Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 905 The Evil Spirit Strikes 2

Chapter 905 The Evil Spirit Strikes 2
After Qiu Ye shook her head, saying 'you're welcome', she took out a snow-white cloak and was about to cover Feng Caitian, when Feng Caitian looked over.

"I'm not cold, you can wear it yourself, and give Liu Jin one by the way." Feng Caitian waved her hand, stood up, and looked at the silent magic city below in a strange way.

Did I guess wrong?

Feng Caitian stroked her chin, then shifted her gaze to the entrance gate of the Demon City.

The flashing lightning formation on the wall didn't disappear, but became more and more intense. What's going on?
Seeing this, the woman in red at Castle Don't Forget raised the corners of her lips, her fox-like eyes were full of excitement and eagerness.

5 more minute!
As long as another 5 minutes pass, these people outside will be taken away, and then become pawns in Master Lu Yao's hands. By then...

Ha ha…

The woman in red laughed softly, looking particularly creepy in this empty hall.

"Why haven't they come in yet?"

At this moment, an unhappy and angry voice came from outside the door.Immediately afterwards, a woman in a light gauze white dress came in style, followed by a woman in an apricot-colored long skirt, it was Xing Yu.

The woman in red trembled when she heard the voice, quickly lowered her head, and took a step back.

"I don't know either. I saw that they had been hovering on the slope to rest after lunch, and they hadn't left for half a step. It seemed that they had no plans to enter the city." The woman in red said humbly, her charming eyes had A trace of apprehension.

The woman in white stood beside her, frowned, and then glanced at her displeasedly, "Then what are you doing here, don't you know what to do?"

"Sister Yulan..." Seeing that the woman in white was about to lose her temper, Xing Yu quickly grabbed her by the sleeve and silently comforted her.

The woman in white, Yulan, glanced at Xingyu indifferently, then looked at her and snorted coldly, "Why are you still here? Why don't you prepare the food and fruits for the guests to use when they come in."

"Yes..." Qiangwei, the woman in red, bowed slightly, lowered her eyebrows and retreated in a pleasing manner, completely without the arrogance and aloofness that she had when facing Xingyu.

However, the moment she turned around, they didn't notice the weird smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Sister Yulan, in fact, Qiangwei didn't..." Seeing Qiangwei's leaving back, Xingyu couldn't bear it, and wanted to defend her, but Yulan didn't intend to give her a chance.

"Is there any? The castle master knows it well. I only hope that this alchemist here can cure the castle master." Yulan's voice was very cold. Although she was not as harsh as she was when facing Qiangwei, she came to the crystal ball She, however, looked extraordinarily solemn.

This is the one hundred and first pharmacist, right?

The castle master's deadline is approaching, if he fails this time, I'm afraid that Fengcheng really won't be able to keep it.

"How long have they been here?" Yulan frowned. Although she knew that these people had been sucked into the formation as early as when Xing Yu came, but after all, she was in the secret room at the time, and she didn't even know what time it was outside, let alone when did they come.

"More than five."

"Damn it!" Before Xing Yu finished speaking, Yulan let out a low-pitched sigh.

"What's the matter?" Xing Yu was taken aback by Yulan's reaction, and moved forward in three steps.I saw that the originally bare hillside outside the city had exploded from it at some point, splitting into two halves.

(End of this chapter)

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