Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 340 So So So 4

Chapter 340 So So So 4
In short, the silence of the crowd made the spitting Baili Tusu a little puzzled.

I wondered in my heart, did he say something wrong?
"Is Fu Liangwu the leader of Heisha Tower and Yaotian Continent?" Feng Caitian thought for a while and asked a sharp question.If the old ancestor of the Fu family was the leader of Heisha Tower, wouldn't it be difficult for her to secretly destroy the Fu family and save the second sister?
"I'm not very clear about this," Baili Tusu shook his head, and then said with certainty, "However, Fu Liangwu's status in Heishalou is not low. Even if he is not the top leader, he is probably the core leader of Heishalou in Yaotian Continent layer."

"How do you know?" Feng Caitian asked back.It stands to reason that Baili Tusu is Fu Liangwu's prisoner, how could he know about the things inside the Heisha Building.

Everyone also looked inquiring.Although they are not the favored ones of heaven, they are also dragons and phoenixes among thousands of people. How can everyone not reason one or two in this place where Feng Caitian is confused.

"I said smelly old man, haven't you been imprisoned by Fu Liangwu? How do you know the internal organization of Heisha Building so clearly?" Mao Qiu echoed.

"Of course I understand." Baili Tusu raised his brows, a little proud, "Have you never heard of chronic illness becoming a doctor? I was imprisoned by Fu Liangwu for so long, even if I don't know the details, but with Fu Liangwu's attitude If you don't finish it, you'll come over and tell me a thing or two with your cocky temper."

"Eh..." Everyone was speechless.

They said how could Baili Tusu, a prisoner, know such a confidential matter. It turned out that someone tipped the news.But then Fu Liangwu is too weird. With such a temperament, he can still be the head of the family and become the core leader of a top-notch power like Heishalou. He shouldn't be such an outspoken person.

When everyone couldn't figure it out, what Baili Tusu said next made everyone suddenly enlightened.

"Hey, you all don't know that Fu Liangwu, that old fox, looks serious and serious, but he's just pretending in front of outsiders. In fact, when I was young, I, Xiu Yi and Fu Liangwu were all very good friends. Later, Because Xiuyi and I are related by in-laws, and because we share similar interests, the two of us are relatively close. But Fu Liangwu doesn't know why, as he grows older, he becomes less and less in touch with us, and even treats me and Xiuyi has inexplicable hatred." Baili Tusu sighed, with a sad face.

"If things are abnormal, there must be demons. Haven't you thought about the reason?" Feng Caitian asked.Friendship is actually the most subtle of all emotions.

Some people can call their enemies brothers and sisters because of their interests, and some people can go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire because of that word of brother or friend, even if they lose their lives, they will not hesitate.

Therefore, in Feng Caitian's view, if friends suddenly turn against each other, it must be because each other or unilaterally hurt the other's interests, or hurt the other's feelings...

In short, there will never be alienation and rebellion for no reason!
"Oh, I thought about it... It's a pity that he has too much resentment and deep knots, just like that stubborn bull who never turns to the south wall, no matter how we explain it, we can't change the facts he believes." Baili Tusu said , suddenly became sentimental.

(End of this chapter)

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