Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 364: Soul Seizing Array 3

Chapter 364: Soul Seizing Array 3
"Why, didn't you pray sincerely? It's hard to find even the five daughters of Yin Yin who are rarely gathered together in ten thousand years. You don't hesitate to sacrifice their lives. Why are you so embarrassed to kneel down?" Po's eyes glanced at Fu Liangwu casually, as if it was just a casual glance.

However, this glance made Fu Liangwu's body tremble uncontrollably, and a death-like shudder rose in his heart.

Fu Rongqing on the side even knelt down with a "boom", his whole body shaking like a sieve.Fu Liangwu couldn't help frowning deeply, but he didn't have time to take care of it, but looked up at the red-eyed man in red.

He didn't understand why he felt fear and trembling because of his flirtatious glance, but that ordinary glance really made him feel murderous, as well as a kind of contempt from overlooking the ants.

The invisible pressure hit him, as if saying that if he didn't kneel down again, he would be courting death.

"Look straight at me, destroy your eyes." The red-eyed man held a lock of long hair on his chest, with a trace of coldness in his eyes, and then screamed "Ah", Feng Caitian saw Fu Liangwu who was pretending to be a tough guy just now It lay on the ground like a stinky maggot, writhing constantly.

With the hands covering the eyes, bright red blood gushes out from the fingers and winds down the back of the hands, which also complements the Manjushahua in this formation.

"Are you satisfied?" The red-eyed man turned his head slightly, looked sideways at Feng Caitian, and said with a light smile.

Feng Caitian buried her head lower, glanced at the two blood-red eyeballs lying on the ground from the corner of her eye.

Because she moved so fast, she didn't even see how the red-eyed man made a move, and Fu Liangwu's eyes were lost.

And Yue Sha, who was in charge of sending the multi-spirit formation this time, was even more heart beating, and buried her head low on her chest.Damn it, what kind of demon did she summon to be so powerful.

"Only this time, this time is not an example!" A provocative voice floated out softly, obviously speaking to Yue Sha, but his eyes were squinting at Feng Caitian, and there was a sense of playfulness in his red eyes, Although it passed by in a flash, it was still full of monsters.

At the end of the speech, the whole person disappeared in place out of thin air. At the same time, a brown pill flew into the alchemy furnace in front of Yue Sha.

Yue Sha was overjoyed and bowed to the ground with both hands, "Congratulations to Your Majesty!"

Waiting quietly for a moment, after confirming that the red-eyed man had really left completely, Yue Sha raised her head and looked at the place where the red-eyed man had stood. Her charming watery eyes were full of nostalgia and reluctance.

That spring heart sprouting expression, obviously fell in love with the red-eyed man.

With a certain thought in her heart, Yue Sha seemed to have made some major decision, her expression of nostalgia and reluctance suddenly became indifferent, and she looked at the five women in the formation without any hesitation or pity.

"Yue Sha, the old ancestor is in great pain, why don't you give me some pain-relieving pills first?" Not long after the red-eyed man left, Fu Rongqing, who was prostrate on the ground, finally came to his senses, and helped him to the ground, which was still in pain. Fu Liangwu, who wanted to live but couldn't make any sound, asked Yue Sha.

Yue Sha put away the poison in her eyes, came to Fu Liangwu, squatted down, and then poured a few pills from two jade bottles of different colors, opened his mouth, and stuffed them in.

(End of this chapter)

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