunyang also secretly felt strange, and directly named the facts during the bickering between the two.

"No way, but I really didn't do anything." Listening to Chunyang's words, Feng Caitian murmured involuntarily in a burst of strangeness.

Dai frowned lightly.Feng Caitian lowered her head, and tried her best to recall what had happened before in her mind, but the final result was still that she still did nothing except inject a large amount of soul power into Liu Yunxi's throat. anything.

"Could it be a mistake there?" Seeing her frowning getting closer, Liu Yihan couldn't help interrupting.

"Impossible." Feng Caitian shook her head, raised her eyes to look at him, and said very seriously: "I remember very clearly, when I used my divine sense to check for her for the first time, except for what happened in her throat. Except for a group of black marks the size of a nail shell, I found no problem with my aunt's body. Then, in order to find out what the black marks were, I mobilized my aunt The power of the soul directly hit the mark.

However, the black imprint showed no fear or resistance at all. On the contrary, it was still rapidly absorbing the power of my soul, moreover, it involuntarily absorbed more and more, as if it could directly absorb the power of my divine soul. It's the same as extracting the power of the soul.

This result shocked me, and when I wanted to cut off the supply of this divine soul power, I found that I couldn't cut off the connection between the black mark and my divine palace, but I..."

"Then what happened?" Liu Yihan involuntarily clenched Feng Caitian's hand, his eyes were full of concern.

Feng Caitian looked at him, and suddenly remembered the man in white who lived and died with the woman in black in his dream.

For some reason, Feng Caitian suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"It's nothing, I just fell into the darkness, and then had an extremely long dream." Feng Caitian withdrew her hand without leaving a trace, and then naturally waved towards Liu Yihan, saying, "I don't want more Said 'appearance.

Now, even if Liu Yihan wanted to know what kind of dream Feng Caitian had that made her unwilling to wake up, he couldn't tell.

"It's okay, it's just a dream, and it's not reality, so don't think about it." Liu Yihan comforted softly.

But Bai Yu smiled and said: "Master, you saw Duke Zhou's son in your dream and thought he was more handsome than Brother Liu, so you didn't wake up?"

"Go, you bastard, your skin is itchy, aren't you?" Before Feng Caitian could speak, Liu Yihan began to reprimand him pretending to be angry.

Chunyang grinned, "Master, your husband is really jealous."

Being ridiculed by Chunyang, Liu Yihan couldn't help but feel a little hot, but after glaring at Chunyang, he said arrogantly but contemptuously: "What do you know, you little brat, don't you know that jealousy is good for your health? And , you are a bachelor, if you have the ability, you can find someone who is jealous of you and show me."

"Hmph, I don't need it." Chunyang muttered and stared back angrily.

Feng Caitian leaned on the bed, looked at the eyes of the three who were not to be outdone, the corners of their mouths and eyes twitched together. Are these three people's minds filled with water?Moreover, when did Liu Yihan act so naively, actually choking with a beast and a spirit pool elf?


On the other side, the flames of war in no man's land are also unfolding silently.

When the four brothers Tang Xinyuan, Jun Youliang, Jun Qingling and Nuoyi followed Nangonghen to the Purgatory God's Realm on the Wangpin teleportation talisman, a bloody massacre was quietly unfolding in Mohe Palace.

Fang Wen never dreamed that his son Jia Gongzhu had just left the no man's land, and Wang Yue and Nian Bing who stayed behind suddenly broke into the basement and knocked out the 200 people who were "Wei Jun" from the Mohe Tower. Many people were released, and, in the slowly dark night, like a sickle, they harvested the lives of their companions and subordinates.

Fang Wen's eyes were red immediately, but without masters like Nuo Yi and the four brothers sitting in the town, Fang Wen could be cultivated, but in a team of more than 100 gods like Wang Yue, one person could drown with a single spit he.

Therefore, seeing that something was wrong, Fang Wen wanted to take advantage of the chaos to retreat, but Wang Yue, who was hanging around, seemed to have his eyes glued to him. Jumped up to him.

"Great Elder, everyone in Mohe Palace is fighting. It doesn't seem too good for you to run away alone?" Wang Yue jokingly looked at the embarrassed Fang Wen, his voice was originally not loud, but because he specially added blessings Divine power, so every member of Mohe Palace present heard it clearly.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then stopped the movement of their hands, and all looked at Fang Wen questioningly.

"Fart, who the hell is going to run away." Seeing that something was wrong, Fang Wen wiped the blood from his face, and glared at Wang Yue fiercely.

"Really? Isn't the battlefield here? Why are you running behind me?" Wang Yue held the big knife in his hand with a leisurely expression on his face.Originally, according to Tang Xinyuan's intention, all the people in the Mohe Palace should die.

However, halfway through the killing, Wang Yue suddenly changed his mind when he found out that these remaining people were not actually dead, but had some real skills.

Anyway, didn't Wang say that after he solved the no-man's land, he would clean up the moths in Qiang Wucheng and Luoya City who were planning Miss Feng's idea?
Since this is the case, then why doesn't he take all these people under his wing, firstly, he can be used as thugs, and secondly, he can also save them time and effort. Why would he not do such a beneficial and harmless thing?
(End of this chapter)

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