Solitaire: Rise of the Waste

Chapter 907 The Evil Spirit Strikes 4

Chapter 907 The Evil Spirit Strikes 4
So, they can only give it a go!

Seeing the firmness on Yulan's face, Xingyu's mind was a little confused for a while.

One side is the savior of the lord, and the other side is the innocent souls in the city. It is really difficult to choose between the two.

"Let's do it like this, this is our last hope." Yulan patted her shoulder lightly, her eyes full of determination.

On the other side, the situation on Feng Caitian's side was also very bad.

Several people leaned against each other tightly, vigilantly guarding their surroundings. It can be said that in just ten breaths of time, they had already reached the point where they ran out of ammunition and food.

I don't know which tendon of this hillside is wrong, and with a "bang", it exploded into two pieces. The smooth angle is even more neat than splitting it with a giant ax that reaches the sky.

And what frustrates them the most is that the black shadow that appeared suddenly couldn't hit, but ran faster than anything else.In just a few breaths, they had all won the lottery, but they didn't even see the ghost thing clearly.

"Liu Jin, what the hell is this? Why have I never seen it before?" Feng Caitian asked in a deep voice, looking around vigilantly.

"Miss, I don't know. When I left, I was just a baby. The memory of the Demon City is completely inherited from the memory of Fairy Youlan. However, I don't think that thing is a good thing. , otherwise, there would not be such a strong blood evil spirit." Liu Jin thought for a while, and over and over again looked at the memory that Fairy Youlan had sealed in his mind for a while, but he couldn't see why. .

"Aren't you talking nonsense, if that thing is good, it will attack us secretly?" Mei'er shouted angrily.

Standing here, her mind was very restless, and even a sense of despair permeated the shrine. From this, it can be seen how strong the evil spirit is here. However, what made him curious was that Qiu Ye didn't seem to see her. What an anomaly, this is really incredible.

If Miss and Ghost Hand are not affected, she can understand it, but Qiuye's cultivation level is not as high as hers, why is she still so calm?

It's just that she didn't know that when Feng Caitian took her to Houshanzhuhai to meet Qin Yue and the others, Qiuye had already woken up, and recognized Baili Tusu, and obtained a treasure for nourishing and protecting the soul.

Otherwise, with his physique, even with Feng Xiuyi's help, it would be impossible for the Emperor Spirit Qi to stay in his body for hundreds of years.

It's just that Feng Caitian doesn't know about this matter, and it's even more impossible for Meier to know about it.

"Then what should we do now? It's not an option to continue like this?" Qiu Ye's voice was a little anxious.

"En." Feng Caitian nodded, thoughtfully.

"Qiu Ye, do you feel restless?" Mei'er didn't want to disturb her for a while, but she couldn't hold back her words for a while, so she had to turn her head slightly and asked Qiu Ye beside her.

"No, it's just a little uncomfortable." Qiu Ye looked around vigilantly and said truthfully.

"You don't either?" Meier pouted, kicked Liu Jin who was opposite her, and asked.

"No, I just feel that my breathing is not smooth." Liu Jin gritted her teeth in pain and said innocently.

"Are you not feeling well?" Ghost Hand turned his head with rare kindness and asked with concern.

"Uh..." Mei'er was a little speechless now.

(End of this chapter)

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