Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 414 Inheritance of the Primordial Spirit 5

Chapter 414 Inheritance of the Primordial Spirit 5
He is the person who is most afraid of trouble, even if he doesn't want the soul of a noble man, he doesn't want to find something to do for himself.

Looking at the eggplant that looked like it had been beaten just now, and the handsome handsome man who was as vigilant as if he had been slapped with chicken blood when he heard that he had something to do, the noble man couldn't help smiling.

"Don't be nervous, I just want to tell you something, and I'm not asking you to kill and set fire"

The handsome man looked disbelieving, "No matter what it is, anyway, don't think that I will do things for you just because I accepted your soul, I don't have that leisure time."

If it weren't for the fact that he had to get his primordial spirit inheritance first to get out of the secret room, otherwise, he wouldn't be bothered to ask for it, and he wouldn't be too lazy to talk nonsense here.

Apparently, the handsome man had already regarded the pie falling from the sky as something more annoying than going up a volcano and going down into a sea of ​​flames, so the noble man couldn't help but rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"I said, can you let me finish my sentence first?" the noble man said helplessly.How come this rare treasure in the eyes of others has become a hot potato when it comes to this man in red!
"Then tell me!" The handsome boy said with rare generosity.

Arms crossed his chest, he looked at the noble man quietly, while other people present also looked at the noble man with some curiosity.They also wanted to know, what would such a man like a born nobleman want to tell him.

"My name is Che, I don't call you, but you can also call me Master." The noble man said softly, the sound of the water dripping from the entrance of the clear spring is really pleasant.

"Wait," the handsome man impatiently interrupted the noble man's narration, "You just focus on the main point and don't need to talk about these irrelevant opening remarks."

"Besides, I didn't intend to ask you to be my teacher, so the matter of asking for a teacher is pure nonsense," the handsome boy added without interest.

His intuition told him that this noble man in front of him was definitely a big trouble, if he didn't want to leave this ghost place successfully, he wouldn't want to have anything to do with him.

"Don't you want to become a real strong man? Don't you want to protect the loved ones you value?" Che was not unhappy with the many delays and dislikes of the handsome boy, on the contrary, he admired them a little.

As expected of his favorite apprentice, even at the last moment, he was still so calm.If someone else, especially someone from the Fu family, heard about his Primordial Spirit prize and had his spiritual sense to guide him, he would have been too happy to leave, and would still want to refuse.

However, if the red-clothed man really wanted to obtain the inheritance of his primordial spirit, he had to obtain his guidance.Otherwise, even if he got it, he would be backlashed by his primordial spirit, and finally died violently.

But this secret, people in the Fu family don't know, of course, he won't take the initiative to tell it.

"Yes, but I hate trouble." The beautiful boy said honestly.In such a world where the strong are respected, only by becoming a strong can one be able not to be slaughtered by others and control one's own destiny.However, his mind is very calm, he knows very well that there is no such thing as a free lunch, so even if he gets the primordial spirit of this man named Che, he may not necessarily refine it.

"Everyone has troubles, but only by solving the troubles can there be no troubles completely. Moreover, if you want to take your companions out, the exit will only appear after you have successfully obtained the inheritance of my primordial spirit." Che Qing He smiled and said, how could he fail to see what the man in red was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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