Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 342 The Plan Was Broken, Caitian Suffered 1

Chapter 342 The Plan Was Broken, Caitian Suffered 1
"You son of a bitch, what's wrong with me, what's wrong with me? I'm obviously very fragrant, and I'm an upright gentleman!" Baili Tusu puffed up his cheeks, and his chest pain was even more violent, obviously stimulated by Miaomiao's words.

But that's right, after all, Baili Tusu was just teased by Feng Caitian and others just now, and the embarrassment that was finally suppressed at the moment is now being named by Miaomiao, a five-year-old child. No matter how thick-skinned and calm-hearted Tu Su was, he would not be able to bear it.

But Miaomiao doesn't care so much, once she decides something, unless Feng Caitian speaks, no one can try to influence her thoughts, not to mention, when she goes out, she sees that her favorite lotus pond is polluted, how can she Just let him go?

"Tsk tsk, you are really fragrant! The lotus in our house has withered and the fish have turned white." Miaomiao said in a weird voice imitating Baili Tusu's tone, her beautiful eyes were full of displeasure .

And Baili Tusu blushed even more when he heard the words, and for a while, he didn't know how to answer.Seeing this, Feng Caitian, who was preparing to be a peacemaker behind her, shook her head helplessly. How could she have forgotten that the lotus in the pond was the first plant that Miao Miao and Xiao Mo had planted by themselves after dividing the land? .

On weekdays, I take good care of her and guard her like a baby.

If she hadn't thought about the water resource cycle, she wouldn't have connected the sewer in the space wooden house to her lotus pond when she wasn't prepared.If she hadn't introduced the underground water channel into the lotus pond, then...

Thinking of this, Feng Caitian suddenly felt a little guilty, looking at the top of Miaomiao's head was also a little wandering.However, avoidance will never solve the problem.

Besides, this space belongs to her, she is now the head of the family in this world, and Miaomiao is her family, and Baili Tusu is her guest, she can't let Miaomiao humiliate Baili Tusu, can she?

After all, he is also a Spirit Venerable anyway, a strong man!
"Cough cough..." Feng Caitian coughed twice pretending to cough, moistened her throat, lowered her eyebrows and persuaded, "Okay, Miao Miao, if you want to blame this matter, you can blame me, I didn't go through it With your consent, the underground water channel will be introduced into your lotus pond. As a supplement, I can promise you a reasonable request, how about it?"

"Really?" Miaomiao turned her head to the side, a glimmer of sunshine finally appeared on the cloudy smiling face, but there was still a trace of inquiry in the eyes looking at Feng Caitian.

"Really, really, as long as it's reasonable, I will never reject you!" Feng Caitian nodded hastily.But looking at the fleeting cunning in Miaomiao's eyes, she always felt that Miaomiao's words to humiliate Baili Tusu just now were not her ultimate goal.It was aimed at her.

"Then I want to go out to play with you, okay?" Miaomiao opened her eyes wide, staring directly into Feng Caitian's eyes with a look that was obviously not negotiable.

Feng Caitian stared blankly, then took a serious look at Miaomiao, and finally had to compromise, "Okay, but you can't be naughty or make trouble!"

"Okay!" Miaomiao laughed happily, and then gave Fuqiu and Baiyu a provocative look.

Seeing this, Bai Yu and Mao Qiu suddenly remembered the original agreement in their hearts, and they were startled. As soon as they stepped forward and uttered the word "Master", they were stared back by Feng Caitian.

In the end, the two beasts had no choice but to stare unwillingly at Miaomiao, who was in sight of victory, and sat back in their seats depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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