Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 408 The Tomb of Death 9

Chapter 408 The Tomb of Death 9
Fu Ronghua's eyes were wide open, and he looked at his ancestor in disbelief, as if he didn't know him.

"Why, ancestor, I'm your descendant?" Fu Ronghua asked with the last of his strength at the moment he was hit by the black halo.

"Everyone in the Fu family deserves to die!" The man in the golden robe gave him a sideways glance, and said through gritted teeth.

As soon as the words fell, Fu Ronghua's body, which had no strength to support, fluttered down like a kite with a broken string, and fell into the pond.

Her cold eyes were still as cold as before, and she raised her eyebrows to look at the splashing pond.

The blood was rolling, and Fu Ronghua's body didn't even float to the surface except for a splash of water when it fell into the pond.

In the blink of an eye, the water in the pond became clear again, like a lake mirror, crystal clear without any ripples.

Everyone was shocked, Qiqi took a step back.

"What's so tricky here?" The handsome man narrowed his eyes dangerously.Just now they saw Fu Ronghua fall from a high altitude and fall to the bottom of the lake with their own eyes.In just two or three seconds, Fu Ronghua's entire body disappeared.

It's unbelievable!
"Is it tricky?" The man in the golden robe smiled evilly, "Of course there are, otherwise, where do you think that the countless people who wanted to go in here and take my soul for more than 1000 years went?"

"It's just sleeping at the bottom of the pool!" The man in the golden robe narrowed his eyes slightly, but there was no change in his eyes, but the corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, as if he was saying something very interesting.

"Pioneer is dead. Next, is it your turn?" The man in the golden robe raised his brows slightly and asked with interest.He's not a fool, it's not that he didn't see the flash of temptation in the eyes of the man in red just now when he threw that poor man just now.

"Then why don't you come down? This pond is too dangerous, it doesn't seem very fair to me." The beautiful man raised his eyes slightly and negotiated.

"Fair?" The man in the golden robe laughed as if he heard some joke.

"How many things in this world are fair?"

"It's not very fair, but why do you hate people from the Fu family so much?" The handsome man asked with interest, his eyes narrowed slightly.Hearing his hatred and gnashing of teeth when he said "people from the Fu family deserve to die!", he must have some deep hatred with the Fu family.

Ever since, the paparazzi factor of Huameinan, who is as sensitive as a dog, appeared again.

"Never mind your business." The golden robe man's eyes darkened, and he replied indifferently.

"I don't care about my business, but I also came to kill the Fu family, but I was tricked by this old woman to come here." The handsome man raised his eyebrows and looked directly at the man in the golden robe, with a look of sympathy for each other.

"Then why didn't you kill her immediately?" the man in the golden robe pointed at Zou Jinlan and said calmly.

Whether it is a foreigner or a member of the Fu family, there have been many similar attempts before. He has long been tired of hearing the indignation, irreconcilable, even irreconcilable, bloody hatred, and has become numb to it.

However, these people, in the end, all wanted to cheat his trust and seize his primordial spirit.

Huameinan looked at him like an idiot: "You treat me as a fool, if you can kill me, you will kill me before coming to the secret room. But if you really kill me, who will take me to the secret room to kill the Fu family?" Other family members who are hiding."

(End of this chapter)

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