Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 429 Breaking the seal, the Fu family died! 6

Chapter 429 Breaking the seal, the Fu family died! 6
It has also been completely lifted, and the original golden appearance has been restored.

As for the members of Emperor Sha Palace and Che in the secret room, they couldn't help but heaved a long sigh of relief when they saw Huameinan's ruddy handsome face.

It seems to be working!
"Catch it!" Seeing that the time was almost up, Che turned his head and said to Mo Lingyue.

"Is it done? Do you want to wait a little longer?" Mo Lingyue hesitated.Although Huameinan's complexion improved a lot, there was no sign of waking up.In case the seal of the golden beads in his body has not been completely released, will they harm him if they fish him out now?

"No need, the seal on the Primordial Spirit Pearl has been lifted, and it won't hurt to bring him up. He should wake up in a while." Shaking his head, Che was very sure.

"Okay then." Mo Lingyue nodded, and gave a similar look to everyone in Emperor Sha Palace, and when she withdrew her strength, Mo Lingyue put the slender body of the beautiful boy on the ground smoothly.

As soon as he landed, Qiu Xin stepped forward worriedly, glanced at the bloody, bloody feet of the beautiful man, then took out a repair pill, and gently stuffed it into the handsome man's mouth.

"How's it going?" Mo Lingyue calmed down her spiritual power on the spot, stood up, walked to Qiu Xin's side, glanced at the unconscious handsome man, and asked.

"I haven't woken up yet, but my pulse is stable, and there is no problem in the inner palace." Qiu Xin put down her hand on Huameinan's wrist, and said with confidence.

"That's good, how do you feel? Are you all right?" Mo Lingyue nodded, raised her eyes, glanced at everyone, and said with concern.

Everyone looked at each other, and one of them replied, "We're all fine, it's just that our spiritual power is a little depleted, and it will be fine to tease us later."

"Well," Mo Lingyue responded softly, "Sit down, let's adjust your breath first, anyway, your palace master is not in danger at the moment, and it won't be too late for us to go out when we wake up later."

When everyone heard the words, they all looked at the beautiful boy with concern, then sat on the ground, surrounded the handsome boy in a circle, closed their eyes and adjusted their breath.

Two quarters of an hour later, the handsome boy still didn't wake up, Che couldn't help feeling a little anxious secretly, and everyone in the Disha Palace couldn't help feeling a little irritable and uneasy after seeing this.

"Sister Qiuxin, why do you think the Palace Master hasn't woken up yet?" A woman in white suddenly approached and asked.

"I don't know, the pulse condition is fine, logically, I should have woken up a long time ago." Qiu Xin stood up and looked at the beautiful boy with some puzzlement.

"Could it be that she fell asleep?" Another woman in white tilted her head slightly, guessing.In the past, at this time in the Emperor Sha Palace, the palace master would have to take a beauty sleep.

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help dripping a drop of cold sweat.

Everyone still looked nervously at the pretty boy on the ground. Although their expressions didn't change much, they believed in what the woman said just now.The matter of the lunch break is a dead line that the hall master can't even shake. When it's past one o'clock in the afternoon, the hall master will fall asleep like a dead pig. No matter what they do, they won't be able to wake up.

Counting the time now, it is almost noon. Could it be that their palace master didn't wake up because he fell asleep directly?
"..." The beautiful boy who woke up suddenly, heard his subordinates guess like this, three long black lines appeared on his forehead.

He is so unbearable, who sleeps regardless of time or occasion?
Besides, the task given by the palace lord has not been completed yet, even if he wants to sleep, he still has to wait until the task is finished.
(End of this chapter)

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