Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 202 Special Mission 2

Chapter 202 Special Mission 2
I saw that the people around were all dressed more dignifiedly and decently, as if they were participating in international negotiations, and they were well-dressed.

Looking down at his body again, he was indeed a bit out of place.

But that's not the point.
The point is that she can imagine that if she were to show up here this morning with a messy ponytail and the dress she usually wears, she might become the topic queen of the alchemist branch tomorrow, not this afternoon.

"Did you find it?" Long Yueqing silently reminded with a meaningful wink when he turned his head and saw the disheveled Feng Caitian.

Feng Caitian nodded, but her eyes were really indifferent.

Anyway, after getting the purple toad, she will leave here.Besides, does everyone's opinion have anything to do with her?
"Okay, the awards ceremony that everyone is looking forward to is over, we once again send off Wu Suixin, Ou Wenxuan and Wei Junzhe with warm applause"

There was thunderous applause, and everyone looked at the smiling young mentor in a strange way, a little inexplicably.

Why just send off three.instead of five?
Feng Caitian had the same curiosity, but what the young mentor said next almost made her vomit blood.

"You must also be curious why I kept Ya Tian from the Spiritual Academy and Xuanyuan Wanzhen from the Alchemist branch." The young mentor changed his smile, raised his thick eyebrows, and became serious.

And the hearts of the new students in the audience seemed to jump along with the eyebrows, and they all concentrated and held their breath, fearing that they would suddenly go crazy and bring disaster to their fish ponds.

"That's because someone poisoned our freshman this year, making it difficult for him to cultivate anymore." The young instructor changed the subject and said with righteous indignation, but his eyes seemed to cast a meaningful glance at Feng Yuexin Ya days.

When everyone in the audience heard this, they were in an uproar...


"How could this be?"

"Who is it? It's too vicious!"

"... "

For a while, there were many discussions, and the originally quiet and solemn Fengtian Square immediately turned into a noisy vegetable market.

Feng Caitian raised her head and looked at the young mentor with a sneer, her eyes became deep and deep.

Thinking with her toes, she also knew who the young mentor was talking about.

But what she didn't expect was that the Wu family would deal with Wu Xiangwen in such a way.


"Quiet..." Seeing that the discussion was almost over, the young mentor straightened his face and scolded coldly.

But obviously, the news was too explosive, and everyone was discussing it in full swing, and they didn't hear the young mentor's scolding at all, and they still went their own way to discuss and speculate intensely.

"Quiet, give me all quiet"

The majestic voice with spiritual pressure sounded again, resounding throughout the square.And the people who were talking red-faced finally came back to their senses and closed their mouths, but there was indeed a look of inquiry in their eyes.

"This classmate's name is Wu Xiangwen, and he is the eldest son of the Wu family, one of the four great masters of the Donghui Kingdom. Although the poison on his body was planted before the academy's registration, since he has passed the assessment of our academy, then our Fengtian Academy's One member. We can't let him go because of the situation and reason."

"Based on the principle that saving one's life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, after research and decision by the presbyterian council of the college, I hope that the freshman champion of the seminary and the alchemist branch can use the poison on his body as a basis to develop an antidote as a graduation certificate. The ultimate test of testing."

(End of this chapter)

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