Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 425 Breaking the seal, the Fu family died! 2

Chapter 425 Breaking the seal, the Fu family died! 2
It should be instinctive to repel and resist. Is this wooden fish head still letting it go?

"No, the only feeling is that it hurts too much, and then I passed out." The beautiful flower boy scratched his head and said embarrassedly.


Well, she can understand that his wooden fish head reacts slower, and the reflex arc is slower than that of the victim.But she heard from the fainted old woman on the ground that the blood of the Fu family is needed to break the seal, which her brother Chunyang can do.

Fortunately, she and Brother Chunyang were there, otherwise, this handsome boy would not be dead today?

Man'er shook her branches and leaves, then raised her head, and said to Huameinan's sea of ​​consciousness, "Brother Chunyang, Huameinan has already sworn an oath, so you can help him remove the seal on the Yuanshen Pearl." Well, this way your task is also completed, and we can go out together."

It was silent, and the voice echoed over the Huameinan's sea of ​​consciousness for a long time. After waiting for a long time, the sky was so clean that there was no trace of dust, and no voice came from it.

"Brother Chunyang, what are you still thinking about? Are you still thinking about completing the mission and waiting for your master to pick you up?" Man'er questioned, staring at the sky carefully with her clear eyes.

There was no sound, and there was no echo in the empty sky, let alone a shadow. Man'er couldn't help but lowered her head a little bit disappointed.

"Did you fall asleep?" The handsome man also looked up at the sky, until his neck felt a little sore, then he lowered his head and asked Man'er beside him.

"Sleeping your sister, do you think my brother Chunyang is you? He sleeps all day, just sleeps, like a pig." Man'er, who was in a bad mood, immediately yelled angrily when she heard the ridiculous question from the pretty boy. up.

"You... er... I, oh, forget it." The beautiful man shrank his widened eyes, and asked very discouraged, "Then what should we do now?"

Man'er sighed, "What else can I do, I just have to wait."

"How long will we have to wait?" Huameinan asked fearlessly, with a hint of anxiety.Now with Man'er's help, he could clearly see that everyone in Disha Palace was controlling their spiritual power with worried and anxious faces, supporting his body.But a person's spiritual power is limited. If Brother Chunyang doesn't show up and doesn't answer, does that mean he has to wait indefinitely?
Now that he has Man'er's help, he can wait, but what about them?
Can everyone in Emperor Sha Palace wait?
The beautiful boy couldn't help but feel a little worried.

"I don't know" Man'er said perfunctorily with a little upset, but her clear eyes still looked at the empty sky quietly, a touch of complexity flashed across her heart.

A long time ago, she was still a very small vine seed that could be taken away by the wind.However, because she stayed in the alchemist's alchemist's alchemy room for a long time, thanks to the warming of the alchemy spirit, she became wise.

I don't know, on which day, a stranger entered the medicine stove room, and after asking the pharmacist for some elixirs, she was brought into this secret room.The insignificant she fell during the fight in the arena, and was pushed by their fighting aura and fell into the pool.

Just when she was about to be melted, Brother Chunyang appeared and gave her some of his spirit fluid, otherwise she would have been gone long ago.

In this tunnel of time where days are like years, they have spent many, many years together relying on each other, so many that even she herself can't even count, and she doesn't bother to count.

(End of this chapter)

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