Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 406 The Tomb of Death 7

Chapter 406 The Tomb of Death 7
"Get out of here, hurry up and finish the work, let me go home." Mo Lingyue gave the beautiful boy a hard look, and responded silently with her eyes:

"Then do you think I'll go up and beat you to the ground, or do you let us go obediently?" The handsome man turned his head and asked the man in the golden robe floating in the sky.

"You can get in, let's talk about it." The man in the golden robe smiled lightly, the emotion in his eyes was very light, and the powerful and unique aura suddenly burst out from his body, which was secretly shocking.

Hua Meinan and Mo Lingyue looked at each other, their casual expressions quickly receded, replaced by vigilance and suspicion.

The person is still the same person, but the aura around him has changed.

It seems to be a different person, the natural, fierce and powerful, domineering arrogance overlooking everything is definitely not something that one person can pretend to come out of.

"You are the strong Yuanshen that the Fu family has worked so hard to protect?" The handsome man's eyes turned slightly, not a question, but a very affirmative statement.

No matter how much a person changes, no matter how much he pretends, the temperament in his bones will never become so thorough, and when he thinks of the strong Yuanshen guarded by the first ancestor of the Fu family, the beautiful boy can easily think of him.

Otherwise, before they entered the secret room, the arrogance and flamboyance of this old antique would definitely not exude such domineering aura and the aura of winning.

That wave was calm, quietly looking into their eyes, it seemed that they were just a group of insignificant ants, and he could kill them easily and happily just by moving his fingers.

"The young man is quite clever, but smart people always seem to be early." The man in the golden robe smiled evilly, and a cold light flashed across his cloudy eyes.

"That's not necessarily the case. As the saying goes, good people don't live long, but I... am a disaster, destined to live for a thousand years."

Others are afraid of him, but he is not!
Although the aura is a bit shocking, but after all, it is the primordial spirit attached to the body of others. No matter how powerful it is in front of it, it can at most exert one-third of its strength when attached to the victim. Therefore, as long as everyone works together , and may not have no chance of winning.

The man in the golden robe smiled slightly, his voice was a little vicissitudes, and his thin lips curled slightly: "The thing I dislike the most is smart people, so your end will be worse than that group of people who came in to die."

A killing intent flashed between his brows, but he didn't do anything, just looked at the pretty boy quietly.

He wanted him to die, but it was just a snap of his fingers.

However, looking at his confident appearance and the people behind him who were protecting him with all his heart, the man in the golden robe suddenly felt hesitation and reluctance.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?" Looking at the man in the golden robe who was suddenly silent, his eyes were blank, and he didn't know what he was thinking, Huameinan asked helplessly.

Brother, can you stop deserting during the negotiation time?
This is really a waste of time!
The handsome boy lowered his head feebly, looking impatient, and looked very underwhelmed.

The man in the golden robe rolled his eyes at him, and said: "It's very simple, as long as you defeat me, I will tell you, and my cultivation will also be passed on to you as a reward."

"No." Just as the beautiful boy was about to speak, Fu Ronghua who was knocked unconscious suddenly sat up and vetoed sharply.This is what he dreamed of, how could he give it to others.

(End of this chapter)

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