Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 359 Danger Strikes 3

Chapter 359 Danger Strikes 3
Quickly picked up the weird seal in his hand, and within a push, the man's face of the dark guard slowly began to soften, and finally turned into Feng Chunya's appearance.Then, the dark guard's Adam's apple began to blur in his vision, and finally disappeared.

Feng Caitian looked at the counterfeit product in front of her with satisfaction, which was carved out of the same mold as the second sister. Although the temperament was not so realistic, it was not much different.

Immediately afterwards, Feng Caitian asked the dark guard to sit down, and then removed the headband that tied his hair, and replaced it with the same emerald green lace on her head,

"Not bad, not bad" After everything was finished, Feng Caitian smiled slightly, and praised the secret guard a few words.Then put on the guard's clothes.

"Baby, are you alright?"

Feng Caitian was about to feed the dark guard the voice-changing elixir, when a muffled male voice came from the door.

"Okay, come right away!" Feng Caitian narrowed his eyes slightly, and shouted towards the door with a voice disguised as a hidden guard.

"Then hurry up, we will delay the sacrifice of the Patriarch later, we won't be able to eat and walk away"

"Well, good!" Feng Caitian replied loudly, then lowered her voice, and said to the dark guard, "How do you recover your spiritual power in the Xuantie House?"

The dark guard's eyes were dull, and he took out a pill, "Use this, take this medicine, and your spiritual power will not be affected by the black iron house."

"Well, it's nothing to do with you, go to sleep!" Feng Caitian took the elixir, swallowed it, then walked around behind the dark guard, and slashed at his neck, the dark guard fell to the ground in response .

Get it!

Feng Caitian performed a phantom face surgery on herself, and then released Maoqiu, Miaomiao and Baiyu.

"Follow the plan!" Feng Caitian whispered.

"En." The three nodded, and put on the invisibility cloak refined by Feng Caitian.

Everything was ready, Feng Caitian exerted strength in her dantian, her spiritual power was running, she bent down, and then hugged the hidden guard horizontally, and walked towards the only door of Xuantie House.

And Miao Miao, Bai Yu and Mao Qiu also quietly followed behind Feng Caitian.

"Why have you been gone for so long?" Another hidden guard glanced at Feng Caitian who had been late, and blamed, "What's wrong with her?"

"Scared out by the old monster, I found it after searching for a long time." Feng Caitian glanced at the speaking guard, then lowered her head and said in a deep voice.The hidden guard in front of him was not the one who sent him to Xuantie House with the hidden guard in his hand that day.

The hidden guard in front of him had a more dangerous and unfathomable aura than the previous one.

It seems that Heisha Building is really a place where talents come forth in large numbers, Feng Caitian couldn't help sighing again.

But luckily it wasn't the previous hidden guard, otherwise, she really couldn't explain why the so-called Second Miss Feng grew taller.

"Heh, it's really a little girl, even a strange old man with no spiritual power scared her out." The dark guard in front of him smiled lightly, but the smile was really faint, and it didn't have the disdain of ordinary people.

"That's right, that stinky old man really doesn't cultivate bats too much. It's human nature for Second Miss Feng to faint from fright," Feng Caitian said in a low voice.

"Let's go, if you delay any longer, you will really be scolded by the Patriarch." The dark guard glanced at the man in green in Feng Caitian's arms, and said with a smile.

"En." Feng Caitian nodded, followed behind the dark guard, and walked towards a certain direction.The two of them didn't speak halfway.And Bai Yu, Mao Qiu, Miao Miao and others also went in different directions according to the plan.

(End of this chapter)

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