Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 351 The Plan Was Broken, Caitian Suffered 10

Chapter 351 The Plan Was Broken, Caitian Suffered 10
"Do you need our help?" Seeing Feng Caitian's extraordinarily dignified expression and unusually serious orders, MG asked with concern.

"I don't need it for the time being." Feng Caitian put away her serious expression and shook her head indifferently.To be able to make a poison that even she can't clean up must have extraordinary skills and intelligence.

But what worries her the most is that without the blood support of a daughter of Yuanyin, presumably the Soul Sun Pill will not be refined so smoothly.At that time, if she didn't fake her death, but found out that she was not Feng Chunya, then wouldn't the beauty lady and the second sister of the college actually suffer?

Thinking of this possibility, Feng Caitian's heart twitched, it was extremely painful.

"Girl, if there is something wrong with you and you need help, you must speak up, so that you don't take precautions in the future and hurt the people around you." Mingjue patted Feng Caitian's hand worriedly, and said in a persuasive way.

"I know Master, but now is not the time," Feng Caitian comforted with a warm heart.

"Then why don't I follow you, so that you can take care of me?" Pu Shi's expression was serious.Although he didn't quite understand why the young lady suddenly became so preoccupied, but it must be a big deal, otherwise the young lady wouldn't let Bai Yu go to Liu Yihan, whom he only met once, for help.

"No." Feng Caitian shook his head, "Now we are in the forbidden area of ​​the Fu family. I don't want to say how many masters there are. The main reason is that my plan of stealing the beam has not been implemented yet. If my plan is feasible, why don't you go out now? It’s not to startle the snake.”

"Then what should we do? In case something happens to you..."

"Bah bah, brother Pushi, what are you talking about, the master will not go up and down, and will definitely live a long and healthy life forever." The fiery Bai Yu jumped up from the chair with an angry expression on his face.

"No, I just..."

"It's just that it doesn't work!" Bai Yu angrily reprimanded with righteous indignation.

"Okay, Bai Yu, I know what Pu Shi means. Don't worry, I will take care of myself." Feng Caitian smiled and persuaded.

"Actually, the little girl's worry is justified. The Fu family's forbidden area is not only occupied by masters of the Fu family, but because of the remoteness of the Fu's family's forbidden area, it is difficult to be noticed by others, so it also accommodates many experts from the Heisha Tower. Inside. Although this brother Pushi has a high level of cultivation, as soon as you leave the black iron house, you will be easily spotted." Baili Tusu said.

"What about Maoqiu and Baiyu, their cultivation is not low," Pu Shi reminded.Now he has taken the reason of confinement, and his cultivation has stopped at the peak of Lingzun, but the hairball is the same, and Bai Yu, who has been newly promoted to a beast, their aura, as long as they leave the black iron house, they will be hidden masters Notice, isn't Miss even more dangerous by then?
"It's okay, Brother Pushi, I can hide my cultivation now, and Bai Yu has the help of the Moonlight Necklace, so I believe even Lingzun can't find us." Mao Qiu explained.

"Can you hide your cultivation? When did it happen?" Pu Shi was a little surprised.It is easy for a monster to hide its aura, but it is very difficult for a high-level monster to completely hide a low-level monster without showing any signs of leakage.

"It was after being baptized by the natural spirit gathering array in the cave that time, I was able to hide my aura. If you don't believe me, you can see." Mao Qiu said, the whole person's aura changed, as he said, the aura was much weaker.If you don't notice carefully, everyone can think that there is just an ordinary person without any cultivation level sitting next to him.

(End of this chapter)

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