Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 391 Opening the Killing Ring 12

Chapter 391 Opening the Killing Ring 12
At this moment, she knew that Wang Feng was different to her.

However, all of this is enough, but Han'er...

"Your Majesty, I beg you to do one thing..." Concubine Yan Gui rolled her eyes and raised her hand with difficulty to caress Wang Feng's face, but unfortunately she was not strong enough.When he was three inches away from Wang Feng's face, he thumped it weakly.

"Well, tell me!" Wang Feng burst into tears, held his somewhat cold hand, and pressed it tightly to his cheek, his whole body was covered with a layer of sadness.

"Han'er is innocent, he doesn't know about Heisha Tower, please let him go." Concubine Yan Gui weakly begged, this was her last concern for the world as a mother.

Although Han'er was a bit mischievous and arrogant, she was her son after all, and she really didn't want their father and son to turn against each other.

Hearing Concubine Yan's words, Wang Feng hesitated, and then paused while holding Concubine Yan's hand.

As an emperor with a keen sense of smell, it was really hard for him to believe that Han'er would not know anything about Heisha Building.After all, Fu Rongqing is his biological uncle, and he is also very close to Fu Jingyu, the eldest son of the Fu family.

With this relationship, if Han'er doesn't know anything about it, as an emperor, it's really hard for him to convince himself, and then 100% believe it without doubting it.

"Don't talk, don't worry about Haner's affairs, I will arrange everything." Wang Feng hesitated for a while, and finally squeezed out these two sentences from his throat.

However, these two sentences were not what Concubine Yan Gui wanted to hear.

Struggling to get up, "Your Majesty, do you doubt Han'er? He is your own son. Even if the Fu family has colluded with Heisha Building, don't forget the second son of the Fu family, Fu Kaige, his talent is the most important thing in the entire film." How many people in the mainland can fight against?"

Concubine Yan Gui reminded with difficulty, trying to excuse her only blood in this world, her beautiful face turned pale because of this long series of words, and with a "wow", spit out a mouthful of blood again.

Concubine Yan Gui opened her mouth with great effort, wanting to say something more, but she ran out of fuel and her inner palace was shattered. She was already at the end of her strength, but after all, her throat was blocked by that mouthful of blood.

As soon as the pale plain hand sprinkled it, the fragrance disappeared and the jade was damaged.

"No" Wang Feng hugged Concubine Yan Gui's corpse tightly and cried out in pain.

The national teacher hiding in the dark looked at Wang Feng at this time and sighed.

People, after all, you will feel cherished after you lose it.Even if they love each other so much, in the end, they are still no match for the prosperous world, power and status.

But what does Yan Guifei's last sentence mean?
Could it be that the Fu family took refuge in Heisha Tower not for the sake of King Xian'an's success in obtaining the throne, but for themselves?

How many people in the entire continent can match his talent?
The national teacher frowned, savoring the words of Concubine Yan Gui, but Fu Kaige was physically weak and was sent to another hospital to recuperate since birth.

It can be imagined that the two cases of missing girls during this period of time made the national teacher suddenly startled.

"Your majesty, did you make a report a few days ago, about the two daughters of Prime Minister Feng and the second son of the Fu family, Fu Kaige?" The national teacher asked in horror.

"Hmm." Wang Feng nodded, raising his tearful face, "A few days ago, Concubine Yan Gui suddenly came to the Imperial Study and told me that Fu Kaige was over [-] years old. I hope I can bestow a good marriage..."

"Then why did you choose Miss Feng Er, Feng Chunya?" the national teacher asked, interrupting Wang Feng's words with a gloomy gaze.

(End of this chapter)

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