Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 422 The Flying Peach Blossom 2

Chapter 422 The Flying Peach Blossom 2
I saw the half-human vines bowed their heads, dripping dewdrops sadly, and the whole person looked like a sun-drenched spinach, looking very pitiful.

"Man'er, do you want me to swallow him now?" A child's voice came to mind in the mind of the half-human vine, the tone was very angry.This damn human being, it's his luck that Man'er has taken a fancy to him, and he still pushes back and forth like this, he really doesn't know what's good and what's wrong!
"No, Brother Chunyang." The half-human vine who called Man'er shook his head sadly, as sad as if his beloved doll had been robbed.

The sadness in the exaggeration made even the beautiful boy regret it.I regret that what I said just now was too straightforward. Although this half-human vine has not completely transformed into a human form, after all, this vine is a female, a girl.

Although the confession was a little more straightforward and the thoughts were a little more horrifying, it was indeed a bit cruel to be rejected by the confession object who would rather die than submit.

"That...that you..." Huamei's thin, masculine lips parted slightly, wanting to comfort her, but she didn't know how to say it.After all, you can't tell it that he takes it out, and find more than N male favorites for it in the future, right?

"Then you take me out, and then find me ten male pets who are as handsome as you to play with me." The half-human Vine suddenly raised his head and said excitedly.

"Eh..." The handsome man was speechless, is this half-human vine really so lacking in male favors?

But it's a vine, and it only has a human head, so why do it have so many male pets?I can't do that kind of thing!

Is it to play with each other?

Or let ten male pets lick the leaves when they are bored?

Huameinan was horrified by his own thoughts, and Chunyang Shui, who was called Chunyang's brother by the half-human vine, was also so shocked by the half-human vine's words that he couldn't make any sound.

When he came back to his senses, he cursed in a low voice.

Nima, is this little girl in love?Also ten male pets?

Is she busy?

"How is it? My request this time is not difficult, right?" The half-human Vine didn't feel how amazing what he said, but looked at the beautiful boy arrogantly, saying, "I have given in, you Don't push yourself too far" look.

"... "

"What? Do you still find it difficult?" Seeing that the beautiful boy didn't speak, the half-human Vine was a little unhappy.This human is really annoying, and also greedy.No, she must punish human beings well. She wants twenty male pets, one to press my feet, one to press my hands, and one to beat my back...

The half-human vines were crooked infinitely, and his face was full of spring.If the beautiful boy knew about its crookedness, he would definitely ask speechlessly, "Where are your hands and feet? You obviously only have one head and it turned into a human form, okay?"

However, it is definitely impossible for the beautiful boy to know the half-human vine's thoughts. After all, he is not the roundworm in Man'er's stomach, so how could he know its thoughts.

Seeing the joyful appearance of the half-human vines, and looking at the slightly parted red lips, it seems that there is something to say, the handsome man quickly touched the three black lines on his forehead, nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, "It's not difficult , It’s not difficult, it’s settled like that!”

"That's more or less the same!" The half-human vine nodded in satisfaction, and cast a sideways glance at the handsome man.

After receiving this finally satisfied sight, Huameinan's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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