Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 338 So So So 2

Chapter 338 So So So 2
"Oh" Feng Caitian nodded, she was neither worried nor sympathetic to what happened to Feng Xiuyi.Even if there is, it is estimated that Feng Caitian's such a thing has nothing to do with his high-spirited personality, and at most it is because of being in the same clan, and he said "I hope I will be blessed!"

"Then what is the origin of the so-called master, who belongs to the Fengtian Continent?" Mingjue asked suddenly.

"I'm not very clear. Fu Liangwu never mentioned it. But I can confirm that this matter is definitely related to Heisha Building." Baili Tusu said with certainty.

"Hei Sha Tower?" Feng Caitian raised her brows slightly, searching for information related to Hei Sha Tower in her mind, but since she crossed into this body, Feng Caitian spent a lot of time in Yaotian Continent. It only took one month to add up, and even though he stayed in Fengtian Continent for half a year, he was also trapped in the Black Cliff Cave at that time, and he didn't know much about the outside world at all.

Ever since, Feng Caitian turned her puzzled eyes to her master.

But MG also shrugged helplessly, saying that he didn't know, and then turned his attention to Baili Tusu.

Baili Tusu couldn't help but turn pale with shock when he received the bewildered looks from everyone, "Don't you guys know about Heisha Building?"

"I don't know." Everyone shook their heads, "Is it very powerful?"

"Of course it's powerful. Although the Heisha Tower became famous in Yaotian Continent more than 2000 years ago, it is still far behind the Emperor Sha Palace. However, because of its well-informed news channels and ruthless killing style, it was recognized by Yaotian. The emperors of the mainland are afraid. Oh, yes, they destroyed the North Snow Country, and now the capital of the North Snow Country seems to have been renamed the North Snow City." Baili Tusu gritted his teeth when he mentioned Heisha Building, and became furious.

Thinking that he bought it from Heisha building at a high price, the news about the emperor's spirit, but he didn't expect that old thief Fu Liangwu to tell him after he tied him up. The purpose is to capture Feng Xiuyi.

He was so angry at that time, he really wanted to tear Fu Liangwu's smiling face into powder immediately.

It really makes no sense!

But fortunately, he has the life-saving talisman of Emperor Spirit Qi, otherwise, he would have become a pile of dead bones by now.

"No matter how terrifying the Heisha Building is, it's just an organization. How could it be so powerful that it can destroy a country? Don't other neighboring countries help?" Feng Caitian was very puzzled.Since Beixue Country can become one of the four great powers and has the ability to lead a group of heroes, why was it destroyed?

In the past, as the king of mercenaries, she also single-handedly founded the world-renowned Falcon Mercenary Corps, which is feared by heads of state.But no matter how awesome and powerful their falcons are, and how eager all the countries in the world are to get rid of them, they still only dare to maintain a confrontational state, and no one dares to really open fire.

Then how was the North Snow Country wiped out?
"Help?" Baili Tusu grinned, "You mean those emperors who are greedy for life and afraid of death?"

"Don't be ridiculous, they wish that all other countries would be wiped out, and in the end they would be the only country left to rule the Yaotian Continent. How could they help? What's more, the Heisha Building has promised great benefits to Donghui Kingdom and Xiling Kingdom. Will you help?"

"What about Nantong Kingdom? Nantong Kingdom didn't gain anything, so they just stood by and watched?" Mao Qiu asked incredulously.He didn't think that the Nantong Congress would acquiesce in Heishalou's actions when they watched the other two countries benefit.

(End of this chapter)

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