393 Chapter 13
That's right, it's missing!

The people who are the backbone of the Fu family are missing!

The people lying densely on the ground are all a group of maidservants and guards who can't stand on the stage, even if one or two of them are wearing clothes that can only be worn by the master of the Fu family, but looking at the fabric, you can tell with your toes that their status in the Fu family is not very high high.

So, Fu family, where did the masters go?Where did the first relatives and offshoots go?
"Are there any survivors?" Mo Lingyue kicked the dead body at her feet in disgust, and asked in a cold voice.

Looking around, Ru Mo's eyes were full of murderous intent, cold and compelling.

"No more." The handsome boy beside him shook his head regretfully.The main reason is that the people of the Fu family were too useless, and they ended the battle effortlessly in just 5 minutes, but they didn't find anything wrong with the Fu family at the beginning, so they didn't show mercy at all.

"The people of the Fu family must be hiding somewhere, everyone look around." Mo Lingyue glanced around, apparently not believing that the main member of the Fu family just disappeared out of thin air.You know, according to Qin Zishang's news, the Fu family's base, apart from the other courtyard where Fu Kaige lives in seclusion, is the only one in the capital.

As for the other courtyard where Fu Kaige lived, even Qin Zishang hadn't found out about it. It was so hidden, obviously not many people would come and go, so she believed that the rest of the Fu family must be in this courtyard.

It's just that at the moment, she doesn't know.

Everyone listened to the order and scattered around to search, but to no avail...

After about half an hour.

The sound of the flowerpot falling to the ground and shattering with a "snap" seemed particularly abrupt in this extremely quiet Fu Mansion, and everyone turned to the place where the sound originated.

I saw Qiu Xin dressed in white, walking towards the wind, with a man in black robe in his hand, the closer he was to the crowd, the more they could smell the stinky smell of urine, they couldn't help but look sideways.

Nima, how old are you, and you still pee your pants, what a shame!
With a sound of "dong", Qiu Xin threw the black robed man on the ground expressionlessly, looking at the face similar to Fu Rongqing's, this person is not Fu Ronghua.

But Fu Ronghua was really bad enough. When the people from Disha Palace came to clear the scene, Fu Rongqing's younger brother, as the acting head of the family, ordered all people of Fu's bloodline to hide in the forbidden secret room in the back mountain.

However, the size of the secret room is limited, and there are at least [-] people from the collateral and direct descendants of the Fu family. All, except those of the Fu family's blood, are required to stay outside.

However, Fu Ronghua can be regarded as a person who values ​​love and righteousness. He saw that his lover Zou Jinlan was still outside, and Fu Ronghua was worried that something would happen to her, so he came out to look for her.

Who knows that before anyone found it, he was so frightened by the scene of corpses strewn all over the field, one of them didn't pay attention, and touched a Clivia plant on the side of the pavilion to the ground, and after that, he hadn't had time to go back God, he was attacked by someone in the next second, and he didn't even see whether the person punched or palmed. In short, when he regained his strength, he was picked up like a chicken. Then it fell to the ground like a dead pig.

"There's still something alive, you should be able to ask something." Qiu Xin clapped her hands and said to Mo Lingyue.

Mo Lingyue had a cold face, and before she could speak, Fu Ronghua on the ground struggled to get up, and said, "Who the hell are you? Come back, you will see me."

(End of this chapter)

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