Chapter 917

The owner of Castle Don't Forget, who was stabbed, spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff, took two steps back, closed his eyes, and fell to the ground like a wooden stick.

"Cough..." At the same time, Lan Ji, who had lost her strength and imprisoned her, also fell to the ground, her slender hands stroking her jade neck that had been pinched red and purple, and coughing indifferently.

"Lan Ji, castle master..."

At this time, the woman in white pushed away Qiu Ye and others who were crowding at the door, rushed in in shock, and came to the side of the fainted man.

Immediately, someone stretched out a slender jade hand to check his breath.

Probably because she realized that the man was still alive, Yulan's pretty face, which had turned pale with fright, immediately returned to its usual calmness, but the moment she stood up, it became full of anger.

"What the hell is going on here? Didn't you come to treat the illness? How did this happen?" Yulan glared at Feng Caitian angrily, her eyes were full of burning anger.

If she didn't know that her Castle Master's illness has not been cured, she might have lost her mind and rushed forward by now.

"I didn't want to come by myself!" Feng Caitian stood aside coldly, not even bothering to raise her eyelids.

She finally knew what it meant to be a good person who was not rewarded!

She was obviously the one who saved their master's life, but she blamed her indiscriminately.

How reasonable is this?

Is it true that she, Feng Caitian, comes and goes as soon as she wants?
"so what…"

"Yulan!" Before Yulan finished speaking, Lan Ji let out a low cry and stood up from the ground.

"I'm really sorry, my companion is a little too aggressive, please don't take it to heart." Lan Ji blessed Feng Caitian apologetically, and her face was also full of apology.

"Heh..." Feng Caitian smiled coldly, "You are singing a double reed with me, one singing the bad face and the other singing the red face, right?"

"I'm sorry, I..." Lan Ji hadn't finished speaking when a cry came from the door.

"What's going on here?" Xing Yu was shocked when she saw everything in front of her.

There was such a big commotion in the house, and Qiangwei and Xingyu, who were hugging a group, heard the sound, of course they rushed over immediately.It's just that she didn't understand what was going on with these three people.

One person's face was full of guilt, one person looked at each other indifferently, and the other person's face was flushed with anger in his eyes...

And their castle master is lying quietly in the sewage, unknown to life or death.

"Castle Master" Xing Yu couldn't stand it anymore, pushed Qiu Ye and Liu Jin who were blocking the way, and rushed in with great distress.

"Don't move!" Feng Caitian really didn't want to care about these few people with different brain structures, but she can guarantee that if Xing Yu's paw falls, the landlord of their house will be dead immediately.

The cold and ruthless voice was like an electric shock, it fell on Xing Yu's body fiercely, making her body stiffen involuntarily, and stopped all movements.

At the same time, the three people in the room looked at Feng Caitian in puzzlement, as if they felt that it was inappropriate to let their castle master lie in the water.

No, Yulan came back to her senses, frowned, and wanted to step forward to help the man on the ground.

"If you want him to die, you can move!" Feng Caitian snorted and sat on the only chair in the room confidently, her voice was already a little cold.

This time, Yulan, who was bent over, also froze in place, her eyes full of entanglements.

After seeing the scene just now, she hated from the bottom of her heart the alluring little girl in front of her, even though she was the alchemist selected by the God of Medicine formation.

(End of this chapter)

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